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    Palo Alto, CA
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    flying, sailing, scuba diving, travel.
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  1. 32K would be a good deal for the Mooney M20C if it is in top shape.
  2. VREF value 1963 - MOONEY MARK 21/RANGER M20 B/C/G $28,681.05 (as configured) Trade-in value will be considerably less due to dealer marketing costs, margins and inventory expenses. Price assumes complete logs, no damage, and all inspections complied. Model Base Retail Serial No. M20C $31,000.00 2297-2622 Airframe Total Time and Engine Time Since Major Overhaul: Note: Numbers in parenthesis are negative values. AFTT: 4500. Effect on valuation=$81.05 at $0.90/hour. SMOH Engine #1: 1400. Effect on valuation=($4,400.00) at $11.00/hour.
  3. At 25K I will pay cold hard cash $100 bills in a nice suitcase. No rubber checks.
  4. I'm interested was looking at 231 but this is great deal. How far are you from Northern California ?
  5. Agree I'm looking for either a 201J or 231 under 90K is my budget.
  6. It does like an awesome 201J!
  7. I wouldn't complain if someone gave me free training in type and use of one of these fighter jets
  8. Thanks gents, PM sent. Well after taxes the bonus will cover 1/3 of the cost so no complaints :-)
  9. I've called Verlyn to see the 252 and he never followed up with me :-(
  10. I just got my bonus and ready to buy a Mooney! Looking for a 252 or 252 Encore. Need something for high altitude cruising trips and advanced ratings.
  11. Agree given that at any time a huge 50k engine bill would come due and that would affect the ownership experience.
  12. Good discussion. If I end up with a Mooney, I've thought of taking out the back seats to make room for pet transport. I signed up with Pilots N Paws to do some animal charity flights. I love animals and its a great way to build time and save on taxes while giving back.
  13. Yeah I've wondered about this as well. How do you tell a 252 from 231 Rocket? Is there a way to determine by the airframe quickly? I suspect many brokers try to pass a 231 Rocket as a 252 to charge higher sale prices.
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