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Paragraph 1-So?

2-We get oil from them, i.e. we have a business relationship with them.

3- We don't get oil from them, i.e. we have no business economic relationship with them.

4-Yes, they are. Yes they do. Your judgement, I disagree. We do NOT have "good" relations with Russia. We made a commitment to the Ukraine. Are we going to stand by our commitments? I hope so. Can I have a list of our shit (domestic and foreign)? Curious to hear your perspective on how the USA has failed and meddled...O.K., not really.

During WWII 100Ks of american soldiers were killed by German and Japanesse military forces. While on the other hand Russia gave us its military support on the Germany invasion which saved 10ks of american lifes. Today we are friends with Germany and Japan but not with Russia. How quickly we forget our friends that never killed one of ours but gave their lives to save ours.


If you do not think of good relations with Russia why trust them getting NASA astronauts to the Space Station. After they gave us a hand on building and supporting it.


The access to the artic routes has shorten susbtantially the flight time from NY to India and China. All these routes are over Russia, check your geography.


The heating fuel that eastern Europe use it all comes from Russia at a lower cost rate than in Europe itself 


Like the above there are more good reasons to keep good relations with Russia. I just hope these sanctions do not escalate any further because I will be disappointed with our foreign policy.




Really? Russia was invaded. We gave them planes and munitions to battle a foreign invader onto their soil. WE supported them big time. It was Hitler's invasion of Russia that saved a lot of US lives by serving them up for a brutal Russian winter. Stop with the historical revision.

We are trading partners with Japan and Germany. We split Germany and the Eastern bloc is still catching up to the damage from Communism behind the wall.

Hopefully we will replace or at least compete with Russia for selling natural gas to Europe.

Don't fly commercial on an international basis. Don't care. Putin is a Dic-tator. Hope he gets strung up like Mussolini.

Have a nice night.


Wow! Russia is our friend? really?? In what parallel universe is that so? Certainly not in this one. We have not a single reason to be grateful to them, and more than sufficient cause to be vigilant as they would like nothing more than to see our downfall.

I think this thread has run its course, let's get back talking about the one thing we do agree on. Our Mooney's are the best!!

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Really? Russia was invaded. We gave them planes and munitions to battle a foreign invader onto their soil. WE supported them big time.

Wonder what route the allied forces took for delivery since Poland was occupied by Germany.


It was Hitler's invasion of Russia that saved a lot of US lives by serving them up for a brutal Russian winter. Stop with the historical revision.

We are trading partners with Japan and Germany.

Very true. Also with India and China. I expect higher prices on the Samsung products. Buy American 


We split Germany and the Eastern bloc is still catching up to the damage from Communism behind the wall.

Hopefully we will replace or at least compete with Russia for selling natural gas to Europe

Hard to compete with a gas pipeline, quick delivery with no shipping cost.

Don't fly commercial on an international basis. Don't care. Putin is a Dic-tator. Hope he gets strung up like Mussolini.

Will try my Mooney next time I am going to Shanghai. 

Have a nice night

You too. 


Wow! Russia is our friend? really?? In what parallel universe is that so? Certainly not in this one. We have not a single reason to be grateful to them, and more than sufficient cause to be vigilant as they would like nothing more than to see our downfall.

I think this thread has run its course, let's get back talking about the one thing we do agree on. Our Mooney's are the best!!

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Very well Hector do you do ROP or LOP? I do LOP.




Would love to run LOP, but my 0-360 does not like it that much, flaps for takeoff, Camguard with every oil change, I have owned a parrot, but I change pants every day :)

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Piloto, I am going to watch the rest of the Iowa State game and drink a Jack and diet to a fellow LOP'er. I enjoyed the debate,


Now I need to go and research how the US got all the war material to Russia :)

Type in Lend-lease in google...Hundreds of thousands of trucks and jeeps... not hundreds, not thousands...hundreds of thousands...Good reading. Russia owes a LOT to US for assistance in WWII...


I can't take it any more. I have to respond. Personally I find the US position very hipicritical. I seem to remember we invaded Panama in the not to distant past.

And with Ukraine, wasn't the president having protesters shot in the streets? Then he got forced out of office. Basically the government failed. One could argue the Russians are there as peace keepers. How many would have died in chaos and violence if the Russians didn't go in?

OK I'm done. Back to Aviation!

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I can't take it any more. I have to respond. Personally I find the US position very hipicritical. I seem to remember we invaded Panama in the not to distant past.

And with Ukraine, wasn't the president having protesters shot in the streets? Then he got forced out of office. Basically the government failed. One could argue the Russians are there as peace keepers. How many would have died in chaos and violence if the Russians didn't go in?

OK I'm done. Back to Aviation!

I would only add that in Ukraine the fascist protesters had orchestrated own protesters shot in the streets blaming the president.



Wow the Russians are piece keepers now. This just keeps getting better :)

At least they have not stabbed us on our back like the Japanesse did in Pearl Harbor.or killed a million Jews like the germans did in WWII and we are buddy buddy with them now. Where have you seen the russians doing something similar to the above?. Why all this antipathy toward the russians? What have they done wrong to us?.  After all we killed a million of inocents by dropping two atomic bombs in Japan. The american way of keeping peace. "Don't try to shake hands with your adversaries, just stab them"


BTW Hector check your spelling is not "piece" but "peace". You need to use "peace" word more often.


Have Peace. Live Long and Prosper 




No, I think I will choose not to get dragged back into this stupid discussion. Specially not when we have reached the point of calling the Russians peace keepers and we are responsible for genocide and all the world's troubles. Too far apart to have any meaningful discussion. My apologies for taking the bait. I'm out.

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Castro's Misfortune


About five years ago Hugo Chavez (ex president of Venezuela) thinking that Castro was on his last years went to his home to chat with the old man. He noticed that Castro was cleaning and old graveyard shovel with a long handle. On the handle engraved there was listing of world leaders names starting with JFK.


Chavez asked "Fidel what are those names for"

Castro replied "Those that took my turn ahead of me"

"Those damn gringo sanctions are not even letting me go to heavens"


"BTW Hugo, how do you spell Chavez, with an S or a Z?


Chavez passed away a year later. Fidel still ticking like an old watch.


Let lift the sanctions against Cuba and let the old man at least go to hell. He still have room on his shovel for a few more names. Who is going to be next?



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