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About cleatus99

  • Birthday July 3

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    Rhome, TX (58T)
  • Interests
    Interested in Airplanes, Gliders, Gyros, Helicopters, Powered Lift, Weight Shift, Powered Parachutes, Balloons, Airships. Oh wait, just make that anything that flys, orbits or hovers...
  • Reg #
  • Model
    201 Missile
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  1. I see schematic has 28v, is it the same as a 14v 1980 M20J ?
  2. All have been replaced
  3. Anyone have a flap schematic for M20J? I have the big wiring diagram out of the service docs, but it’s a little hard to read…. my flaps seems to random stop working, up or down… two Mooney shops have thrown parts and labor at it…. Switches, motors have been replaced…. Ideas?
  4. My M20J had about 400 hours of grass time Now the Missile gets plenty of Lawn experience. We keep the field in great condition with regular fertilizer, overseed, herbicide… I kept lower gear doors on, but our turf runway is smoother than some asphalt I’ve been on.
  5. The part I find interesting, is the statement individual disabled aircraft, ie sabotage. Sounds like a federal crime to me.
  6. I too bought a Mooney Missile awesome fast.
  7. I can’t wait to see if this fix works for me….
  8. You want at least a 45’ wide door, AT6 has 42.5’ wingspan. I would also go with a door tall enough to fit an Aerocommander tail. Talk to builder sometimes the sweet spot for hanger wall eave height might be 14’ or 16’ or 18k. Ie cost difference maybe pennies to go taller. Down here in North Texas you really want the main door opening to face south, blocks hot sun, and cold winds. South is also our prevailing wind, so a overhead door on the north side of the hangar for RV(retirement vehicle) access allows cross flow ventilation. Make sure a pedestrian door is nearby to both doors, and that they are all visible from house or neighbors. A toilet and water is a necessity. Can also have bathroom build as a concrete block FEMA tornado shelter, if those are ever a problem in your area. Insulation is easier done in construction than retro fit. I don’t like rolling doors, you have to either push-pull a plane over the track, or you have a cavity type track you have to vacuum out.. I’d prefer a bifold, hydroswing, or a tip up door. A hangar I recently visited, had car lifts, a full kitchen. A built in pressure washer, hot water hose bibs. You can go all out with plumbed air hose connections etc etc. Look at the Drago guy’s hangar, he has a car mounted on one wall, with a board/meeting room. If you are up north headed floors are handy too.
  9. I'll add that yes when I lower the gear in my J the nose pitches up... if trimmed level in the pattern, no input it will climb a hundred feet or so till it slows down..
  10. It would be class add-on to Helicopter so, demonstrated ability checkride prep... and checkride... looking at 3-10 hours flight time for a heli and fixed wing person.. dual is $200/hr
  11. Glider pilot in me would be wanting to put a yaw string on that thing..
  12. Because the Modernization act said they couldn't impose new rules on model aircraft (paraphrasing)
  13. I figured I'd provide an update.. January 26th I earned my CFI Instrument Airplane with the FAA OPS inspector. Good guy... February 3rd Repairman - Experimental Aircraft Builder February 23rd I added CFI-Airplane Single Engine March 4th. I added CFI Gyroplane March 23rd Aircraft Dispatcher April 21st Multiengine CFI 6 ratings And yesterday I received my MEI and Dispatcher certificates in the mail... seems OKC will process multiple things at the same time when they get to you on the list for the first one. Wife says to start making money flying, and stop adding ratings.. So ratings collecting will slow for a while.. Well maybe I can get a Gold Seal
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