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Everything posted by 63C

  1. My Dad bought 6853U in 1978. I bought it from him in 2013 and it is still with me. Still enjoying the "ride".
  2. Good looking Mooney. I also hope to do a cowl mod and eventually the 201 windshield. (I'm also bringing a 46 Swift back from the dead)
  3. We have a rag wing 140 but it doesn't look like that! I would be scared to bring it out for fear someone would touch it. Beautiful!
  4. What I was thinking as well.
  5. Yes burn holes in pistons and tips off spark plugs (be there done that) if not metered precisely with an additional fuel source and timing retarded accordingly. Probably frowned upon by the crash investigators...LOL
  6. Don is great to work with. Will usually go out of his way to get you what you need.
  7. I too had the exact same thing. Luckily I caught it before it was cut in half. Running without my wheel covers at the moment because I was afraid the added stress would finish off the nut cover. Called Lasar (twice) and they said they would look but never got back with me. Assume that means they don't have one. Never thought about Wentworth. BTW I ordered the one Spruce handles and it was the larger one. Don't recall the number.
  8. Getting out and seeing that would be one of those "oh sh!t" moments!
  9. One thing I have learned from polished Swifts is that the sun can really reflect off the top of the wing right back at you while flying...but it is still worth it! The Mooney will be gorgeous!
  10. One thing that I do during annual is lay moving blankets across the wings to store all the removed pieces on. This will prevent an accidental "step" on a cowling cheek or kicking the spinner across the hanger floor.
  11. My wife and I were tooling around in a Cessna 140 with the original C-85. She had to take Dramamine to ride. Finally quit riding with me all together. Same comment from her...she absolutely loves our old 63C and no more Dramamine!
  12. Very similar to how I acquired my bird. It belonged to my Dad and he just quit flying. It sat without flying (hangered) for over 20 years. He still tended to the old bird like he was going to fly again tomorrow. I finally told him that I was fixing to buy something and it might as well be his bird since I had known it most of my life. No it is not a show plane (paint gets some compliments and so so interior) and no it does not have a glass panel...but it is serving my needs quite well at the moment. Oil analysis are coming back better than some I've seen posted on here. I know my situation is a little different having known the bird and owner...but it did sit for unknown unexplainable reasons for an extended period. Not saying that I will not upgrade to a faster bird some day. At the moment we are having a blast in it (83 year old Dad is loving it as well). Just my 2cts. Larry
  13. WOW!! That looks fantastic! Mean looking son of a gun.
  14. I have exactly the same situation on my VSI. Thanks for all the comments. Learn something everyday!
  15. I just removed mine. Broke my Dad's heart.
  16. Been there done that. Took me 30 minutes to figure out I left the step down causing the yaw condition.
  17. I really like what the top cowl addition did for appearance!
  18. 63C


    Absolutely beautiful!!
  19. My 63C has the hat rack. Think the placard says 10lb limit. Also it still has the 48 gallon gas capacity.
  20. Apparently will not have to be a big sign either. Maybe could just wave them over.
  21. Looks as good as one that was flown daily. I've never subscribed to the belief that engines automatically rusted up while sitting for extended periods.
  22. Wow!It looks great!
  23. ICOM handheld...on my Bi Annual of all times...LOL
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