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I'm looking into adding weather capabilities to my plane and wanted to ask the group what's the best way to go.  I currently have a GNS-430W/GTX-330ES combo and wondering if going the GDL-69/69A route might be a good option?  Or would this group rather go with the handheld options like iPad/ADS-B or XM on an Aera510 be a better way to go?


I admit I've been very happy with my XM weather on first a Garmin Handheld 496 and now the Aera 560.  However, remember there is a dealy.  Also, when I have rented aircraft and not brought my portable, I admit, I feel nakid without weather.


I have not yet tried one of the ipad solutions but may look into that in the near future.  From what I have read, XM still gives more information than the iPad or ADS-B solutions, but they are "free" where as XM has a monthly cost.




ADS-B if there is coverage in your area and frequent destinations, otherwise XM at greater recurring cost. I would not get an old tech GDL-69 for the 430 as it is expensive and a lousy screen for showing WX. A Garmin portable is much cheaper and offers more functionality but you'll have to deal with mounting it somewhere. I'm still happy with my 496 except the recurring XM cost, and will dump it as soon as ADS-B fills in their coverage in Kansas. Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2


I have a GDL-69A that displays on an MX 20. I have considered switching to an ADS-B driven portable but there are too many gaps in coverage, especially over the plains states and I use the weather on the panel for every long cross country. I would not dispute, though, that a portable that displays XM weather would be every bit as good and less expensive. The advantage of the 69A is the satellite radio, which I use every long trip also. Of course, that is yet another subscription.

The issue I see with your setup is having to display the output on a 430. The screen is just too small to be useful for things like Nexrad, and I doubt that the winds aloft would even be readable. If properly installed, the GDL-69/69A will display text versions of weather at any airport that reports weather, both METARs and TAFs. I find that very useful for planning what you will do as you near your airport of intended landing, i.e. whether you will fly and approach, which approach, and whether you even want to try land there (i.e. you might choose to land short of your destination if there will be a Tstorm parked over the airport you want when you get there).

I have to say, the GDL-69A & MX 20 combination is something I use every long trip and many shorter ones. As an example of its usefulness, this last weekend I flew from Memphis (M01) to KFCM, and there was a relatively thin strip of strong weather right along the route line with precipitation, that threatened Tstorms and probably icing during a descent from FL210. Before departing, I rerouted to fly M01 -> BDF -> KFCM, which would bring me up the eastern side of the weather and not in it. South of BDF quite a large "valley" appeared on the NEXRAD between areas precip. and at just the right angle to make it to KFCM, while the course line from BDF to KFCM was in the middle of the precip., so I got a "direct KFCM" from that spot south of BDF and avoided the rain. I still had an IMC descent as I got near KFCM, but very little precip. and no Tstorms. Without the NEXRAD I likely would have stumbled right into it.


I used an AirGizmos panel dock to put a Garmin 396 above a GNS430W.  Your avionics shop can direct the 430 to share your flight plan with the 396/496 for a very nicely integrated system.


ADS-B and Ipad have been working great for me since I got them in April. I didn't think coverage was going to be as good as it is when I first got it. Seems like an awful lot to pay for a subscription that gives you just slightly more.


I use ipad with Stratus for now, and so far have been quite pleased with it. Good coverage North and South Texas which is mainly where I have flown. Stratus also has a WAAS GPS, and best of all - no subscription!

I don't have any experience with XM weather, so can't tell you if it's worth the monthly subscription.



I've been using XM on my 696 for about 21 months and have been very happy. The subscription fee is annoying but it's a known cost.

I'm currently having ADS-B installed, but plan to keep the XM and 696 until ADS-B coverage is better over the areas where I often do long cross countries. I often fly from central Texas to Michigan or New Mexico. According to the ADS-B map that was updated last month, there are last still lots of gaps over the areas I fly. I'd say pick up a used 696 with semi current updates (the full data updates for everything, charts,data,NAV, obstacles, terrain, etc, can cost $495 from Garmin) , and then get an XM weather subscription (aviator lite is about $35/month) for three months at a time. XM will only do three months at a time unless you give them your credit card for automatic monthly withdrawals...I don't do that. Perhaps the ADS-B be map will have better coverage by 2014? Also, the 696...or any other will have several hours of battery if needed as a backup. I like the big screen of the 696, but the others with small screens do pretty much the sample thing. Having data link weather has helped me make some route changes early enough to have them be calm events. Hope all this helps...sorry if it was too much. Ray


I'm looking into adding weather capabilities to my plane and wanted to ask the group what's the best way to go.  I currently have a GNS-430W/GTX-330ES combo and wondering if going the GDL-69/69A route might be a good option?  Or would this group rather go with the handheld options like iPad/ADS-B or XM on an Aera510 be a better way to go?


If you're interested in a 396 with an XM antenna let me know.  I have one to sell.


I've been flying with the GDL69/MX20/XM combo for years with good success. Recently I started using Stratus 2/ADS-B/iPad (18+ hours, four trips) along side XM and am very happy with the results. (I fly in the east so coverage isn't a problem)

I'm not ready to cancel XM just yet because I like the redundancy but if I would have to choose between the two, the latter combo would win hands down, here's why.

You get a much better picture of what's going on because of the larger display and the ease of zooming in and out.

All the weather can be overlayed giving a good visual picture (airmets/sigmets, temps, ceilings, surface winds, flight rules, visibility, TFRs, PIREPS etc.)

In every instance that I kept track (three seperate trips) the textual METARS were updated 9-16 minutes earlier on ADS-B then XM, I don't know why because release times were same.

I do think the radar display isn't quite as good as XM but very sufficient.

It's free (but you need to pay $899 for the Stratus 2 :(






I have been using ADS-B with SkyRadar (www.skyradar.net) on an iPad over the last two years and have been very pleased with it.  I had the unit hidden in the glove compartment in my M20C model and behind the pedestal now in my M20K model using external antennas on the windshield.


PM me if you'd like more details and if interested I can get you a discount through a referral.




Nexrad displays much better on an iPad, even an iPhone than the Aera 500.  Its usable on the Aera, but if there's weather, Im using the iPhone to watch it.

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How is the iPhone battery life with that?

I was running a WingX test on the iphone5 yesterday, the phone was noticeably warm and power was running down. It looked like three hours or less was the max total time available.

I didn't get a chance to minimize any settings to minimize the power usage.

Next step: Sporty's USB plugs and wires....

Best regards,



if you look at the radar, and remember to hit the top button and kill the screen when done, it will last a long time. If you leave it on your leg with the display running full bright continuous, maybe 3 hours.  The iPad 2 isnt much better when left running like that either, perhaps 5 hours.

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