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About Rspencer612

  • Birthday 12/16/1986

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  • Location
    Sanger, Texas
  • Interests
    Airplanes, anything aviation.
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  • Model
    M20J Missile

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  1. My M20J has a Continental IO-550 in it! And yes, I use Victory 20W50
  2. I understand 100%. But the Dynon 182 isn’t done. After approval they found a major oversight and have pulled back all orders and issued refunds. Back to the drawing board, then the Baron, then the Mooney. It’s 2 years out or more of you base it on the last 2-3 approvals they have done. With a Dynon HDX, I wish it was sooner as I would rather the integration, but the wait has and will Continue to be a long time. That said, BK’s post STC supply chain issue is a HUGE BUMMER!
  3. Sure could be……..it’s brand new so. How would one test or verify that? Dynon D10A standby was showing the same and they are independent of one another.
  4. Yes, heavy right rudder in takeoff and climb. Cruise is pretty much centered, and high speed decent requires some left rudder. It flies hands off at high power cruise. Just a little adjusting of the pitch to hold altitude.
  5. The last of that is the most likely! Haha
  6. They told me I was the first to be delivered, but it hasn’t happened yet, been delayed about 4-5 months already and now they are saying 23 more weeks. So we finished panel up just pre wired for the autopilot and I brought her home. So nothing to report yet. the Missile STC does not limit the airplane from other STC’s certified for the airframe, so we don’t see any issue with that. Maybe one day I’ll get to report back to y’all! Haha. BK is certainly a troubled company……..
  7. To be fair, I sure wasn’t and am not looking to spin the Mooney! Haha. I was just surprised at how easily it quickly it wanted too!
  8. Duncan claimed that since BK approached them to do the STC which they did, Duncan has the exclusive rights to selling it……..don’t hold me to that though. BK did not do the STC For the Mooney, Duncan did.
  9. FYI I supposedly have the first Mooney order to be fulfilled with Duncan Aviation from about 4 months ago. I ordered the day they announced the STC. As of last week I was told to expect 25 more weeks due to supply chain issues with chips and servos………
  10. Yea I understand that completely. But I sure think I saw and it felt it was coordinated at the break, which required a steady pressure on the right rudder……
  11. I mean it’s certainly possible I wasn’t properly coordinated at the stall with enough or not enough right rudder, but I was actively watching it and correcting thorough the manuevers and got the similar result in all three.
  12. They are in the same spot as another M20J in the shop, so I assumed correct…..I have no clue what rocket engineering did when it was there…..
  13. Yea, your correct, should go left if torque related.
  14. Stall strips in place where required, Rigging was just confirmed at this annual by IA. Said it was spot on with the M20J service manual……
  15. Fair enough! I feel I did get full left rudder when I pushed it. There was no “lifting” the wing immediately. It just stopped the spin, which airspeed then increased with the nose down and all controls became fully responsive. No I’m not in Fl, I am in TX. Would be fun to do some recurrent spin training so I think I will now! Certainly always room to learn when it comes to flying, no matter where you are in your career, personal flying, or training!
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