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Everything posted by toto

  1. I’m not 100% sure that I understand the question, but the G3X does allow you to use a sectional chart or an IFR enroute chart as the standard map display instead of the “Garmin” map. It’s just one tick over on the MFD page. I often switch between the two when I want to see the “real” chart.
  2. As @PT20J mentioned, the G3X supports either FliteCharts or Jepp charts (aka ChartView), but they’re on a separate MFD view. I haven’t seen an overlay view. I have seen the overlay view on the GTN, but haven’t really found a use for it. I’d rather have the chart on a dedicated screen and use the map view on the GTN. The MFD chart view on the G3X is georeferenced, and shows your aircraft icon in flight. But it’s not overlaid with the map view.
  3. My IO-360 has <1000 hours, and hopefully has many happy years left, but I would seriously consider a significant cost premium over a Lycoming engine for a DeltaHawk that is relatively future-proof and brings performance and economy gains.
  4. Might be a Garmin Aera 760.
  5. Swap completed this week, just a tiny little config module that goes in with the connector at the back of the G3X. Once I started the plane and my iPad connected to Bluetooth, it automatically recognized the G3X. Problem solved. (Still seems strange to me that Garmin has different config modules for wireless connectivity to iOS and non-iOS devices. But I’m not going to argue with success.)
  6. +1 to this No better time to do it - you won’t feel like you’re abandoning your Mooney
  7. I bought a pack of three D1 boards for about six bucks, but as suspected I don't have a source for the image. I'm not willing to pay $45 for a $2 board on principle, so I'm hoping that someone else has a solution.. Does anyone know if there's a community solution to drive a METARMap (i.e., the commercial product) with an open source script? I really don't want to do this from scratch, so if someone has the LEDs already mapped and can drive it from a Pi, I would 100% rather invest the $45 in a Pi and some elbow grease. Anyone know of a github project that covers this? (Unfortunately, when you search for "metarmap" in github, you get 22 results that all call themselves "metarmap" - but it looks like they're all custom DIY hardware, none of them are using the commercial map afaict.)
  8. Definitely. For the first break-in flight, I orbit the airport at 2500 AGL. Low enough to get good power, but high enough to glide to the runway from just about any point in the circuit.
  9. Yes, you want to avoid low power settings, extended idle and long or steep descents - but if you’re running at or near max power for an hour, my concern would be keeping the cylinders cool, not warm.
  10. What’s the concern about keeping CHT up? When I have done break in flights, the goal is to run continuously at high power, but you want to keep the CHTs down as much as you can. Lots of airflow and lots of mixture. I don’t think high CHT is your friend.
  11. Mine also reads about 5% higher than the POH in most cases. I'm not sure whether this is tunable, but I always treat the POH performance chart as the source of truth.
  12. Late J’s are 28 - mine is 28
  13. You can retrofit a K, M, R, S, or TN with FIKI https://www.cav-systems.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/TKS-Mooney-M20-FIKI-Specification-2019-2.pdf
  14. I still can't quite process the word "available" next to the word "hangar" .. are these doll hangars or something? If 1-30 are teeny tiny hangars, you should get the width measurements. Small T-Hangars can be a little bit uncomfortable with a 36' Mooney wingspan.
  15. Also - You mentioned Avemco, which ime is *much* more expensive than other carriers. People love Avemco, they're a direct insurer, and they seem to have excellent service, but you might check with a broker to see what's out there. @Parker_Woodruff is our resident expert.
  16. It might be reasonable for a few months while you rack up RG time. I'm not sure what your total RG hours is, but it wouldn't take long to hit a 50-hour threshold that would give you an insurance break. I've seen older Arrows that rent for the same or less per hour as newer 172s with pretty panels.
  17. I think most of us try to avoid writing anything down OP's chart is mildly terrifying, not because of the numbers but because they're all in one place. We have to compartmentalize to keep this hobby.
  18. For now, I think VOR is still the plan - at least in the US https://www.ifr-magazine.com/avionics/backing-up-gps/
  19. Yep. We would have problems relying on VOR or VOR/DME when the minimum operational network is all that’s left - especially below airline altitudes. I think one of the advantages of LORAN is that it requires a relatively small number of transmitters along the coast to get enroute navigation across the continental US.
  20. This sounds like a real s*** show. https://www.reuters.com/technology/space/moon-lander-described-alive-well-day-after-white-knuckle-lunar-touchdown-2024-02-23/ They basically forgot to remove the “remove before flight” locks on the laser range finders.
  21. I don’t know about the 700, but on the 500 pressing the TO/GA button will not disconnect the autopilot. Here’s a snippet from my AFMS:
  22. https://web.archive.org/web/20190207032803/http://donmaxwell.com/pre-purchase-inspections/
  23. I still use ADLOG https://adlog.com/
  24. Haven’t seen any either. They did publish some shots from the approach, but nothing from the ground.
  25. Definitely seems to have been deleted: https://mooneyspace.com/topic/47008-mooney-n1167j-m20k-down-in-colorado/
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