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Everything posted by MikeOH

  1. Sadly, I think so. Same symptoms I had.
  2. Just so we are clear, are you saying this is a NEW problem that has just occurred with the latest database revision?
  3. Oh, and when I started having issues, the actual download and install to the card wen ok, including the verify step...but wouldn't work when I installed it into the 430W! After two tries it bricked the 430W and the card would no longer load without errors. I swear I did both cards in by carrying them in my wallet along with the RFID 'credit card' for the airport gate...I think swiping my wallet with the cards in it, did them in. Many here swore that wasn't possible and that I damaged them with ESD. SORRY, I don't buy that; if the cards were that sensitive then there would be all kinds of complaints. Pretty certain Garmin put proper ESD protection on the connector pins, which are recessed.
  4. Yes, good point! Due to an archaic home computer I've always used the 'older update method' which involves first downloading the actual database to the PC; then installing it onto the card as a second step.
  5. By twice I assume you mean that you loaded the terrain card twice from your computer. If so, did you re download the file from Garmin twice, or just reloaded the data card from the same downloaded file? Beyond that, do you have another terrain card to try? I had my data cards fail and that is the kind of error I got before they just bricked the 430W. FYI, I have installed this new revision with no problem.
  6. Personally, I think insurance costs will continue to rise, but the value of a Mooney won't have anything to do with that cost increase. Sorry, but if you are basing even part of your purchase decision on the value increasing...you should NOT buy. That sounds too much like you believe buying a plane is an investment; it is 100% NOT an investment! A partnership might well be the best way to test whether full ownership is for you. The planes we own and discuss here are mostly for our own enjoyment; some may be a business tool for transportation and have tax advantages. But, even so, I doubt many of those business people view the plane as an investment as much as a depreciable tool that they enjoy using. Early on I realized I was buying an EXPENSIVE toy. As soon as I realized that I could afford it, l no longer felt any need to RATIONALIZE ownership: it's a HOBBY I very much enjoy...in the end that's all that matters to me. YMMV
  7. The transistor has made this possible. Here's a, frankly, incomprehensible statistic regarding that technology: In 1965 there was one transistor produced per person per year. In 2017 there was 56,000,000,000 produced per person per year. And the cost of one transistor is 1000 times less than the cost of a single grain of rice. Cite: https://www.darrinqualman.com/global-production-transistors/
  8. Just pointing out the post is a decade old...but, looks like Tony was here back in October, so maybe he'll respond. Good luck!
  9. Well, he's got 10 years on it, now.
  10. Epic two volume treatise. I bought my set 40 years ago. It's an unbelievably comprehensive work combining theory with its practical application supported by real test data. It's as applicable today as when it was written in 1960.
  11. Not saying there isn't a special washer, but the voltages generated will be cancelled out as long as both sides of the star washer are at the same temperature; which is pretty certain! Additional thermocouple trivia/minutiae: Common misconception is that the thermocouple voltage is generated at the junction between the two different metals; that is NOT true. If you think about it, it can't be because you would have some, albeit small, voltage across close to zero ohms which would generate an enormous current! The voltage is generated along the length of the two wires; since the wires are different metals, the voltages generated are slightly different. That difference is the thermocouple voltage. This is the reason for both aging and why there is 'thermocouple wire' and 'thermocouple extension wire' available. Thermocouple wire is highly purified and homogenous. Extension wire, not so much. The reason for aging is that the wire's remaining impurities migrate over time, in part due to the temperature difference along their length, and thus change the voltage generated. Thermocouple extension wire operates at a much lower temp (usually room temp) over its entire length.
  12. I had this happen on my F. Turned out to be a short inside the control box located under the pilot's side glare shield.
  13. The voltages involved with thermocouples are VERY low; a twenty degree F temperature change is around a half of a millivolt! Connections and wire placement are critical.
  14. That sucks! The guy that hit me didn't run off, and the cops came and took a report, so I'm 'lucky' in that regard.
  15. LOL! But, I'm not the suing kind of guy. As long as I get all the medical costs covered, I'm good.
  16. Yeah, that worked out so well...
  17. DAMN! That's nasty. So, how many hours does damage like that take to develop? As in, has this been missed at MORE than one annual?
  18. And, that's what used booksellers are for: https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?sts=t&cm_sp=SearchF-_-home-_-Results&an=&tn=The+Al+Mooney+Story&kn=&isbn=
  19. Well, crap! Went cycling on Wednesday after work and some moron ran a stop sign and took me down just as I was finishing my ride. A few scratches, but my ankle was pretty sore yesterday, couldn't put any weight on it. So, went to the doc's today...yeah, it's broken and I'm going to be in a foot cast for SIX FREAKIN' WEEKS! I'm not seeing any flying in the near future So, my question is: How big a risk not flying my plane for six weeks? It's hangared in southern California (KPOC) which is about 30 miles inland from the coast. I'm not up for a 'full-on' pickle, but are there precautions I can take to minimize risk, which I'd presume to be cam corrosion? Thanks!
  20. Not to mention, ' fixed gear'... a belly landing would be painful!
  21. Me, too!
  22. Hmm, I've found that ALL pilots are quite full of themselves.....It's almost a prerequisite
  23. I won't comment on the website....never visited
  24. If you can control airspeed well, you won't have any problem. That is the key, in my experience. Doesn't matter how many hours you have, or don't.
  25. Looks to be about a 40 degree spread. I looked at about half a dozen of my flight over the last two years and I'm seeing: 20 to 25 degree CHT spread.
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