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Maybe next time you could choose a centrally located airport and make it a NorCal/SoCal fly-in and get an even bigger turnout! Oceano is a good one, as long as the marine layer doesn't creep in. I've also always wanted to check out L05 - if I remember correctly they also have camping?


I'm all for that. Mooneys are traveling birds, might as well get a few miles under our wings.


Funny thing about that marine layer, yesterday when we flew in oceano was hidden underneath it. We landed at SBP and got lunch and when we took off again the coast was clear. 


Santa Ynez is a great little airport but would require ground transportation for lunch. My wife and I have been talking about a trip to Harris Ranch its in the valley so not really a garden spot but the steaks are supposed to be quite good and we would be there for the Mooney planes and people

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