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Everything posted by BradB

  1. Good to know. Thanks. I am not familiar with that area. Please take my comment above in the context of a generic uncontrolled field with no special conditions attached to it. Brad
  2. In that situation, probably would do the same thing. If no one was waiting on me, or if it was IMC, then I would have called clearance delivery back on my cell and they would probably give the OK with a void time. Edit: Please see the response and my comment below.
  3. I did the 345 upgade on my non-waas 2008 G1000 Acclaim. The traffic will show on the G1000, but the adsb weather will not (software issue). You can connect to you 345 by Bluetooth and show the adsb weather on your iPad. The XM weather isn't cheap, but I do find myself using both sources to get a better picture of what is going on. Brad
  4. I have one that came installed when I bought my plane. It is a life saver on the ground in the summer. I did have one freak incident with it a couple of weeks ago. I was on the ground and just received take off clearance from Albany (KALB). Right before I brought in th scoop and shut the window to take the runway, a wasp got caught in the slipstream and was shot right through the scoop and directed right onto the front of the neck where it stung me. I had to cancel my takeoff clearance and as for a minute to smash the little bastard with something. I am glad no one else was around watching me flail around the cabin with the checklist.
  5. How do you know that you want an ovation? What is your mission? I thought that I wanted one, too. It is an amazing plane, and maybe one of the best all around mooney aircraft every made (yes, there will be some debate that you can read all about on this site). By complete chance/fate/intervention I ended up with an Acclaim. It turns out that this was the airplane that I really needed. Tell us what you are looking to accomplish and I am sure that the community will come up with some good suggestions for you. Listen to them. I was stubborn at first and thought that I knew what I needed. I was wrong, Everyone else talking to me was right. It was my good luck and someone else's bad luck that I ended up with the airplane that I did. Brad
  6. Flew to Toronto yesterday. I intended to pick my daughter up in Boston today to come stay with me for the summer in Erie, but she wasn't feeling well and wanted me to get her tomorrow. A free day with no plans and nothing to do - where to go? I ended up deciding on Lake Placid, New York (KLKP). I called the Lake Placid Lodge and asked the manager if they wanted to make a last minute deal and if they could pick me up from the airport. I got a very nice response, and here I am. The manager came out to the airport and helped me push the plane into the tie down spot. KLKP has a 4196*60 ft runway. However 32 has a 1200ft displaced threshold. My shortest runway to date in my Mooney has been 3500. I know that most of you guys can get it in there no problem, but the pucker factor was high with gusting crosswords and my shortest runway to date. It ended up not being an issue at all. There was a little turbulance descended in the mountains, but nothing bad. I enjoy doing these sort of things. I have gotten comfortable with 8000ft runways everywhere I go. This sort of thing is good for me. Now I get to sit and relax with a bottle of wine. And I'll go get my daughter tomorrow and bring her back for a great summer in Erie.
  7. I had a fun and interesting flying weekend that is still in progress. Flexibility was required. The initial plan was for me to head to Boston (KBED) and meet my girlfriend and her kids flying there commercially. We were going to then fly her kids to friends (KBDL) and spend an adult weekend in Boston together. I took off from Erie, PA Friday morning to head to Boston and spend some time there on my own for a few hours before meeting up with everyone. I take off heading west, make the East turn and then as I am crossing through 9k for FL190, I saw the text message that the GF's flight from Cleveland to boston had been canceled. I called ATC and changed my destination from KBED to KCLE and 30 seconds later, I was given direct to Cleveland Hopkins. I had to run high power and fairly rich to burn fuel to be able to pick them up. Grabbed her and 2 small kids, then headed to KBDL to drop off her kids with their friends. Had to fly under O2 levels for the flight, per VIP request (see some of my other posts). Did a fun 600 overcast approach into KBDL. Then a quick flight and another 500-600 approach into KBED in boston. We had a great weekend in Boston. She gathered her kids by car and headed home by United . I had a great Father's Day afternoon with my daughter (who lives in Boston). I was able to make it as far home as Binghamton, NY before I ran into a wall. I tried to wait it out and sneak out after it passed, but the FBO was closing. The lone lineman tonight was great and when we realized that I wasn't getting home tonight, there was no hesitation for him to pull it into the hanger before the weather hit. I grabbed one of their cars and headed to a hotel. No rush to get home. I'll leave in the morning to get home by 7 ot 8 (1.5 hour flight +/-) as I start Neurotrauma call at 8. I do have backup if I can't make it. All the plan changes and unexpected delays are totally worth it to spend a few hours with my daughter today. Making my girlfriend happy, too, is a bonus. Couldn't have done it without my Mooney. N708PJ on flightaware for all the antics. Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. My daughter is my #1 copilot and the reason that I do what I do. Brad
  8. Upgrading the wife or the plane? But yes, doing either is expensive.
  9. It looks like I may be headed that way.
  10. Mine always end up being more expensive than that.
  11. Agree to all the points except my request is for a turbine PRESSURIZED Mooney. My girlfriend complains about wearing oxygen. My girlfriend complains more about flying in the clouds than wearing oxygen I don't like it when she complains while we are flying. I do like my girlfriend. She doesn't complain about all that much. And she does fly with me. Help me out here Mooney! brad.
