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Everything posted by RocketAviator

  1. Sure first based on a post here on MS, I inspected the metal baffling behind the #6 cylinder head. According to what everyone said was SEAL UP EVERYTHING, every little leak could add up... so I did I folded a piece of silicone baffle material and RTV'ed it to the metal baffling, in doing this I had to pry back the metal baffling a bit to get the silicone in between the cylinder head and the metal baffling. Flew a few flights and noted no better NO lower #6CHT temp, maybe even slightly higher by 5 deg or so. Then looking at another post here on MS where someone took a small strip and placed it between only one or two of the fins and the metal baffling thereby increasing the space between the cylinder fins and the baffling, I decided to try that but while doing so found that I could fairly easily form the metal baffling with my metal working tools fo remain offset from the #6 CHT by about 5/16" without the need for the silicone strip. So in simple terms I removed the silicone that I had previously installed and created additional clearance and therefore believe I allow sufficient or at least more air flow between the cylinder head fins and the baffling. I am thinking it caused the overall airflow increase to the back of the engine by lowering the back pressure from the air being able to escape from between the cylinder and baffle. In any case it worked dropped the #6 temp by 30 deg in flight. Did not seem to affect the other cylinders. I surmised it was a relatively easy project and can be replaced to normal by reforming the baffle or placing some silicone back in the space if need be, so I gave it a try! I hope all this rambling helps, feel free to PM me and I will give you my phone # to discuss if that would be of any help. Fly safe, Lacee
  2. I can tell you from my recent sounds somewhat close experience that the GTN will drop the glide slope to my G500 if not stable. i found the problem in one of my towel bar antenna's after replacing the antenna the signal was 4 times better, this was based on a test on the ground using the avionics shop ILS equipment. I am seriously thinking of looking into and seeing if the wing tip antennas will work in my Rocket and if so I might try them. If you have an avionics shop they should be able to perform the same test using their test / setup ILS equipment. Not sure where you are located but John Miller at Crystal Avionics in New Braunfels did the work for me. I fly a fair amount in IMC and I had my autopilot out this last week and had to make several flights in IMC while it was out.... All I can say is an autopilot to me is not just a luxury it is almost a hard necessity for increased saftey in IMC.... I know I can fly without it if I have to but I sure dont like too! Good luck,
  3. Well after much ado and more $ than I want to disclose I was able to fly somewhat LOP reasonably smoothly with highest CHT at below 370 and my TIT at 1600! Had a brutal head wind so I flew really low at 10. Achieved 15.9 GPH @ 36 MP @ 2300, 180 TAS, not quite as smooth as I had hoped but barely acceptable at this point. Goal is 14.7 - 15.5 GPH at relatively same TAS as with ROP, which for my ol bucket of bolts is 200 TAS, @ 12. Spoke to a Rocket owner that Don Maxwell put me on to and this was the general performance he achieved. Both Don(s) told me It took him and Don Maxwell a very long time to dial in on their accomplishment! His performance was 14.7 - 15.5 @ 2400 @ 32 - 33" @ 192 @ 10 Each change that was made we flew and recorded the impact to the best of our ability and here are the results thus far: Temperatures: #1 single biggest impact for #1 CHT, GAMI / Bonanza / Pixie hole whopping 45 deg cooler! #2 slight deflection of a baffle on the right side of cowl, just under 30 deg cooler #3 Slower RPM #3 changed method of ROP to LOP transition (now using relatively swift Big Pull) #4 Removed a partial baffle suggestion that was posted on MS and opened up the clearance between cylinder 6 and the rear metal baffle. Smoothness: #1 GAMI injectors (we are still working on this one, there may be some additional opportunity in this area, now that we have some of these other improvements, hope to know more on this soon. #2 Spark Plug change from Champion Fine wire to Tempest Fine wire (slight lowering of TIT but noticeably smoother at LOP) Things that we did that did not have a significant nor measurable impact on an individual basis were: Turbo Induction system leaks (8 found) New baffle seals all around, sealed every crack and seam with RTV Critical Timing set to as close to factory perfect as we could using digital inclinometer. (we just made some changes to the timing last night and I hope to test fly this today or tomorrow) This is not to say that collectively that some of the above were not a factor just not measurable in our test flights. Onward we go..... Rocket on, Fly safe, Lacee
