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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. I second that. What do you mean? Not a mind-reader. What do you find offensive? Or do you like public toilets so that is a positive comment? Let me inside. What post or posts do you find mal-odorous and why?
  2. Yeah, Ross and Flyboy....Shouldn't have called that "fact", yet. Box collected. We shall see.
  3. Our "Trial" here is not legally binding... It/the re-communication of information and connecting of the dots that implicates the Co-Pilot is what it is. I am just following and re-communicating what I have read. My "judgement" is what it is, based on what has been communicated. If it was an aircraft failure, or pilot error THEN I am waiting for more information. This just appears to be killing a lot of innocent travelers because he had the opportunity and desire to do so.
  4. LOP?... O.K...C=carb=tough to go LOP='s at or above 75%... Got it.
  5. Here are the "facts" as communicated to media outlets from individuals that reviewed audio recovered: -Pilot out of locked cabin. Pilot tried to re-enter. Sounds of escallating attempts to re-enter locked cockpit. Doors have re-entry code that CAN be overridden by individual in cockpit. -Normal respiration audible from within the cockpit with no response. -Recent "convert" to Muslim. Same location as Atta. Muslim "stuff" on his facebook page. (edit-appears to be WRONG-Depression? Loss of Girlfriend?....) Yes, it's speculation. If it walks and quacks like a duck... You won't have to tell me when/if I am wrong. I will retract my "conjecture". (retraction/edit above)
  6. It depends. I fly WOT at 6500 and the big if is fuel flow. You don't have to be at 75%, right?
  7. A bunch of kids didn't get a chance to live their lives because of the selfish action of one individual who was in a position that required trust and faith. They and their parents and loved ones entrusted their most precious cargo to them. THAT is a tragedy that money will never remedy.
  8. There was/is(?) an unskinned wood Mooney wing hanging in a hanger in Racine, WI. It truly is a thing of beauty when exposed. This was in the same hanger that is certifying a Diesel GA engine. (Delta Hawk) They were testing it in a "pusher" experimental. THAT was a beautiful plane too. Wood wings A-OK with a good maintenance/inspection program. Wood tails? NO WAY! Highest break-up statistics ever were the wood-tailed Mooney's.
  9. Living your life in fear. Not a fan. Commercial aviation is safe. Redundancy has engineered out the majority of likely threats...including human error or deliberate action/inaction. Not this time. Let the "We MUST fix this" for the good of the people begin...
  10. Cue Hal 9000. The latest and greatest completely automated system. What could go wrong? Nothing because there is no human involvment. Who designed it? Engineers. Soulless creatures that are without emotion. We took the human element completely out of the design....It's perfect....Like us.
  11. Seriously, if the pilot took the plane down with 150 souls, many of them children...I hope there is a special place for him to contemplate his act for all eternity.
  12. Good God, was Dave on that plane?!!!
  13. -A320 is side-stick. Less likely to fall on yoke if disabled. -Decent was controlled... -Cockpit recorder sounds show other pilot knocking, pounding, beating on door. No answer. NOT GOOD...
  14. Cosmetically it looks good. I paid 15 grand more for a lesser plane 15 years ago. The sloped windshield and eight pack panel are expensive to do. Late J Style yokes. Older GPS. On paper this looks like a great deal. All depends on the engine (1/2 way to overhaul). Why the recent prop overhaul? What was extent of tank re-seal? Corrosion in cabin tubes and spar? If all good I would have been all over this plane at that price... Good luck. DO a thorough PPI and log review!
  15. There is an Acu-Trak on ebay right now for $460. Heading bug for Accu-Flite $695 right now. Get an Accu-Flite (I paid $500 for mine) and altitude hold $<1000...Install 'em $2-3Grand and you have a GPS and heading system with altitude hold and over $10 grand in your pocket. Add an Icarus and you have GPS steer and still a lot of $ in your pocket.... Or pay a lot and get latest and greatest that's not a vacuum system.
  16. Are these indicated (ASI) numbers or Ground Speed?
  17. They are all "slow" if you are burning 8.5gph... I see all this "planning".... Do you SEE 145kts at those settings? If Yes, your plane is NOT SLOW. You are flying it SLOW. Which is A.O.K.
  18. Get a cowl closure and a speed slope windshield. Try flying at higher RPM and Peak EGT. Clean your belly. Only fly when you have a tailwind...
  19. Just wondering, what happened to Bambi's mother?
  20. Why does the Timmy thread locking result in less likelihood of an altercation? If you want to "meet up with Mooney owners" at Osh just walk the grounds and say "Hi, NICE Mooney"... Even better if you are carrying two beers... "It's a party"...
  21. A Jug-Lover. O.K. by me. Gabreski rode one well...and Zemke and the WolfPack. Yes, P-47's ARE cool.
  22. No, just hotter and more affordable
  23. I am not confusing "Hot" with "Cool". If we are talking hot/sexy then Yes, I would agree that Vespa's are sexy and retro chic. Any motorcycle, scooter or airplane can be sexy with a beautiful woman (beauty as defined by individual choice). Vespa's are beautiful in an Art Deco way. I get that. Cool....Not to me. I love cars, bikes and planes. All different. All Great. I could see a fat, bald guy or gal strapping on a Mustang and he/she is "cool" to me.
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