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The 70s were amazingly similar.  Including hiding under the steel and wooden desks.  The school magically transformed into a nuclear shelter...

Best regards,



Actually, if there was a suprise nuclear attack and you did duck under your desk cover yourself it would go a long way to protecting you from the initial blast and heat waves. This may give you the opertunity to take more effective shelter before the fallout starts covering the area. Most of the fatalities in Heroshima were from the blast and heat, not the radiation.


Let's say Kim Jung Un droped a nuke on Luke AFB on the wast side. Being on the east side I would probably survive. I would grab the wife and head to the airport, jump in the Mooney and head to the nearest little nothing town that is up wind from the blast to hole up in. I wouldn't talk to ATC so they could tell me there is a no fly zone over the whole world.

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