  4. Looking for recommendes on high tension sparkplug wireswireswires
  5. Sad to hear, seems to be a run such activity. I know someone will be getting a great plane!
  6. Sounds like you have a great plan Joe, keep us posted, Any input or suggestions would be appreciated. My wife and I are about to depart on a 3 hr 600nm flight and this will be her first "get acquainted with the elements of the plane". Good luck, Fly safe, Lacee
  7. Pinerunner, as you can see from my earlier posts I completely agree with your thoughts. My wife and I assume any person who regularly flies has some idea of what the elements of the plane are in a general sense. What I intend to do is both of the items you suggest but the purpose of this forum topic is to exchange and develop a checklist that could be used in the event of a frantic time such as an emergency. It would be our additional responsibility to provide instructions to the frequent passenger in addition to the checklist. I hope this clarifies the purpose of this forum and our intentions and furthermore I hope you will join in with your suggestions and exchange. Thanks, fly safe Lacee
  8. Jamie, there are IFR by the numbers in a document online MAPA Mooney Manual. I have the printed copy and found this (earlier version) online. I found the number for the Rocket to be a great close starting point and only slightly modified a few to fit my specific preferences. I tried to attach this PDF to this post and also upload it. If you PM your email address I will email you a copy of the PDF file. I believe you will find IFR by the Numbers listed for your plane as a good starting point within this document as well. Lacee Looks like chrisk has the link for this document, this is a great tool even for if you are not pursuing your IFR. Good luck, Fly safe, Lacee
  9. Well ok now that you put it that way.... lol oh and by the way just a long as you dont CRACK THE WHIP on ME>>>>> too much... that is! Thanks for all you and those that work so hard for the rest of us do! Please let me know how I can help and when the next (reasonably close training is) I will do my best to be there. Are you going to make it to the spring activity in Kerrville? Lacee
  10. I do commend your resolve, but sometimes it is necessary to help others understand what the unintended consequences of thier actions or in actions have. Again I commend your thoughts and conclusion to the matter. Lacee
  11. Wakeup, I am sorry the manuels (not the 430 itself) I had, have been already passed along. Good luck on your first airplane, post some picts for the rest of us! Fly safe, Lacee
  12. What is this I read..... what error did you document here.... who is going coordinate the formation fly in next year & who is going to teach me to fly formation..... Well Well "you got some esplaining to do...." oh i guess you already did you esplaining.... but I dont have to LIKE IT.... Good luck with the sale of your plane, hope you are going to get another one quickly! Fly safe Lacee
  13. Heres another idea that more of us could help or cause a great impact by participating in writing to NB: A number of us or better yet ALL of us write a letter stating that we are or are not or were planning or whatever a trip in the area but after hearing what they did to NX601RX, we felt it necessary to inform them just how far reaching their ill-effective and inhospitable their efforts are and the repercussions that can and do exist when such an disingenuous effort takes place... or something along those lines... I would not necessarily disclose we are the Mooney group but rather fellow aviation associates. Just let me know what I can do, this is nonsense and what a definitive waste of NB efforts & resources! Lacee
  14. Sounds great and thanks for your encouragement and involvement! Please let me know what I can do and how I can help. I will touch base with Jan again shortly. Thanks again.
  15. I visited with Jan Maxwell's today while at Don Maxwell's shop having some flight control adjustments made. I hope we can encourage her & YOU & possibly a lady she mentioned who like Jan is involved in the 99 group >>>> to put on a Pinch Hitters seminar during the upcoming Mooney Spring Homecoming! .... I think it would be great!
