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Everything posted by MooneyBob

  1. Confirmed. Home Depot.
  2. Here we go. Finally genius.
  3. One set together with my car keys. Another set in the flight bag.
  4. That's what I think. It's more beneficial for the plane than for my personal feelings.
  5. Sensenich Lancaster. And Mark was very professional and knowledgeable. The service itself was very good.
  6. I finally got dynamically balanced my propeller today. It's 3 blade McCauley. I don't think it was bad before and I asked people flying with me if they think the vibration is too bad just to get a second opinion. No one ever complained. But I was curious if it will make any difference. According to the propeller guy we went from .56 inch/s to 0.04 inch/s. We aimed for 2400 rpm. Can I tell it made a huge difference? Not really sure. I think it is smoother but I don't really know what is smooth anymore. What is your experience after you have your propeller balanced. Thanks.
  7. But that app is not available anymore. I have found bunch of different ones but how to find out ( without buying all of them) which one will work with external GPS ( I have GDL39 3D) and it is reliable and stabil?
  8. That's why I couldn't find it
  9. What is the exact app name? Thanks.
  10. I am going to send you PM. The CFII who helped me with my transition is based at KBLM. You can try to call him. He owns pre-J Mooney. Not sure which model.
  11. Seems low. My is around 22 in my J.
  12. I would love to learn how to find all the lubrication points and use proper lubrication, grease, oils. I am in. Sorry I couldn't make it last weekend.
  13. Any update? I don't have any extra tire but I can pick it up if it is available somewhere and bring it to ACY.
  14. Sometimes I am little higher than I'd like to be on final with my J. No speed brakes. Do you slip on final? Any concerns? Any min. speed limitation? Thanks.
  15. I just hoped to find more definitive answer. I would think that everybody ( or his AP) inspects the filter and the results are: No metal ( not even a small trace of any particles) Some metal - countable amount of particles of certain size hardly visible with naked eye Visible particles of metal ( 1/4 tea spoon according to Lycoming ) And based on the percentage ratio of the answer I would draw my conclusion. I just will keep flying and watching closely.
  16. Since another post started oil change discussion I want to ask about the oil filter inspection. I change the oil and filter every 25 hrs. Using Phillips and Camguard. Oil consumption is steady around 1qt/5hrs. Compression mid-high 70-ties. I open the filter every time and look for the particles. I wash the paper element in the solvent then I filter it through the coffee filter ( slow process) and examine the deposits. I use very strong rare earth magnet to find any iron based chunks. I don't find any of those but it attracts a little bit very fine dust like deposit. I don't think that's the problem. The oil analysis are pretty good too. No big changes or increase of metals. But I find ( and it is pretty consistent since I own the aircraft for almost 2 years / 230 hrs / 700 SN ) very small shiny ( less than 1/32 inch) non magnetic particles. Maybe 10-20 of them in the filter. What should be my concern? I have read the Lycoming guide about the metals in the filter but I'd like to get real life experience. Thanks.
  17. Hmm. To change the oil every 25 hrs and filter every 50 hours seems like a good idea. I would save some messy work every 25 hours. My oil is pretty clean and filter is in good shape every time I open it after 25 hours. I am wondering what other think about that?
  18. I do 25. Based on my oil condition ( color and viscosity), consumption, oil analysis and filter inspection. I am trying to be pretty consistent so I can compare the results and catch any changes.
  19. Zero time is not a benefit some times. I prefer 400 hrs proven one.
  20. It is very hard to justify buying brand new plane. I think almost no one on this forum can afford brand new any plane. Maybe some silly 2 seater LSA. But it is different animal.
  21. I use Garmin Pilot to file but I also have Fltpln account set to sent me an email when I file. Even I don't file on Fltpln I get message on my Garmin Pilot and email from Fltpln about the route. Initially they are the same and what I file. But usually between 15 and 5 minutes before ETD I get another email ( usually sitting in the started airplane already and ready to call clearence delivery) with the routing and that one almost always matches with the clearence from the Center. That's why I developed a good habit to check my emails on my phone right before filed ETD. The Garmin pilot don't update the route as I don't have the Internet service while sitting in the plane.
  22. That's what I call determination. Great job.
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