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Everything posted by RocketAviator

  1. Need INPUT...ASAP on battery replacement recommendations! The shop working on my Rocket is saying that I need 2 new batteries (in the tail section & hard to get to) the current batteries were installed in 7/2010. I never had any problems with the batteries but they are reporting that after charging they won't start the engine.... They have quoted 2 each G-35 batteries and my cost is $245.94 each with acid. (don't know if that includes labor but if it is like the other items I doubt it...). They have also asked if I would be interested in the Concord sealed batteries! What say you? Need input ASAP so I can give them an answer! Thanks in advance, Lacee
  2. I can not contribute any useful knowledge to your request but I would be very interested in knowing what they learn.. I would say Prayers of Thanks are in order!!
  3. ok what will you take for your used set of Halo's? Since you don't LOVE them??? Let me know.
  4. I just sold my two Bose X sets. I thought if the cost equated to comfort they would be great.... and they were good for sure but nothing like my in ear lightspeed... I wear glasses and any conventional headset I have tried hurts my head after a couple hours of flying .... which I used to do!
  5. Larry, Keep me posted I am very interested!!! Assuming I actually get my plane back someday.....
  6. Thanks to all, just talked to Phil (I believe he is he owner) at Quite Technologies and purchased a Halo set. During the conversation I told him of the L1 Lightspeed sets I had, and that they were no longer available for sale or service from Lightspeed.... he said "no problem send it back to me we can fix it, they were my headset anyway"... so for $50 he will fix my old set... and I can have a spare! Also just FYI he is a fellow Mooniac.... Only bad news is the Halo headset is on backorder 3 or 4 weeks Phil expects!!!!
  7. I have a couple of the old LIghtspeed L1 in ear head sets (one went south) and they are no longer serviced or available from LightSpeed. Looking for a couple new headsets. Any input on Clarity or Quite Tech or any other would be appreciated. Want to make a purchase this week if possible. Thanks in advance, Lacee
  8. Sad, prayers for their families.
  9. RobertE, After 30 years of flying with never so much as a scratch on an airplane. I too have had while not exactly the same but maybe a similar experience with my Mooney this year! My ol bucket of bolts should be ready to fly again next week if there are no further delays!! While the plane may be as good as it was my pride will forever be bruised and I am not sure that is a bad thing if it keeps me from making the same mistake again! I have flown my other plane for a little over 50 hours since the incident and I can tell you that and I hope it never changes, I certainly approach my flying and especially the landings with a much higher degree of awareness, pre-planning and double checking than I believe I did in the past. I use speed brakes often in my Rocket, I find them like every other feature on the plane they can be very useful but like everything else they add one more degree of complexity! I am very fond and often recite: The difference between a Smart Man & a Wise Man is the Smart Man learns from his mistakes, while the Wise Man learns from someone elses!" Fly safe,
  10. tell me about your 696 mount? any issues with mounting to the windshield?
  11. I would be most interested in participating in some form of a shared pro photo mission. Please let me know.
  12. Hello all, I am looking for any information on and source(s) and recommendations or not on the low profile main and nose gear doors for 231 (NOTE Rocket 305 Conversion) I have an opportunity (if I can find & acquire them in a timely manner) but must make a decision quickly. Anyone have them? Anyone have any experiance with them? Anything I should know or consider? Looking for source and Pirep ASAP. I also have seen some postings on modifying the brakes so everything fits in better if I understand what little I know about it. NEED MORE INPUT... PLease! Thanks in advance,
  13. Congratulations to everyone involved and a special thanks to Dave and all the Caravan team. What a great representation for Mooney owners!
  14. Wow I am so envious.... Next Year Lord Willing.... next year. Great job everyone!
  15. I'll loan you my Saratoga....... If I still have it by then LOL!
  16. Great feedback, I will check into and see which if any of the above will fit or that I could adjust to. Thanks again everyone and if anyone has additional info please send it my way! I especially think I want to learn more and possibly try the hands free verbal check list option that Wistarmo suggested. I also think there may be a self learning curve and discipline required (possibly helpful and possibly not) of checking off an item. One thing it makes me think it will provide a check back that it has been checked and that may be worth the discipline and effort. Again Thanks, keep it coming, there is hope....yea I know not much hope for me Fly safe, Rocket On!
  17. What about Byron goes by jetdriven on this forum! I think he is in the Houston area! Besides a CFII he knows a lot about Mooney in my humble opinion!
  18. I would like to know if anyone has experience with an electronic check list? I am looking to clean up the cockpit and since I have both the IPad & a Tablet yoke mounted... yea I know... too much..stuff, but I do use them both and will most likely migrate to the IPad in the end. I also plan to mount / fix the IPad somehow to a location other than the Yoke in order to maximize the Xavion app use. So if anyone has any ideas or suggestions to mounting the IPad somehow in the center of a Mooney below the main panel, chime in with that as well. Looking for a app that I can customize and has emergency check list, night / day (bright / dim). Thanks in advance, Lacee
  19. Congratulations indeed!
  20. Great feature! Thanks I can see myself and others getting a lot of good information exchanged!
  21. Have not tried on this site but I use 7-Zip a freeware to split large files when needed. You can split the file into a user specified size!
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