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Thanks for your answer, Matthias. Then you suggest that we try again placing an SD card only with the checklist in the upper slot, and leave our usual SD card in the lower slot with all the databases, but trying with a different SD card for the upper? We could try that for sure. In our case, it looks that the G1000 was able to read both cards without any issues, it is just that it seemed that it was looking for the DB files in the upper card, ignoring that they were in the lower card.


On my G600, you can do all the DB's on one card or split between two.  I can't remember offhand which goes on top in that scenario.  This probably dates back to when the limiting factor was the SD Card capacity.

My G600 doesn't seem to be picky about which FAT formatting is on there, but my Insight G2 engine monitor is VERY finicky about the FAT formatting of the SD card it gets.  My initial suspicion is that one of the SD cards for your G1000 is not formatted like the G1000 wants it.




Thanks a lot for the feedback. We are able to read data from both SD cards, it is just that it doesn't like the maps and the checklist being on different SD cards. We will keep doing tests and report back.

On 5/4/2024 at 3:01 PM, dvk said:


The airplane is a 2005 Ovation 2 GX, with a NON-WAAS G1000.


What software REV?.   They moved the name of the .ace file around the -32 rev.   It must be in the upper MFD slot.  the databases both NAV and all others can be in the lower slot.

Can you send us a list of the files on each card?   I suspect something might have been added to card#1 that confuses the G1000  (or it is missing a file)

SANDISK SDcards are the gold standard for the G1000, and size matters. I think 8GB are the largest supported. 

this is the directory structure of a MFD card with no approach charts (the fc_tpc directory is empty) 9 arc second terrain. 

airframe_info.xml apt_dir.gca apt_dir.gca.sff avtn_db.bin.dwt avtn_db.bin.sff bmap.bin bmap.bin.dwt bmap.bin.sff bmap2.bin bmap2.bin.sff fc_tpc feat_unlk.dat ldr_sys nav_db2.bin.sff safetaxi.bin safetaxi.bin.sff safetaxi2.gca safetaxi2.gca.sff terrain.adb terrain.odb terrain.odb.sff terrain_9as.tdb

I will need to pull the Checklist card from the plane as I didn't take an image. 


We have 0401.30 (SYS SOFTWARE VERSION). In any case, we included the checklists both in the old and new naming convention. The checklist was loaded fine (it was a 8 GB Sandisk, FAT32, empty, just with the checklist). The problem was that for some reason, it stopped reading the DB files from the lower slot (that always worked fine). Perhaps we need to try again.


I use a sandisk 4G in that slot, the plane originally came with  a much smaller 128MB SD card.  

-30 and after needs the new names.

As per M20-306B

4. Highlight file and rename according to the Models listed below: (see FIGURES SB-306-3 & 4)

  1. a.)  M20M (or M20M.ace)

  2. b.)  M20R_Ovation2GX (or M20R_Ovation2GX.ace)

  3. c.)  M20R_Ovation3 (or M20R_Ovation3.ace)

  4. d.)  M20TN (or M20TN.ace)

My system has these files:


-rwx------  1 paul  staff     3336 Aug 16  2005 M20M.ace

-rwx------  1 paul  staff      585 Oct 13  2017 airframe_info.xml

drwx------  1 paul  staff    16384 Oct 13  2017 data_log

I don't know if the airframe_info.xml is required.  and the data_log is only for -34 and after to log the data for download. 


Thanks a lot for the information, Paul. Just in case you know, it is possible to activate data logging in v30? Or is there a way to update the G1000 to 34 to have that feature? Thanks!


Hello Mooney Space I just became a proud owner of a 2008 Acclaim. The checklist is grayed out. I have the WAAS upgrade. I want to install my personalized version of the checklist. What software do I need to download to make the checklist and how do I install it??? Thanks in advance for your help and support.

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On 5/16/2024 at 9:15 PM, JimMardis said:

Hello Mooney Spaceemoji2.png I just became a proud owner of a 2008 Acclaim. The checklist is grayed out. I have the WAAS upgrade. I want to install my personalized version of the checklist. What software do I need to download to make the checklist and how do I install it??? Thanks in advance for your help and support.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The checklist editor can be downloaded free from Garmin. The interface is kind of clunky but it gets the job done.


Does anyone know what may cause the M20TN.ace Checklist File to be invalid?  I have a file that worked and then I edited it and now it is invalid.  Does changing the Congratulations Page, filling in the file properties, something that I deleted??? Is there something specific you can’t edit or it will cause it to be invalid???

The .ace software doesn’t have a validation tool but the Checkset .gcl software does. I imported a copy of the .ace to the Checkset software and ran the validation tool and it checks out all good no errors. Any gurus out there that can help?

