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Was out attempting some altitude tests (to repeat the measurements I posted here from a few years ago) and crossing through 11.5K' all of a sudden my Oil Temp gauge got the dreaded red X.  Oil pressure and all CHTs/EGTs were normal so I just did a 180 and headed for home. On the descent the Oil Temp came back about 4500'.  Any other G1000 users had an issue with the oil temp probe or connections going wonky over time?  I've had this with the MAP so I know to clean the cannon plug occasionally, just wondering if anyone has had this issue with the Oil Temp.

Also, I don't suspect the altitude had anything to do with it, but I include it in case there's something I'm not considering. Any thoughts are welcome. I've attached a screen shot of the flight profile showing altitude vs. oil temp.


Screen Shot 2022-01-18 at 8.06.58 AM.png


Oil temp thermistors have a tendency to wear out slowly….

Their data drifts lower (?) until they lose their accuracy.

For data disappearing and reappearing….expect to find a loose or broken wire…

PP thoughts only…

Best regards,



I've had the connector on both the MP and oil pressure go "odd" at times.   A quick removal and squirt with contact cleaner has so far cleaned it up, but those were usually a bit of loss, not a complete zero.  If it is an intermittent broken wire, I would try and flex the cable at the various points and see if you can reproduce the problem. 

A temp indicating below ambient will always be a failure, and of no risk to the flight. 


Besides some trouble with EGT & CHT probes going bad, I also had strange readings on e.g., the OP sensor. (see here

I would recommend to take a look & service (e.g. with contact cleaner) the complete electrical signal path starting with the sensor connector (e.g., Deutsch connector for OP), via the "big" firewall through connectors all the way to the GEA unit connector (which sits behind the MFD as far as I recall).



Thanks Matthias.  I suspect my issue is related, and I really appreciate the photos and your advice.

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