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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. The owners manual didn’t give us a reasonable technique.
  2. But what if you do 4 pumps? What if you didn’t wind the clock as much? Oh if only there was an engine like the io-360 that starts reliably when cold?!
  3. Yes we all need to learn something that works reliably. If you’re insinuating that it’s hard? No, it’s not. It’s just that the older POHs didn’t give a reliable technique, so lots of people invented their own. I’m pretty sure anyone who’s had an io-360 more than a few months has learned how to start it just fine.
  4. Ha! Unless it’s chilly outside…
  5. Yep, thanks for posting that @toto. To the OP… you shouldn’t use the flooded start technique you asked about if you do cold and especially hot starts properly. It’s worth knowing how to do the flooded start just in case, but if you do hot start correctly you’ll never need flooded.
  6. There’s 100 different start techniques. They loosely follow some of the checklists. It’s worth reading some threads here about hot starts. Google “Mooney hot start Don Maxwell” and you’ll get some videos too. Cold starts are easy, but you need to read about and learn exactly how to start it hot. It’s not hard, but it won’t start at all if you do it even a little wrong or try a normal start.
  7. I’m pretty sure they fire the shower of sparks (if equipped) when turned to the start, and the starter is engaged by pushing it in from that position. In practice, they happen about the same time.
  8. Audio like that can be super annoying/disorienting too. I’d definitely be looking for a workaround like @N201MKTurbo suggested.
  9. That’s what I was thinking… CO or low blood O2 making things worse. Pulse ox is cheap and very useful.
  10. Really nice looking airplane.
  11. I didn’t watch to see where it peaks, but 30d lop DOES have higher egts than 100d rop. Does that explain your difference?
  12. Could you then increase mp to get back a few knots since you had it pulled back?
  13. Yeah there might be something around there the oil isn’t good for, but mostly it’s just ugly looking corrosion protection.
  14. A tiny leak will make the belly very oily. Additionally, these engines all lose some through the breather which goes directly on the belly. It can be a small leak and look like a huge mess under there. I’d definitely try to clean it up somewhat and/or live with it because you’re gonna spend a whole lot of time and money but there’s likely nothing really “wrong” with the engine.
  15. Ha! I use the USAF version which appears to be exactly the same! Except it’s not quite as professional looking for the work airplane so I got a nice looking one that has less room and is harder to find things in.
  16. And you guys all make fun of us IO-360 guys and our 100s of hot start techniques! Ha! Cold start is easy in the IO! (FWIW, find a way to preheat).
  17. Western aviation at KSFF recently advertised space in a community hangar. Might be worth calling and asking them. I lucked into buying my hangar at SFF a few years back when the owner bought a Cirrus but didn’t realize it wouldn’t fit in 38’ doors! If I was you I’d definitely check COE and DEW as well. I like how that airport is surrounded by fields. SFF is surrounded by zero places to land (maybe not exactly zero, but close enough). SFF is very convenient though. Signature at GEG has some hangar space too ($$).
  18. No reason to keep it in the airplane. I keep my originals at home in my safe. I do everything electronically on a basic spreadsheet. There are lots of good options. Only reason I take out the originals is for flight review signature or some other endorsement where I want a wet signature. I end up scanning it and keeping electronic copies of the page too.
  19. Can’t believe there’s still fires this late in the year! Recently I say small ones in Oregon and idaho, but I think our current storm should finish them.
  20. I like this: https://www.amazon.com/Flight-Outfitters-Lift-Bag/dp/B00YYK3UCM/ref=asc_df_B00YYK3UCM/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=312140517066&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5832071950990711076&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1027639&hvtargid=pla-523049771710&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=62501500059&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=312140517066&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=5832071950990711076&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1027639&hvtargid=pla-523049771710 flight outfitters bags are well made and not too pricey.
  21. this is a perfect thread on it. Get down about 8 posts to @kortopates description with Saavy data.
  22. Maybe 16ish is ok? I think there are some threads around here where people discussed this but I’m not sure there was a perfect resolution?
  23. Need more FF! Im no mechanic so I’m not sure how that’s adjusted, but there’s probably a procedure and standards in the maintenance manual.
  24. No problem, it’s worth trying. I use it all the time in the climb. If you need to lean for high DA takeoff, It’s a little tough to adjust during the takeoff roll with everything going on, but it’s doable. Not my invention, there’s plenty of reading on it, but it works for me.
  25. Interesting, are you at sea level? That’s low ff and high egt. You should have ~18gph during t/o roll. I’m at 2000’ (although DA today was basically sea level) and I’m full rich, 18ish. Low 1200s is common egts, but there is variability in engines and egt probe placement. However with that ff, I’d say you could be in for an adjustment. Probably help keep your CHTs cooler during takeoff and initial climb. Although I bet egts are around 1220 by the time you hit 2000’.
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