  16. Another stolen post!!! Posted Today, 09:23 AM RobertoTohme, on 14 Nov 2013 - 09:16 AM, said: RobertoTohme, Mooneygirl also suggest we get Trey to include or put on a Pinch Hitters Course during the upcoming spring Mooney gathering! Trey if you are reading this I would be willing to help in both time, effort and $. I asked Mooneygirl if she would reach out to Trey as she appears to be heavily involved in Mooney & General Aviation service work. I have only talked to Trey on the phone a time or two but I would be willing to call him and see what he says if we don't hear anything back from Mooneygirl soon. All this on another post "Pinch Hitter Checklist" forum. Thanks for the input great idea, if enough of us will pull the wagon so to speak we might just be able to get it done and wont be too much work on any one person!! Thanks Fly safe, Lacee
  17. RobertoTohme, Mooneygirl also suggest we get Trey to include or put on a Pinch Hitters Course during the upcoming spring Mooney gathering! Trey if you are reading this I would be willing to help in both time, effort and $. I asked Mooneygirl if she would reach out to Trey as she appears to be heavily involved in Mooney & General Aviation service work. I have only talked to Trey on the phone a time or two but I would be willing to call him and see what he says if we don't hear anything back from Mooneygirl soon. All this on another post "Pinch Hitter Checklist" forum. Thanks for the input great idea, if enough of us will pull the wagon so to speak we might just be able to get it done and wont be too much work on any one person!! Thanks Fly safe, Lacee
  18. Ditto, great tribute, no better cause and no better use of your airplanes!! Thanks
  19. Stole this from Mooneygirl post in 2010 because I could not figure out how to easily quote it on this forum! Posted 07 March 2010 - 10:39 AM Jan Maxwell of Don Maxwell Aviation put on a pinch hitter introduction at Tahoe a year ago June. It was very very good. She had some great points and a video, which I will try to locate as she gave me a copy. Some points she made, in her beautiful southern drawl, were * If he can do it, you can do it. Make him take you up to practice. * If he is slumped over on the yoke, use the strap of your purse to hold him back [by the forehead]. Us women usually have a sizable purse! * With most instruments if they are in the GREEN you are okay. Know your approach speeds. * She had a video with a fly on the front window. She taught us how to put that fly on the horizon to fly straight and level. Then as the time came to land to control the airplane to have the fly line up with the landing spot. She of course talked about using the throttle to control descent. * Know where you are. GPS or situational awareness Jan, a fellow 99, used to put on the full blown seminars in the past. Our 99s group is doing a companion seminar on May 8th. I think the key is to practice... slow flight, straight and level, and practice talking on the radio.
  20. Great idea, if you know or have personal relationship with Trey, maybe you would be kind enough to reach out to him. I did send an email to Don asking about the info and video you mentioned. I am absolutely personally committed to this subject at a minimum of creating my wife a pictorial checklist and getting her at least familiar enough with the controls and cockpit items and with some instruction on getting the plane to and landing it with at least a chance of walking away so any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated. Thanks let me know or PM me if you prefer with any thoughts, Fly safe, Lacee
  21. May just be me but for 26 I would be inclined to get one of the less expensive LED and see if it is adequate.... One other possibility is get one of the Grote and the 26 bulb and compare... Not sure if either supplier would allow you to return the one you don't use. Just a thought. If you do let the rest of us know what you learn. Met up with a fellow Mooniac at the avionics shop last night and we shared a meal and great conversations so it gave me a chance to use mine again last night for the short 1hr flight back and they were great, I really like the white lite, I think I am going to consider extending ie raise the light direction up on the spot to I can see farther down the runway but before I do that i want to try a few more night landings at different approach angles. I typically like to have a steeper approach in visual conditions than say when i am on a much shallower ILS or GPS approach. Fly safe,
  22. Hey there mooneygirl... I always get a kick out of seeing your aviator name... First what is the date of this activity. While I don't see how I could make it anytime in the next 45 day anyway (darn work schedules....), but it sounds like a blast and a good cause.
  23. This looks interesting resource a short book on Pinch Hitting! http://oregonpines99s.org/tng/ptm.pdf
  24. Becca for some reason your post of "May I suggest if any pinch hitter flight training is done, you send your wife/spouse/significant other/frequent non-pilot companion up with an instructor while you stay on the ground? I've spent a lot of time observing this dynamic, and I think the stress-free opportunity to ask any and all questions, push buttons, say something stupid, without your spouse looking on makes learning a lot better." did not show up in my forum..... In any case I agree and first offered and recommended my wife get instructions from someone other than me and she said NO I want you to show me!!! You have to also know that my wife and I a have worked most every day of our 30 years of marriage together in a single office with our desk being within 5 ft from each other... She knows the offer stands and at any point she wants to have someone else instruct or show her things about the airplane we will gladly make those arrangements. Thanks for the input and for most married couples I know you may very well be correct! Lacee
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