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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. "Should we still use old tech"? When I learned to fly the E6B was not used by my instructors. Most of my training was on flight maneuvers and take offs and landings. GPS was in its infancy, but we were "Not allowed" to use it in the aircraft during training. This seemed "silly" to me at the time of training. Charts were on there way out. All of my cross country flights were completed using sectionals/time/speed and ground reference (checking a couple Water towers to make sure I WAS where I thought I was. I was, so confidence was built. I think using sectionals in training is fine. E6B/wiz wheel? Not so much for me personally. Those that are "good at math" love and enjoy it. I use math when I must, not for pleasure. Any gadget or learning tool that provides an a-ha moment for a would be licensed pilot in training is a good thing. E6B wasn't that tool for me, but others seem to really enjoy it and their history with using the tool. My most valued tools now are the awesome weather in Garmin Pilot for flight planning and the ability to pull up weather at airports along flight. Really value this tech. Love runway extensions to help plan and of course terrain indicators with call out. Some day soon HUD for "poor people" will be here. I just saw a story last night discussing how in 5-10 years more time will be spent in virtual reality than not. Really? Wow. Future is now? Flat screen T.V's? So yesterday
  2. I have a '66 M20E. I don't wish you "luck" as I would rather you "know" than be "lucky". -Engines can only be "zero" timed by Lycoming (The Mfr.). My engine was overhauled at Poplar Grove over ten years ago. Logs will tell what was done. (And not done). This is VERY important! -An overhaul can be called an overhaul when "stuff" isn't done. -New or refurbished motor mount and rubber on mounts? -Accessories (stuff that "hangs on the engine" overhauled? Oil Cooler, Exhaust, ALL HOSES AND harnesses for plugs. Both Mags overhauled? Engine vacuum replaced or overhauled? Prop overhauled. Hub overhauled? -Engine New pistons or re-sized? Was the case split and the crankshaft and cams found to be within service or new limit range? An engine is great until it isn't. We are talking writing a check for >$30grand to do a major overhaul. Accessories are "extra". -Fuel tanks will or are seeping/leaking if over 30 years old. Fill the tanks. Smell in cabin? Fuel senders are on sidewalls. They will leak. Leaks aren't a no-go unless beyond a seap. I lived with them for years...BUT it is 7500 bucks to re-seal tanks. More for bladders. -Should show in logbook that the SB for interior cage inspection has been completed and old insulation removed. Has rear seat been removed and spar looked at? -Corrosion in wings? These can be plane killers as advanced corrosion can be so cost prohibitive to replace that you should just "pass". This stuff will ground an airframe and put you and those you love at risk. -A pre-buy inspection by someone that KNOWS Mooneys is of absolute critical importance. I didn't and it cost me well over $15 grand. The plane has a lower cowl anti-guppy enclosure and appears to have a one piece windshield. your plane should have a semi-six pack, but equipment is dated and ADSB compliance (about 4-7k) looms. You washed the damn thing, so like holding the puppy you are emotionally vested. BE SMART. SMART up front will keeep you smiling for years into the future. ALL vintage planes are Money Pits. Keep repeating that and you will be O.K.
  3. They are a great car. Put a tennis grip on the poor thing. It's like a Hannibal Lector victim
  4. I have long since come to terms that Rebecca is a much better looking and flying pilot than me. I hope she wins a bunch more brass.
  5. Make up your mind. Are you buying a 911 and a new plane or fighting over 5 AMU's on a transponder? If my degreed wife has two children with three degrees my basic math says four total. Is four more or less than three? Yoke looks great. Would not change a thing. One of these things is not like the other...
  6. So what about getting an exhaust that doesn't almost go straight down from the fuselage? I want one that has a more straight back rake like for the 201. How do you communicate/get that conversion on an M 20E stock exhaust? How difficult/who would do such a cut and weld? Mine was overhauled by Dawley. Still working fine. Regret not having communicated the change when ordered.
  7. Better off leaving the engine vac to cycle the step as designed...I would not like hopping on and off wing without step. My wife would hate it.
  8. Venturi? Seriously? Mad engineer tricks at work to solve a "problem" that does not exist.
  9. So is his a Weight savings deal? Seriously, just curious why you would not just leave the engine vac to just cycle step? Why crank what is done for you?
  10. An EXIT from work so I can enjoy more of what I have...and peace of mind.
  11. Teasing then and now
  12. You have a different (Nicer) trim and flap indicator than I do in my '66. Thanks for taking the time. I float like crazy in the summer when single pilot. Hmmmmm, maybe I need to rethink the full flap landings when solo and light. I did not use takeoff flaps or flaps on landing for first several years of ownership, but was a convert due to Mooneyspace. I think Bonai is still mad at me for teasing him on the full flaps landing in that thread....
  13. Thank you, yes. The thread was moderated. My posts and other member had deletions. I was banned. He was not. His attack was personal...a banning offense. I called him a flushing of a woman's private area for hygiene purposes. That gets you banned even though they are advertised on t.v. That said, I respect the fact that it is "his" forum. I triple dog dare you to find where I have initiated politics since epic thread that shall not be named. Have not done "it", but I do respond when others drop in with some political rants as is done OFTEN. You'll have that.
