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Everything posted by MooneyBob

  1. How would you do this on the GTN750? ATC: Amendment. Cleared direct to SIE, then radial 017, join V1, CYN, direct destination ( KBLM). I just looked in the sectional, followed the 017 radial of the SIE and there is actually intersection (ANABL) on the V1 that I put in the flight plan. Any other way to do that?
  2. They don't call it biannual anymore but thanks anyway. For some reason my instructor ( same person for PPL and IR) told me I need the flight review. He probably confused it with the IPC.
  3. It will be 24 months soon since I have received my PPL. However, I have completed my instrument rating last year in June, last than 12 months ago. Do I have to take the Flight Review exam or does my IR started new 24 months period?
  4. Take advantage of all the functionality the CGR provides and it could be a little more than just minor upgrade. You can clean the panel considerably by using the RPM, MP, Oil temp and pressure, fuel flow and pressure, CHT and EGT, volts and other probes. It will provide more room for future upgrades.
  5. I like it very much. It replaced bunch of my existing gauges and it takes very little space. Nice crisp easy to read display. User friendly interface and intuitive user set up functions. Good price. Straight forward installation and setup. My avionics guy had installed it for first time. No complains and it took around 25 hours. I have one issue though. There is some kind of interference coming out of radio when transmitting and it affects the display sometimes when I am talking on radio. But it is the airplane issue not the CGR. Need to find where the " radio signal is leaking".
  6. Yes. Still learning. But I have to say it is very very intuitive. And people on this forum have some neat tricks to share. It is much better than just read the manual. The manual says nothing about real life scenarios. All Garmin manuals are like : " If you want to put frequency 123 press 123. " Ok. I don't need to explain that.
  7. New Jersey shore last couple of days looks like West Coast. Refreshed interior coming together pretty nicely. Not perfect but for the money I have spent and my labor it has to be good enough for while. New EI CGR30P and GTN750 with GDL88 and StreamFlight 210 brings the bird to the 21st century. And I still managed to log 30 hours of flying last 30 days.
  8. Did you try LPV approach too? Did glide slope work? And I am pretty sure you know that but the unit has to be in the VLOC mode not in the GPS mode in order to do ILS.
  9. I use MyFlightBook app on my iOS devices. Plus I keep my paper one current too.
  10. You have to define what you want to do with the plane. My friend keeps his Ducati motorcycle in his living room. That's only reason he got it. Never even started it up.
  11. Noted. Will try to make it this time.
  12. What is the exact model number of the prop? Can you get it from the log book?
  13. You can fly over Hudson river to see the Manhattan from 1000'. That's pretty awesome experience. Get familiar with the local rules. https://www.faasafety.gov/files/gslac/courses/content/79/775/kneeboard.pdf
  14. Nice. Sophisticated enough to be simple.
  15. GTN750 simulator. I am not saying it is right or wrong but coincidentally my first ever GPS approach was in IMC with 700' ceiling and it went pretty smooth. However, I spent many hours reading the manual and touching buttons on the simulator. Generaly the GPS approaches are designed to be easier to fly and I don't think you need special training for this. Equipment is different story.
  16. Take a look and call 2W5. I fly there when I am visiting my daughter. Nice small airport right on the edge of the inner circle of TFR. New runway. Only one GPS approach though. It is probably 30 mins commute from DC. I fly to Nantucket pretty often. Nice trip over JFK with NYC view when visibility is good.
  17. You should buy a lottery ticket right now.
  18. That was my real question: Do you keep that horse in the barn just in case the car doesn't start in the morning?
  19. I am pretty sure I will figure out before the weekend but the fly-in is the good idea. I was wondering why no one is proposing one. Are we waiting until the winter hits again?
  20. Thanks for the visual. But here is the question. How do you simulate the flight on the GTN750 simulator? I can't figure that out. Thanks.
  21. Do you still practice VOR and ILS approaches even if you have good GPS in the panel? Is there any requirement for it?
  22. Can you tell us about that seal. I don't feel like looking for the topic. Thanks.
  23. First of all congratulation on the finished project. Nice report. And I hope all fortunate people who live in the US appreciate the opportunity to enjoy pretty damn good life here. I remember my days back in Czechoslovakia where even to get the new car registered was few days ordeal, long lines and a lot of money. But this is for another discussion. I was always curious what is the average yearly cost to keep the airplane and fly lets say 100 hrs/year including VFR and IFR plans filing and other fees, annual, gas and whatever else is involved. You don't have to answer the question of course. But again, nice upgrade and definitely some beautiful places to fly in your country. Good luck.
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