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Everything posted by RocketAviator

  1. I have been painstakingly working with GAMI, even took the Rocket to GAMI and flew with John-Paul of GAMI (a great guy) to get my GAMI injectors balanced and my CHT temp down. We were successful in getting the CHT's down and down by a large factor.... (dont tell anyone but we stole a Bonanza idea and wow did it ever work), however another remaining & continuing issue is high TIT. Today we checked the timing and found that it was slightly retarded 17.4 & 17.6 BTDC We corrected both of the MAG timing to precisely 20.5 BTDC using both electronic inclinometer and a mechanical dial indicator for verification according to what GAMI recommended. There was no appreciable TIT difference in the single test flight today. GAMI is sending me new injectors for tomorrow delivery the current GPH spread is low 19.1 #1, 19.2#2, 20.4 #3 Highest, 19.7# 4, 20.2 #5 & 20.0 #6 with highest CHT at 402 (rest below 390) and TIT 1623 @ 22.4 GPH @ 2430 RPM = 194 TAS @ 10,500. This was an all out run for me as I don't like the high CHT nor the high TIT. My goal is to see if I can run LOP and if so at what best cruise speeds. My typical flight is 2.5 to 3 hrs @ mostly 12 - 15k. Any suggestions or ideas would be appreciated
  2. David, Yes I believe you are correct. They told me the STC was the "Golden" part of the documentation. The company that just completed my repairs required me to present it... I was not impressed... but i presented it, as they requested! It has some specific info on engine mount, bolts, service notes etc.
  3. David - Swaid, My documentation includes the 9 page POH supplement and about a 50 page that duplicates the 9 page POH supplement plus all the drawings, service notes, STC's etc in a separate Rocket Manual.
  4. Bill, Like several before have said "thanks for the straight talk". This sounds like great news to me both as a Mooney owner and an American with an American Business! Best of luck to you and the new Mooney Company!
  5. Welcome Raygun15E, where in TX are you located? I am in El Paso. Thank you for your service to our country, good luck with your search.
  6. I have a set one slightly damaged, PM we can discuss. They came off my rocket.
  7. Thanks, any quick guide of how it is used would also be appreciated!
  8. I am very lucky and have a great home airport that is well maintained but this is a great IDEA....DaV8or!
  9. Good luck Becca & Byron... wish I could be there too!! I'll be rooting for you!
  10. I used the JPI 701 for years in my Saratoga, but this time went with the Insight G3 in the Mooney... Wow would never go back. In fact I will most likely upgrade to the G4 in a few weeks. At my age the larger display would be helpful... LOL
  11. Where and when is the AZ activity? Tried to PM you but,,,,
  12. Just glad they all lived through it.
  13. Bob, I truly feel for you, wish there was something I could say or do to make it easier on you.. As you know I just went through the insurance / away from home shop repair... it was a challenge at a minimum but it was doable! Let us know how it turns out,
  14. I did not ask I just installed them! Although I used his shop while he watched and said WOW they are bright.... when I tested the LED side by side with the one remaining 4509 that was still working! Check the reply above regarding legal... I like it but then again that does not make it so... Worth it for me at this point.... we will see.
  15. Thank you Craig for all you do, I appreciate it. Lacee
  16. I Google Grote 63821-5 http://beveragetruckparts.com/catalogsearch/result/?order=relevance&dir=desc&q=63821-5 $110.34 each plus shipping is what they charged me.
  17. Found these LED lights while doing research for LED landing light options based on a Brand X aviation Forum... WOW side by side they are at least 3 times brighter than the GE 4509. They come it two versions Spot / Wide angle... ie Landing & Taxi. Installed both to test... All I can say is WOW! Paid $110 each factory new from factory online dealer, had them shipped in 2nd day for less than the cost of one Aircraft Spruce Whelin LED unit. Talk about bright.... Also you can interchange the lens if you want to go from wide angle to spot or vise versa... One drawback if it is a drawback at all, is I cant check it and tell when it is on by watching the AMP draw... Dont know if I will keep them installed or not because I don't know the legality of using them. When I talked to the factory they stated they are an "exact replacement for the PAR36 and brighter than the 4509" and they were! Fit perfect took about 20 minutes to swap both. NOTE, had to keep the longer screws from GE 4509 as in my case my bird has two bulbs and the eye terminal ends are double stacked, requiring an easier fit with the longer GE 4509 screws. The others would have worked just easier with the slightly longer screws. Another thing I like is they are a well know very long time successful US company GROTE. They appear to be very well built, heavy with excellent heat sink die cast housing... The most important part of any LED bulb. Something like 11 - 30 VDC if I recall correctly. They are specifically designed and targeted for extreme service on earth and heavy equipment and tractor service.. Just thought I would share, any feedback on the legality of using them would be appreciated.