  14. It's the Borg. Resistance is futile....
  15. Same member that called out Daver. Just a coincidence...I am sure.
  16. Snarky. Me thinks. Other comments withheld. Would not want to "make it personal"...you know like attacking where you live, your wife, your vehicle, your career...You know "personal stuff" that doesn't get some banned, but does others. Talk to the hand Nobody thinks. Selective penalties. Muzzles. Calling yourself "fair" as the absolute power is a little sketchy, me thinks...
  17. Do you remember thread Hank?
  18. I am right on with what you are saying. I roll a lot of trim in after applying full flaps and would not want to try and land without doing so. I never look at window either so know that what I thought was proper is not. My POH does not have a good photo of window/detent/what it should look like. You are looking down at it so not really intuitive for me. Yes indeed the Mooney is very sensitive/requires a deft trim hand. Early and often, but once there....ahhhhhhhhhh, nice.
  19. How much adjustment are you making after a landing to position for next take-off? I am guessing not much based on all my flying with no trim wheel adjustment prior to take-off and minor adjustment to set for 120MPH indicated climb.
  20. So my co-owner just isn't flying really at all without me in the plane too. I knew he had flown the plane and overthought the trim. In retrospect I think he rolls trim PRIOR to flying NOT after. I have hundreds of T/O's in this plane. I don't "site window" the trim because it only requires minor trim after I land it for next take-off. I decided to manipulate the trim "into what I thought was T/O position" and it was clearly NOT. Way to much nose down trim applied by ME prior to flight. I will try the 6-7 turns method from stop and see how that "looks in the sight window" vs. how it performs on take-off. My primary message is: Don't be a test pilot for no good reason and without knowing you are doing so. AND don't compound your goofiness with another dumb pilot move (unbuckling belt and blocking J-Bar. Anybody check the trim window religiously that can describe "what sight picture should be" when looking at window vs. detent?
  21. So, yesterday decided to fly. Airplane needed exercise as did my lack of aviating in over two weeks. On takeoff I had a weird combination that COULD of been disasterous if I didn't fly the airplane. My co-owner had flown previously and I know he messes with trim, but don't know what exactly he does. Anyway, I rolled nose up trim to what I thought was take-off position in sight window. (Not so much). Plane was really squirrelly at 75mph (my lift off speed with take off flaps (two pumps). When I rotated I knew immediately trim was %$^%$D. Gained some altitude (pulling hard) and of course unbuckled my seatbelt and got it stuck in Johnson bar...^%$#(Have not done that in....forever.). Decided to sort gear AFTER quickly rolling nose up trim and then retracted gear. I would be lying if I didn't say it was Mr. Toad's wild ride for a few seconds...Glad none on board to experience that. Also glad not heavy with fuel (21 gallons on board for short flight to fuel) and "stuff" people and gear. I put this squarely into stupid pilot tricks that were 100% avoidable. The trim or bar independently are an annoyance. Together they could be an accident down low. Be safe.
  22. Drove my freshly washed chick car out to the airport for a short flight in search of 100LL <$4.00. Found success in S.W. Wisconsin. Went out to assisted living and wished a belated Happy Birthday to my 105 year old next door neighbor growing up. She is still sharp as a tack and asked me how my adult children (by name) were doing. A short trip down the hall to my two neighbor down former Tech Sargeant in support of the 101st Airborne during WWII. Jack saw a lot in is spring chicken 90 some years. Next off to my in-laws to say "Hi". Enjoyed my courtesy former police interceptor. Engine doesn't feel like it has 150k on the odometer. In laws were relaxing on their three season porch enjoying a couple of swiveling new reclining and rocking chairs. Great to see all in good spirits. Prior to my return home I picked up my favorite deep dish pizza for the .6 flight back home. Nice to have the plane flying so well with no noted squaks. Dan Auerbach's new solo effort playing in the Bose. Much to the chagrin of eh 122.5 monitoring crowd. Put her away while sun was setting and last daylight of a wonderful summer day came to a close. I love GA and I love my Mooney.
  23. Glad you are on the mend and getting excellent care. Maybe a rudder pedal station? I had a right leg cast after an Achilles injury. Pushing those pedals without problem was my number one focus Thank you for your service. 110% on that PT supersoldier...
  24. Get my shirt, check the link to get ideas for my photo...and I see Raptor....sigh...push Love/vote. You win. I'm out. Great pic you lucky bastard.
  25. I have never been concerned/worried about shock cooling. I plan my decent based on 500FPM and trim for that. If over 180MPH indicated I shallow out my decent with a little less pitch. I am not IFR so I slow down when I want. I keep power up until down to pattern. A power reduction with a little pitch up and speed bleeds off nicely (three blade fan). Once down to 120MPH indicated the speed brakes (gear) are deployed. Easy peezy. I fly downwind and base at 100MPH indicated with no flaps. When I turn final I dump full flaps (4 pumps) and trim for 80MPH. Once runway made power out/flare and let her land when she is ready. Do get some float in the summer and greasers are easier when lightly loaded for me. If windy I carry power a little longer (after runway is made), but generally still use full flaps. I find the E to be VERY stable in wind and crab and kick is also a non-event.
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