  12. Would second what some of the others said about icing. I picked up ice this weekend flying into Hanscom (KBED) at 11k on the decent. Granted it was light and I didn't even turn on the TKS, as I was heading down - but it is still out there in June. I am not familiar enough with FRG to know the altitudes that you will be traveling. Brad
  13. I am a bit late to this thread. I enjoy doing both the wings program and the flight review. My situation is a little different, but by no means unique. PPL in 1992, Instrument in 1993. No flying between 1997 and 2015. I learned ARSA's and TRSA's. I shot an ADF approach on my instrument checkride - all hand flown (no autopilots in 172s at that time). Fortunately, I didn't have to demonstrate navigation by Loran, it was too new. We just placarded it in-op for the test. I now fly behind a G1000 with GPS and have to navigate these things called bravo and Charlie airspaces. I spent a long time with instructors before getting signed off to solo and fly instrument again. But 20 years of rule changes are hard to hit upon. For me, the flying skills were still there, but I constantly worried about some rule change or something new that I have neglected to learn. The FR (yes I had biannuals when they were called that) is a good chance for me to pick up something important. Crap, I didn't realize when I got over 40, my 3rd class medical wasn't good for as long. When did that happen? I don't feel old. I had to fly under basic med for a week until I could get a new medical. I felt like being confined to under FL180 was like being grounded and sent to my room for a week. Lesson learned. I know how to do the kind of flying that I do all the time. But I love to opportunity to be pushed to do something new. When the weather is particularly bad (but safe) I call my CFi and say, "let's go fly." I want to fly into THAT cloud and see what happens. I know that he really doesn't want to die so I feel comfortable asking him to push my limits. I have TKS. I want to know what it can do. I don't want to be by myself finding out what it can't do. Every once in a while we do enough in a flight and on the ground that it counts as a flight review. And I'm good with that. Just some thought from a, hopefully, former rusty pilot. Brad
  14. I'll be flying into CYTZ (Toronto City) on Friday, June 9. I'll be hanging out solo for the evening. I'll be staying downtown on Wellington St W. If anyone is free to meet up for a drink or dinner, Shoot me a PM. Brad
  15. Nice to see that there were no injuries. Registration is listed as pending.
  16. +1. I always do this if an approach is available.
  17. I wouldn't fly it until those squawks are fixed.
  18. I forget exactly where I ordered it. But, this is what I use: https://www.pilotmall.com/product/MyPilotPro-GoPro-Mount-for-Airplanes/video-systems?gclid=CJ72_7ap29MCFZGCswodzRoGzg i put on my tie down ring for the flight and put it on there. I have a long body, so I'm not that excited to use the tail tie down.
  19. It wouldn't be hard to figure something out. I am away for the weekend. I'll try to play with it on the flight home Sunday or early next week and post something.
  20. Yes. Our friend and his husband have a place there. We were visiting with them for the weekend. A lot of things are still closed, looks like most places will be open by mid-May. The theme weekends are always interesting. This past weekend happened to be LGBTQA+S country western dance weekend. (A is for asexual and S is for straight). They keep adding letters. Not many people seemed into the theme this weekend. But that was fine, I didn't bring my chaps anyway. For those that haven't been, it is a fun destination with something for everyone. Good food, quirky shops, and nice views. The airport is in good shape and just a short ride from the town. Parking is $10/day. There are tie-downs with ropes provided. There is no cell service around the airport, so take that into consideration for your arrival plans.
  21. I have never been denied a deviation, but sometimes negation helps. If a deviation right or left isn't available, offer to do it at a different altitude. If an altitude you want isn't available, offer to take a vector to get it. Sometime ATC isn't the limiting factor. My girlfriend hates to wear oxygen in the plane. However, last Sunday she decided that she hated flying in bumpy clouds more than she hates oxygen. She put it on and we got to climb above the mess. The result of negotiations with girlfriend and ATC:
  22. It is a bit ridiculous for a passenger pick up. But I did it for the experience. The handling few is waived with a 15 gal purchase. There are a couple options for Run up. You can do it 'on the roll' when taxing out. We were all being given 'line up and wait' instructions on the runway. That would be another opportunity if you haven't done it already.
  23. We flew from Erie, PA (KERI) to Boston (KBOS) yesterday to pick up a friend before heading to Provincetown (KPVC) for the weekend. I could have had him meet us at another of the airports, but Logan has been on my list to try for a while. It was a fun and easy experience. I flew the ILS 22L right in line with everyone else. I was following an Embraer and was asked to slow down. The photo below shows the line of planes behind us on departure. And the approach into P-town. Sorry for the stupid sideways pictures.
  24. FWIW, I have flown into Burke lakefront (KBKL) and Cleveland Hopkins (CLE) several times. Approach has never assigned me the STAR for those. I think it would be very unlikely for you to get one into CGF.
  25. It takes the FAA a long time to update the registration. It will eventual show with your name. I can take months from your purchase date.
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