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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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So give them half of two sovereign nations and say they are contained? Let them commit atrocities that would make Hitler a choir boy? Allow our citizens to be murdered abroad? Allow them to murder citizens of our friendly allies? Allow them to propagate terror over the internet to incite mass murder in countries around the world? Allow them to bastardize a religion, blase' liberal minded, overly diplomatic "know-it-alls" hold more dear than the faith of 90% of their own country. Sorry Mike.....go sell that crap someplace else.


Love you attitude. It really shows. Give them a few sovereign nations.? Do you even have a fucking idea what sovereign means? If they were sovereign, they weren't ours to give. If they were ours to give, then ISIS are just freedom fighters exercising the equivalent of our 2nd amendment, kicking out a foreign occupier. Words have meaning...

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Love you attitude. It really shows. Give them a few sovereign nations.? Do you even have a fucking idea what sovereign means? If they were sovereign, they weren't ours to give. If they were ours to give, then ISIS are just freedom fighters exercising the equivalent of our 2nd amendment, kicking out a foreign occupier. Words have meaning...


Oh...that's right...they get a seat at the table with Al-Assad or maybe they can run for office in Iraq.

2 nations.

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Yeap, you, Daver and Scott


Oh...that's right...they get a seat at the table with Al-Assad or maybe they can run for office in Iraq.


They are running for office in Iraq. That's how you run for office in Iraq. Do you even have a remote idea of the history of region. Are you really so fucking naive? How is that democracy going? Why just not promise to cut their taxes and let their economies flourish? The cluster fuck the neo-conservatives created there will be hounding us a lot longer than ACA. Faith based foreign policy got us here in the first place. I am going to repeat myself, everything the GOP touches turns to shit, everything, every one last thing. Because you want "simple".



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OK Andy......Middle East for 1000....Oh, the "Daily Double"!!!! Name the parliamintary body in (ah-ah-ah...no Googling wasscilly wabbit) in Iraq, the three posing political factions (ah-ah...get your hand off that mouse...knowing you, you won't contain yourself and pick the first Google hit you see, then I'll know) in that body. Name the regions in Syria and Iraq that ISIS occupies. 30 seconds.

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Gentlemen............ Yemen..........NEW and improved!! Under new management!!!  I don't know about you, but we may have a teeeeensie-weeeeensie problem in the middle east. Glad our policies are promoting peace, containment and world order. Talk amongst yourselves. Bebe!!! LIVE!!!! IN CONCERT!!!!!!

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flyboy0681, on 22 Jan 2015 - 2:38 PM, said:snapback.png

Wait a minute, are you trying to say that ISIS isn't coming to my town?


BAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! That only took three hours!!!! You know.... I played one year of JAYVEE basketball....still the only year JV won the JV/Varsity scrimmage.



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BREAKING- Saudi King Abdala...passes. Not a good day. He was one of our last friends.... Jordan is all that is left. I think it is time for Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to pony up to the American free mid-range missile bar.


You mean no more photo ops like this?


But seriously, this could be problematic.


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BREAKING- Saudi King Abdala...passes. Not a good day. He was one of our last friends.... Jordan is all that is left. I think it is time for Israel, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to pony up to the American free mid-range missile bar.

I might be an asshole, but with friends like Abdula, who needs enemies. You want to talk about a real asshole. We have no friends in the middle east. The middle easterners have no friends in the middle east. From my recollection, ISIS will sell us, or for that matter anyone else, oil. Why exactly do I care where it comes from. Oil is oil, dollar is a dollar. I love how it's free market capitalism for the poor here in US of A, but you always want to meddle in affairs of third world countries. Stupid neo-conservative policies of are making chicken-hawks coming home to roost. Fuck Bebe. The only rational player in the entire middle east is Iran. And quite frankly the only remotely free country in the entire middle east is Iran. 


We could have been entirely energy independent years ago and moved the fuck out there long, long time ago.

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I just think of the POTUS' witty SOTU reminder he won "bofe of dum". Tonight, he wishes he hadn't said that and tonight, he wishes he hadn't won the second election. Staggering pettiness and incompetence.


Don't worry, Hillary will be even better. 15% lead in national polls :) I don' think she's an exceptionalist either, so after 16 years, we'll never get that stupid idea back. If anything good will come out this and the next administration, it will be the end of dumb policy of american exceptionalism. 

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Don't worry, Hillary will be even better. 15% lead in national polls :) I don' think she's an exceptionalist either, so after 16 years, we'll never get that stupid idea back. If anything good will come out this and the next administration, it will be the end of dumb policy of american exceptionalism. 


I just died and went to heaven.....thank God these posts are etched in Google perpetuity.

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