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Everything posted by rpcc

  1. If you are referring to my comment - I was not suggesting that it be hard wired. Just install a temporary ipad mount under the throttles and you can add or remove it whenever you like. As I said, I like it there and not in front of my instruments or blocking outside visibility. Have you ever flown with foreflight and adsb on an Ipad?
  2. The Ipad Pro 12 with cell service is the bomb - its twice the size of the gtn750. I use the MyClip kneeboard mount when renting. I'm useing foreflight and the sentry gps - the traffic is really great. I've never had any issues with it so far. I only use this durring cruise and it put away before I'm in the pattern. Best place I've seen to mount any of them in the Mooney is below the throttles on some type of adjustable mount. Not to far out of the way to be a problem to see and not a projectile in a bad situation either.
  3. Also, headliner as dropped in a few places - not a big deal at the moment, just want to head off any issues down the road.
  4. What products do you use to detail the interior? carpet ? side panels (1999 model year)? Windows, Panel - grime near switches.
  5. Ok I get it - but these fine people and many others didn't have the training or currency they needed to avoid their fate. I'm hoping, perhaps unrealistically that some type of tech can help.
  6. yes exactly - it should be much harder to stall/spin if the ap is providing the dope slap as you start to do something stupid due to distraction or whatever.
  7. Here are a couple links to what I was referring too regarding envelope protection - on the new autopilots from avidine and garmin. It seems the garmin unit can operate when the pilot is flying the plane. That is probably better than the stall horn. Anyone have any experience with this? https://www.avidyne.com/products/dfc90/envelope-protection.html https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/p/604258
  8. They have some type of envelope protection I believe. I hope that would prevent this type of situation. ADD runs strong in my brain and boy the last string of accidents really scares the crap out of me. Seemingly landing areas you'd be lucky to have in an engine out emergency, yet for whatever reason loss of control won out. very sad for all. The scariest part of all of this is that these were all qualified pilots and I'm sure better than I am.
  9. Terrible really and very sad for the families involved.
  10. Read this the other day - paraphrasing - pilots don't like change and they don't like things the way they are. Do what you think is right and never worry about making everyone happy - can't happen.
  11. Thanks Clarence !
  12. Can you do this on a 520 series as well? Looking at a B brand now that's been sitting for a while.
  13. Thanks and good luck. Please keep us posted on your progress.
  14. Well that sucks! This is a good thread on the subject. How many hours did you put on it since purchase and where was the planes home base for the previous owner?
  15. Way to treat the kid dude.
  16. check out mailgun.com for email delivery - I've had good luck with them and their site explains what your issues could be. To be clear, I'm suggesting you offer these brokers additional listings but not try to change their exiting practices - eg, stop useing controller or trade a plane any more. Until you've built some momentum that won't happen. You just need content - so ask them - Would you mind if i copied your listings to my site at no cost to you? You'll get the emails/contacts for all of the leads I generate for free - who can say no to that.
  17. I didn't think he was selling planes, just providing free lead generation services - who could say no to that? Good call on the MSC guys - maybe provide free listings of service for them.
  18. call all american and delta as well as some of the brand b and c respected brokers and offer them free listings for a few months and offer to enter the listings for them. All about content baby - just give it away for a while. once you get a few hundred listings up there is should start to get interesting. Good luck
  19. Good thread on this but no mention of the ramp check https://mooneyspace.com/topic/22538-putting-vinyl-decals-on-your-plane/
  20. @HRM the op mentioned an m20f
  21. I will look for the thread.
  22. there was a thread around here about a failed faa ramp check due to a wrap. you would have to rebalance control surfaces if they were wrapped - correct?
  23. How about just buying time from them. That would save you from the financial mess this will likely become. Maybe cost you a bit more than if everything worked out.
  24. there is "worth to you" and "market value" - two very different things. These bravo's seem to sit FOREVER on controller no matter the price or condition - not sure why that's the case - perceived complexity maybe, just not enough people with the skill to fly them and the mission that it was designed for. So for a head on market value comparison, I don't believe the plane is worth 150k - the runouts are probably 80k to move them within 30-60 days - just a guess - talk to one of the brokers aaa or delta if you want to learn about the market value. from a "worth it to you" perspective, it may be worth that price. It probably very hard to find a partnership in a bravo near by.
  25. The first question you should be asking is why you hired someone you don't trust enough to pay for the work performed on their terms. If you have any doubts he'll stand behind his work than you are at the wrong shop. If he's a good guy that stands behind his work I bet this will be the last work he performs for you. Is that what you want? where do I find the shaking my head emoji?
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