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Mooney down at KHEG (Jacksonville, FL)

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Whether first responders or passerby, they will likely attempt to open the cabin door first. If the aircraft somehow ends upside down and even if you could somehow contortion your way into the back to open the baggage door, it won’t fully open.

Even if the aircraft is upright, I’m not too sure I could fit my entire body through the baggage door. Lucky for you if you’re thin.

So many scenarios to consider. As @kortopates said, choose your poison.

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On a sad note (but it's been years ago), I lost 3 friends in a Challenger accident on takeoff.  At the time here in Wichita, we had two major Flight Test centers at the main airport, and Fire and Rescue are briefed often on how and where to get into our airplanes.  I am not saying anyone would have survived, but they tried to break into the airplane at the windscreen ... probably the strongest place on the airplane.  We even have "cut here" markings on the Test airplanes.

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