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Everything posted by RocketAviator

  1. I have hot prop on my M20K Rocket & there is no thermostat. One can easily see a significant current draw when active. You can also feel each heating boot they warm very quickly... Caution prop electrucal power people are recipe for possible accident... You can also check voltage at the prop ring that Don mentioned. Mine has always worked perfectly but like Don I plan & hope to never need it....but it came in the plane &I have it if I should need it.
  2. While the pilot and his actions or inactions are as posted earlier "bizarre" at a minimum, I find even more puzzling and concerning is the actions or inactions of the airport personnel.... A very well equipped airport with apparent knowledge that a plane was in the air circling the airport at 2:00 AM.... Does that not set off some major ALARMS to anyone other than me!? Sorry for the human loss and sorry for the black eye this gives to all aviation!!! Not Good, not good!
  3. Scott, please PM me I am interested in learning more on the unit you have. Thanks in advance, Lacee
  4. That is a question I am not sure of, I have been having problems with the GS coupling to the autopilot, they just changed out the coax coupler and that helped considerably. But still nothing like my old Piper Saragota did. I have concerns that there might be some other issue and when I found this yesterday it give me even more concern! The avionics shop measured and found that after the coupler was changed the signal being received from their very low power transmitter was greater by about 400% ie 40ft vs 10ft before the coupler was changed! So my questions remains? Any thoughts, my thought is repair the structure of the antenna (the tube, which I believe to be stainless or possibly aluminum) if by chance the electrical conductors are in tack until I get it repaired or replaced.
  5. I believe I do please PM me Thanks
  6. Looking for input... Can I repair with epoxy while I see what my options are. Any suggestions for best replacement or best steps in repair or replacement.
  7. Any suggestions on best practice and or methods / cleaners to clean exhaust from under side of plane. Mine is a white chalk looking, very little oil. Anyone use any waxes or other preparations for future ease of cleaning etc: Thanks in advance.
  8. Let me clarify. My insurance agent said that as long as it is a regularly maintained runway it is ok, I specifially ask about landing on a sand beach and she checked and said No. I was planning on joining you guys when I checked on the grass & sand landings. Maintained Grass & I took any other maintained like in our area we had dirt strips are ok. Sorry for any confusion!
  9. Thanks for the input, I believe we saw the same general results when comparing the Grote Taxi to the incandescent GE bulb but when we compared the spot to the GE the Grote was brighter, however it was a white lite compared to the softer yellowish lite GE. At least this was our take on what we compared. Another thing was we have both lights mounted within a couple inches from each other for our comparison. Also our GE 4509 was only 100W and I am sure that would make a significant difference compared to your 250 watt. Again I don't have a dog in this race, just appreciative of the feedback.
  10. Very informative and interesting technical paper on Tempest plug cleaning!! http://www.tempestplus.com/Portals/0/PDFs/Sparkplug%20Cleaning%20The%20Right%20Way%20061212.pdf
  11. Well for now after I talked to my insurance agent and discovered that I am NOT covered when landing on unimproved runway (with the exception of an emergency that is) I will have to take this adventure off my Bucket List at least for now....
  12. Cabanaboy, Great comparison. Is the 250W GE bulb teh 4509 bulb? The Left GE bulbs looks to be more focused and penetrating for longer distance viewing. Any thoughts on comparing the GE to the Grote Spot (Landing light). When we compared the 4509 GE to the Grote we found the Grote to be much brighter so I would be interested in knowing more. Thanks again.
  13. Passing it forward. I have some Garmin 430 & some 530W manuals, documentation and STC etc from my Mooney Rocket that I would like to pass on to someone who would use and benefit from them.
  14. ok I am a little slow here, so help a poor guy out... and see if I understand it correctly! The Clarity is an OK or better unit but you don't feel the SV upgrade is worth the money, does that include the burst data function that SageTech Clarity touts? You mention and I see that Foreflight does not currently support the Clarity unit, while I am not specifically planning on using Foreflight but I don't want my options limited either. This whole effort is to accomplish a non-aircraft powered backup in case my Glass panel goes south. My intention is to use the Xavion, new mini IPad and possibly add on a software such as FlyQ, Foreflight, WingX or something else. I see an online comparison where the Clarity preformed better in their comparison, any thoughts on this? http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/8/prweb10994362.htm Anything else I should consider or know in making this decision? All kidding aside thanks for your help and feedback, I appreciate it!
  15. Ok lets see....ok i got it yep accurate but totally useless... Thanks I think.. Or not
  16. Looking for actual PIREP on Clarity SV Good or Bad! Looking to pull the trigger very soon, need INPUT!
  17. Two things, one as I stated on another topic, my landing light went out on an approach in IMC and I had to land at an unfamiliar airport without a landing light at night.... (one reason I don't like the GE4509 bulb... but that is another story and no longer an issue with LED's). I highly recommend training for night landings with and WITHOUT a landing light (especially if you have the old incandescent bulbs..), it paid off for me and like the other member noted previously, knowing your power settings and good control will make it almost seem like you don't need a landing light... Yea it really works, or at least it did for me the one time I really needed it... I felt like I was sweating bullets but it worked! The other item that I learned in the Mooney PPP and now use and used when I had to land without a landing light was the use of Oxygen when I fly at night... even in the local pattern WOW it really makes a difference in depth and clarity night vision... Dont think so go try it, turn it on when you begin your final turn on your Oxygen.... and watch the runway get almost instantly clearer!
  18. I will continue to see what I can find, from the photo. Here are a couple, any chance your bulb pulled out of its socket? After seeing these it got me to thinking that aircraft builder would have most likely used some sort of securing mechanism / base. https://www.interlight.biz/light-bulb/AIRCRAFT-LAMP-12V-100W-PG22-WING-TIP-L https://www.interlight.biz/light-bulb/SYLVANIA-59078 http://www.lampline.com/ehe-osram-752-p Let me know if you learn anything else I will continue to search when I get some time. Have a great day! Here is a bulb but is 30v @ 200 watt, I have no idea if the actual bulb is the same but at 1/2 voltage it will produce 1/2 watt!! Again not sure I or you want to go there but just more INPUT! https://www.interlight.biz/light-bulb/SYLVANIA-59078
  19. Dave, don't think this is any help but it might jog someones memory... let me know if there is anything here that is of interest. http://mooneyspace.com/topic/9612-tail-strobnav-replacement/ This is one of the sites pages listed in the above forum http://www.navstrobelighting.com/categories/Aviation/
  20. David, Do you have the OEM part # or anything else I can use to search with? If it fits your Rocket Im of course interested. Im also assuming it is an M20K part and not specific to the Rocket. Let me know and I will search too and see what I can find. Lacee
  21. Jamie, he CGR-30P does look interesting!
  22. Envious.... great story, sounds like it was almost the perfect day.... Thanks for sharing!
  23. I do, I have the G3 installed in my Rocket. Great analyzer, LOP & ROP threshold. the only thing I wish I had gone with the G4 at my age a little larger display would be better. I put in the G500, GTN 750 & 650 so space was at a high premium and I did not have room for anything larger on the Pilot side. I might upgrade to the G4 or if the old nickles will stretch that far, this MVP50 looks very interesting for the price I just don't know where I could fit something like that in! G3 all and all is a great product, I had the JPI 701 in my last plane and much prefer the G3 over the JPI. Color is a great and very useful quick guide for me. Good luck,
  24. I am not a Wont Leave yet so let me know what you will take for them a set of them. Thanks Lacee
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