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Craig Fuller [AOPA president] is asking all of us to get "engaged" with promoting General Aviation.   Mooney Ambassadors is our way of helping get engaged.   This is most timely in our fight for the preservation of General Aviation and for the preservation of our freedom to fly our skies!  We Mooney owners can make a difference! [www.mooneyambassadors.com]

Please see AVWebs article today on the Mooney Ambassador program.  Simply visit www.avweb.com and pull down the "NEWS" menu.  Then open AVWebFlash.  The article is about half way down the page.  Also, listen for the AVWeb Podcast tomorrow. 


Ok, tomorrow morning, go to www.avweb.com and listen to the Podcast!  This is really exciting!!  If we Mooney drivers can "engage", promote and educate the population about the value of General Aviation, then we will be doing our part.  Fly those planes and let's help get the word out!  Let's promote Mooney also, and help get them back to building the world's best single engine airplane!

  • 1 year later...

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