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Just got word from Steve Podradchik of Seattle Avionics that the new FlyQ EFB was/is being released on the Apple AppStore this evening. The new app is version 1.5


I was a beta tester for this version and I can say that it works very well. 

Seattle Avionics has worked very hard to improve the program, address bugs and add features users were asking for. 

One of the major benefits to FlyQ is its broad support to ADS-B equipment. Rather than committing to a single source, Seattle has expanded its support to many different make/versions of ADS-B IN equipment.including:

FreeFlight Systems




Sagetech Clarity

iLevil Technology


both Stratus versions.


(can you tell that I am a customer?) Seriously, anyone looking for a sound, full featured EFB at a good price should check it out.


I've flown with most all of the EFBs, and they're almost all superb, amazing to one who never did get the hang of operating a paper chart and protractor in a tiny airplane in turbulence when the routing changed unexpectedly.

That said,I probably won't renew FF this year because I am content with WingX and FlyQ. The split screen, the faster download, the multi-compatible ADS-b, are points in their favor, and FlyQ is cheaper. I like that there's not so much Chinese menu approach to pricing. (Oh, you want fries with that? That'll be another $75. Phooey.) With the latest update, there's better coverage of the Caribbean, Mexico and southern Canada. Yay!

I love the fast response to questions, and find the app intuitive and reliable. The airport information display is outstanding, with wind vectors across the runway photo-illustration, and easy access to the information.

There are a few things I'd change- the airport current weather overlay R-Y-G  spot on the chart could stand to be less obtrusive and more informative, for instance, maybe a much smaller circle or square with the top half for ceiling and the bottom half for visibility.


Went flying with 1.5 yesterday connected to NavWorx UAT. for traffic and Wx.  Program kept bombing out after 5-10 min.

Don't believe it had anything to do with the NavWorx because was running WingX on the co-pilots side and it never missed a beat.

Just wondering if anybody else have seen this?




Im flying with Garmin Pilot for almost a year, with the GDL-393d.  I really like the screen logic as it fits other Garmin products pretty well - and the screen and menus look a lot like a 796.


The ONLY feature I am now jealous of WingX and also the newest FF is the ability to split screen to the SVT - You can split screen maps and approach plates but not svt and approach plates which is what you would want when on an approach.  For now that is solved by running an old iPhone full time showing svt and then the iPad on the yoke showing the garmin pilot with either maps or maps and a split screen to a plate.  Its perfectly stable too.  I love the dial touch concept - touch anything on the map and a dial comes up with buttons to uncover more info.  VERY easy way to pick up ADSB weather, frequencies, runway lengths, fuel price, etc of targets enroute.


I am a big Garmin pilot fan too. Have it on my phone and iPad air 2. It's super easy to use and has that Garmin feel.


How do we get them to add that one small upgrade - split screen plates and SVT?


Glad to see FlyQ now supports both versions of Stratus. I use FF/Stratus 2 and see no reason to change but having more of these applications support Stratus is a good thing. Prior to yesterday I thought Stratus would be forever locked to FF only.


FlyQ has that, too. And it's pretty sweet!


Unfortunately, it is too expensive to change every season to a different app.  Once you get an ADSB-in receiver, it restricts which apps will run it - Or anyway too much of a nuisance to keep changing since if you still have a latest-and-greatest version like I do - the GDL-393d as I do, then I know it would go on Ebay for close to what I bought it for - then I was considering switching (back) to FF which is also superb and has split screen to SVT.  But then I bet within weeks/months garmin will add that feature to garmin pilot.  I do like the touch and feel of this app in flight - even more than FF which I really like but more so on the ground.  I have also used and enjoyed wingx but of those 3 it is my least favorite.  I am liking getting very familiar with the buttonology of one app and sticking with it, and for this reason, while flyq might be the best of the bunch, I figure what I am using is so good that I am sticking with it for the time being.

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