On 5/15/2024 at 10:48 AM, dvk said:

Thanks a lot for the information, Paul. Just in case you know, it is possible to activate data logging in v30? Or is there a way to update the G1000 to 34 to have that feature? Thanks!

You need to upgrade to have that feature.. the update to -34 can be done by any Garmin avionics shop., following the mooney SB.    But pick one that likes G1000s.. some don't work on them at all.  -34 does not require WAAS GIA63W LRUs according to M20-305A   M20-305B lists as WAAS only, but is the exact same -34 software. 

the -37 update (the last one) must be bought from a MSC and then installed.  M20-341A lists the 63W but I don't know if it is required.  (Also M20-342A. )

9 minutes ago, PaulM said:

You need to upgrade to have that feature.. the update to -34 can be done by any Garmin avionics shop., following the mooney SB.    But pick one that likes G1000s.. some don't work on them at all.  -34 does not require WAAS GIA63W LRUs according to M20-305A   M20-305B lists as WAAS only, but is the exact same -34 software. 

the -37 update (the last one) must be bought from a MSC and then installed.  M20-341A lists the 63W but I don't know if it is required.  (Also M20-342A. )

Thanks a lot Paul, then we have hope of being able to upgrade to -34 and then have data logging. In our previous Mooney, an M20C, we had a JPI and that feature was really useful to diagnose and prevent issues. It's wonderful to know that it is possible te upgrade. We will contact our local Garmin shop.

Last question: do you know what are the new features of the -37 update..? Or a link where I can find that information..?

Thanks again!


Thanks for replying Paul. I have WAAS and 63W and the -34 software version. The checklist that I am editing allows me to change the File Properties information boxes. The original .ace file does not and that file works but is not user friendly. I did discover that the Checklist Name box I had copied what was in the original .ace file (Garmin Checklist PN XXXX-XXXXX-XX). Maybe it is looking at this file name since the file properties is now open. So I just renamed that to M20TN. I’m going to head out to the airport and see if that fixes why the file is invalid.

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3 hours ago, dvk said:

Thanks a lot Paul, then we have hope of being able to upgrade to -34 and then have data logging. In our previous Mooney, an M20C, we had a JPI and that feature was really useful to diagnose and prevent issues. It's wonderful to know that it is possible te upgrade. We will contact our local Garmin shop.

Last question: do you know what are the new features of the -37 update..? Or a link where I can find that information..?

Thanks again!

Therein lies the problem.. Mooney only admits that the ADSB radar data was updated, and a EIS TIT range bug. (you can read the SB's I listed in the previous message)   but the software is updated to GDU 15.24, so from other reports we can see that a number of bugs were fixed from GDU 14.x to 15.24.. you can read from the Cirrus SB's what other bugs were fixed:. 

I discuss what I found here: 



Thanks for replying Paul. I have WAAS and 63W and the -34 software version. The checklist that I am editing allows me to change the File Properties information boxes. The original .ace file does not and that file works but is not user friendly. I did discover that the Checklist Name box I had copied what was in the original .ace file (Garmin Checklist PN XXXX-XXXXX-XX). Maybe it is looking at this file name since the file properties is now open. So I just renamed that to M20TN. I’m going to head out to the airport and see if that fixes why the file is invalid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ok, I found out why the checklist was invalid. In the Mooney checklist there was a checklist with entries of Notes and Cautions. I moved the notes and cautions to pertinent locations. That left the checklist empty. I forgot to delete The checklist so the software didn’t like a checklist with no entries.

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Also, for anyone using the Aviation Checklist Editor .ace to make or edit your checklist, in the software program if you mark something as “Caution” it will appear white in the software program. If you change it to a “Warning” it will appear yellow in the software program. I have always seen cautions as yellow and warnings as red. Well, when you view the checklist in the plane, it will actually change the Cautions to Yellow even though they are white in the program and it will change the yellow Warnings in the software to Red warnings in the plane. You can also edit the File properties so it shows your correct series of Mooney and name. I learned a lot working with both checklist editors. If you need any help I am here for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

19 hours ago, dvk said:

Thanks a lot Paul, then we have hope of being able to upgrade to -34 and then have data logging. In our previous Mooney, an M20C, we had a JPI and that feature was really useful to diagnose and prevent issues. It's wonderful to know that it is possible te upgrade. We will contact our local Garmin shop.

Last question: do you know what are the new features of the -37 update..? Or a link where I can find that information..?

Thanks again!

I know that one of the features of the -37 upgrade is you will now be able to receive FIS-B weather.

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