  18. ok now this made me laugh..... and they say???
  19. I want with ever fiber of my being say "less likely by a long shot", but my fear and knowledge now is that in any particular circumstance it could happen again... and I am no longer so arrogant to say "never me".. Which brings me to my next point I am unable to conceive that anyone with a smite of wisdom & honesty that would say they have never forgot or failed to do something in flight... I realize there are some actions or inaction's that can have a much bigger impact on a particular outcome but mistakes do happen... Own them or run from them, or hide them are our choices. I hope to own mine and learn from it and hopefully someone else will learn from my mistake too.. That is the only condolence I give myself. Furthermore I am not about to give up on everything I make a mistake while doing or I would never do anything very long. And before someone jumps on the bandwagon that is not in any way an excuse for making the same or similar mistake again!
  20. Now you tell me.... Thanks alot!.. my friend!
  21. Hey thanks Alan. I was fortunate to have my other airplane a Saratoga which I flew for about 25 hrs while the Rocket was being repaired up until I sold it this last month. I have about 9.5 hrs all but 2.5 hrs were cross country on the Rocket since I picked it up this week. It was a little intimidating at first but getting easier as I build more time in the Rocket. Thankful for the opportunity to fly the Rocket again and I do enjoy it for sure!
  22. Ok I'll bite and yes it is humiliating to say the least, embarrassing, and VERY COSTLY and honestly there is shame too. Whats more is I have and use checklist, multiple gear warning systems on my Rocket and over 1000 hrs when the incident occurred this past June 1. So I am one that has! And one that said "it will never happen to me cause I am not that stupid"... (and with that said I remove one foot from my mouth and promptly insert other foot and bite down...hard) With over 1000 hrs with never as much as a scratch.... Mine occurred while training a simulated engine fire spiral to land with a very seasoned CFI with a boatload of Mooney time sitting beside me.... After some very careful recount of what occurred what I can say is distraction was the primary factor, but also getting into an unusual situation (which is what an emergency is..) And also let me say, distraction caused by concentrating on what to me was a challenging maneuver for the first time, not that I was not paying attention to my flying. I learned a very hard and costly lesson that it is entirely too easy to get behind the aircraft and omit some the the NORMAL activity that is almost a habit to me in normal flight. While I don't recall the gear down warning I am sure it must have come on and I even had a very seasoned Mooney CFI sitting beside me! We had just completed a fairly through BFR, and was about to begin working on an IPC when the simulated engine fire activity was called. Never say never! Yea that has a whole new meaning to me now. Now what, First I am committed to take my flying to a higher and hopefully more proficient level, specifically committing to obtaining significant amounts of additional training in the unusual circumstances as well as trying to break some of the bad things I have picked up in my normal flight habits. I picked my Rocket up this week, having now flown it cross country for 9.75 hrs with 9 landings with one at night, I know that there is a lot of work ahead. Now that I wont ever be able to say "I have never", but I might just maybe be able to cause someone else not to make the same "stupid mistake" that I did! End of my little story. A saying that I say and have used for many years . "A smart man learns from his mistakes, A wise man learns from someone else mistakes!" Fly Safe Rocket On!
  23. Well I think some of you might have even heard me tonight around 9:00pm... maybe even all the way to CA!!! or it might have been the shop that I had do the work when they finally heard me say OK I accept! While it is long overdue and there has been an uncountable amount of email & phone exchange of "to do" & "to check and confirm" I arrived on Sunday and then after 2 more days (yep we worked all day on Sunday) of extensive review and with a little over 2.5 hours of flight I finally accepted my ol bucket of bolts! Lord Willing I will be flying her home tomorrow. I bet these guys are more than a little glad to have me gone!!! LOL Glad to have my plane back, was beginning to think it would never happen. I almost forgot how thrilling it is to cruise along at 182kts TAS today! I hope I never go through anything like that again! Most important Thanks again to all my Mooney friends who extended and provided so much support to me during all this. You know who you are and I won't forget all of you! Thanks again. Fly safe Rocket On....
  24. I have the Bob Fields unit in my Rocket, makes a BIG difference. I have had a problem with it not shutting off at altitude. (mine is automatic electric) I have spoken to Bob's son who now runs the business and he knows of the issue and the unit would have to be sent back and the pressure sensor exchanged to a 9.5 psi shut off rather the current 10.0 psi shut off sensor switch. I just turn it off when I get to altitude if the on light is still on. It hold the door seal fine with the pump off. I also have a friend with a 210 and has a Field unit and he has discontinued using his because of concern of electrical fire with the pump up unit!!
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