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Everything posted by rpcc

  1. Yeah - well you have some cache based on your experience and I do enjoy reading about them. I know you'd feel terrible if some young person followed your findings and augered in. God be with you.
  2. Dude - I have a wife and kids. I live in the northeast. Please do not screw with me. I get you live in florida, but many of us do not. I've read many of your posts and they are great. Your instance that rainx is somehow safe does not seem responsible. God be with you.
  3. @Piloto - what say you?
  4. @Piloto - your technique seems to have some sceptics - I wonder if there is a way to test this. Perhaps take a fiki plane into icing with something coated on a gopro mount to see how if it was protected from icing as well as the wing surface - I'm not recommending this just trying to figure how to compare the two in similar conditions. Honestly coating a plane in something from autozone sounds crazy - but hey crazy ideas sometimes work.
  5. NOOOO - there can't be more!
  6. So just read this thread. Holy crap I need a nap. Just about puts a fork in taking your ppl in anything more than a basic trainer.
  7. How's this coming along?
  8. @kortopates, @donkaye, @gsxrpilot Thank you all for your replies. They are very helpful.
  9. First off - my apologies - I am expert a inserting my foot in my mouth and I realize my comments my not be very well received by folks with amazing panels. I know panel discussions here generate as much passionate debate as LOP, touch and goes, and parachutes so I will try to tread lightly. The point of my question was regarding the value gained in either a 750 or 540 compared to adding flight stream to your existing garmin boxes and driving the garmin boxes from your ipad? There's probably a 15-20k difference in cost - so what makes it worth removing that from your bank account as opposed to the flightstream . What's the feature that made you want to write that check?
  10. Can someone tell me why either of these is better than a 430w/530w garmin with flightstream and an ipad assuming you have a adsb transponder. Honestly, the first time I saw a 750 I almost laughed - like someone paid 20k to install this in their plane. Its just too small. I fly with a 12 inch ipad pro and foreflight and I'm having a hard time finding the value in either of these boxes. Why not just cut a panel and embed your ipad of choice and use your current garmins - assuming that's what you have?
  11. Has anyone tried the group buy/bid concept yet? Get 20 individuals who want something similar like a panel upgrade, new engine, paint job, tank reseal whatever.... Package it up and send the bid to 10 shops and make sure they all know who the other 10 shops are.
  12. If possible, try to find a plane with these upgrades already complete. Second best option its talk to a broker to see what airframes benefit from these types of upgrades in your market. From my research in the US at least, it seems Ovations benefit these upgrades and the others well, the value seems to be lost immediately. This could be a non-issue to you if this is a plane you intend to keep for 10 years or more.
  13. Good luck with your plan - it should be a fun project.
  14. I think the subsequent sale would be much easier with a new wing bolted on to remove doubt. Your going to be 120 into this plane (plane purchase, motor, wing, alleron, paint) once complete and competing with 150k no damage planes - not much room there for the effort.
  15. There is no argument that content has value and is expensive to create. You should be paid for your efforts. Many attorneys and accountants offer free seminars that customers and prospects attend. Many prospects become long term customers from these marketing events. Perhaps the best way for you to monetize your video is to properly brand it and upload it for free consumption online. If it was branded to instruct viewers to contact you for training, it would be far more valuable to you - just my guess. Thanks for your posts btw - they are always a interesting read.
  16. This was posted over on the beechtalk site. I enjoyed watching it. Makes me want to go back to school. I would have posted the link to the post, just not sure if that's good behavior here. http://youtu.be/Ey0TQXOYGEY
  17. Thanks for that recommendation, and information on the upgrades. The only one that's required, is the ads-b correct.
  18. Thanks jetdriven. That's helpful to know.
  19. Thanks ELT.
  20. I'm not an insurance expert, but my understanding is that insurance will only pay out what you have actually paid for the plane, boat, car etc regardless of the insured value. The insurance company will want receipts is my guess. If someone knows otherwise, please let me know.
  21. thinwing - I'm just trying to buy the plane at a fair value. I think in this case the owner and I are too far apart to make a deal realistic. Just trying to be creative. This type of strategy is common when you buying or selling a business and there is debt from the seller on the business. The bank often times will not let the seller off the note for some time to prove the business is still operating smoothly. The bank loaned the money originally based on historical performance. The new owner may not have that history. My offer is similar in that the owner believes he's selling a 5 year old engine with 600 hours and is hoping to find a buyer that believes this as well. It may very well run 1500hrs or may need an overhaul in 2 years. If the plane was priced fairly, I'd be fine with that, but it is not. I agree this is complicated approach, but buying new presents some capital and tax implications as well. I did make the mistake of looking very nice younger ovation. This one is exceptional, but its not in the market I've been looking at. I think finding one in between original and in this league is where I"m going to focus. https://www.controller.com/listings/aircraft/for-sale/23721763/2008-mooney-m20r-ovation2-gx Thank you all for your input. very much appreciated.
  22. Ha Ha. 180 is the ask. Avionics are original. As you all know every negotiation is personal so there is no correct answer for both parties. Just trying to figure the buyer side.
  23. Thanks for your comments. Sorry, I butchered the original post. I was on plane using my phone - should have had my glasses on. If I can't work out some type of risk sharing agreement with the seller I'll move on. Something like escrow hold back for 12 months or 100 hrs for example payable to the owner if the engine remains airworthy - unsure how to word this type of thing and would appreciate some input. There is another option that I'm aware of that is similar year, but an eagle with 1500 hours and original, 2 blade 244hp. I'm more comfortable with this as its at least been somewhat regularly flown.
  24. I’m looking at 1999 ovation with 600 hours. Most of that time is in its first tee years of life. Should this be considered runout based on heads in service as it’s nearly able to drink leagally now?
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