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Found 14 results

  1. Back in 2014 @JohnB started an excellent post regarding interference issues caused by a failing (external) GPS antenna on his Stratus ADS-B receiver. Specifically a failing external (active) GPS antenna can suddenly cause your CERTIFIED GPS devices to lose satellite reception. The problem can be intermittent or last for considerable periods of time. Experiencing such a failure while on a direct-to route in IMC can be a real nuisance requiring notification to ATC and conversion to alternate methods of navigation. This issue has since been explored more fully (on MS, BT, and elsewhere) and the quick fix while enroute is to simply unplug the external antenna which should restore your panel GPS' functionality. This may or may not be a simple thing to do if your unit isn't readily available in the cockpit (under a seat or on a hat-rack). The folks at Appareo (the maker of Stratus units) have now admitted the existence of the issue and it is noted in their User Manual which states... "WARNING: Avoid pinching or bending the external GPS cable, especially near the antenna. This could damage the cable and cause interference between the antenna and other on-board GPS receivers. The cable’s minimum bend radius is 1 inch." As an avid user of the Stratus units I prefer to place it beneath the pilot seat (out of the sun and out of the way) and I employ both external ADS-B and GPS antennas which provide outstanding reception/coverage. Then I too experienced unexplained simultaneous GPS outages in my certified Garmin navigation equipment (as well as every other GPS receiver in the plane including the iPad and iPhone). At the time I was unaware of the issue described. Thanks to Mr. B and others I was able to discover the issue with some online sleuthing prior to spending large sums of money at the A&P/Avionics shops. So, when I decided to replace my existing (failing) antenna I wanted to look for an alternate, perhaps more robust antenna and began looking at options. As it turns out there are several antenna manufacturers out there with comparable products. The connector is a standard MCX version and I'd always been unhappy with the routing of the stock Stratus (actually AntennaFactor/LinxTechnologies) antenna which employed a straight-out cable. So after some studying and perusing I came to believe that the Garmin GA-25MCX antenna would be a suitable replacement (at half the cost for you CB'ers), and to make matters even better the connector employs a 90 degree fitting which permits much better cable routing in my case. So I bought one to try and am making this post to confirm that it works just fine so far. I've yet to complete in-flight testing with it but in ground testing I found it to pick up a full compliment of satellites without issue (see photo). Let me end by stating that I will monitor it for interference issues and if any arise I will report them here, but it is my understanding that the issue only occurs when the antenna is experiencing a failure of some sort, which mine was. I hope this helps somebody, as Mr. B's post helped me.
  2. I'm thinking of pulling the stratus esgi set out of my aircraft to replace with a garmin 335/345. My eventual plan is to install 2 garmin G5's and eventually a GTN 6##. As far as I can tell, the only way to do this without putting more holes in my plane is to replace the stratus with a garmin acceptable gps source? I'm guessing this sounds like an incredible waste of money? Ami I crazy? Oh yeah I already own a garmin gdl 39 3d. seeing as how I refuse to buy any apple products so can't use foreflight.
  3. Hello Mooney Spacers, I'm selling my Stratus 2 ADS-B in, traffic and weather system. It comes with a ram mount, the tray mount and an external antenna. This is an amazing piece of equipment when paired to your iPad. I love this unit but installed a Lynx 9000 ADS-B in/out which feeds my iPad now. $550 PayPal preferred. PM me. Thanks, Steve
  4. Stratus 2 (not 2S) for sale. Just refurbished by factory...new battery, new cover, new charging port, new antenna port and new charging cable. like new Doing ADS-b install in the airplane, so this no longer needed. 450.00 pay pal please. Includes standard ground shipping to the lower 48 mike
  5. eBay auction is here, with picture / details: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Appareo-Stratus-1-includes-suction-mount-/162511682345? If anyone here is interested, please PM me here and we can work out something "within the tribe."
  6. Kal at Appareo tech support was very gracious about revealing the connectors used on their Stratus units (I was shocked frankly as companies can be difficult about these sorts of things). Here's the transcript: ADS-B Connector Connector Type (to Stratus): MS-151-C(LP) connector Connector Type (to antenna): Reverse Polarity SMA If you are looking to make your own ADS-B antenna cable, these links may be helpful to you: Sporty's sells a 10 ft ADS-B cable with a reverse polarity SMA, which may prove easier than trying to find the part yourself: http://www.sportys.com/PilotShop/product/17675 Datasheet for Reverse Polarity connector to Stratus: http://www.hirose.co.jp/cataloge_hp/e35802159.pdf If you do decide to source it yourself, here's a link to the connector that would mate with the ADS-B port: http://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/MS-151-C(LP)/H11886-ND/241Hi5101 GPS Connector Type: MCX Connector GPS Antenna MCX to BNC Adapter Cable http://www.sportys.com/pilotshop/mcx-to-bnc-adapter-cable.html Part #5955A The external antenna is an active GPS antenna. ========================================================================================================= I am planning to put my S2 on the hatrack where I have master switch power. If I don't get adequate reception with it back there I'll add external antennas and I am thinking of foil tape on the windows.
  7. I'd like to report that we had a very positive experience with Airtronics in Lincoln, CA obtaining our ADS-B equipment and installation. From ordering our equipment, to setting the appointment for installation, the Airtronics team was professional, timely and thorough in their response to our questions about the equipment we were purchasing. Providing the option to install at our hangar, was especially valuable. For our installer it was a 300 mile RT. The installer was on time, courteous and very knowledgeable. The installation locations for the receiver, transponder and antennas have proven to be ideal for both functionality and aesthetics. The process went very quickly, and our “pass’ for the FAA rebate test flight proved that the equipment installed was in excellent working order. The system worked the first time with no glitches and the interface with Foreflight was perfect. Additionally, the instructions for the rebate test flight that they provided were invaluable to an easy “pass”. They even took our old non-functional transponder and gave us a rebate on that. We could not be happier with the service we received or more confident in the quality installation. On a scale of 1 to 10, this one goes to 11.
  8. I've decided not to renew my ForeFlight subscription since Garmin Pilot is included in Garmin's OnePak package. I have a second generation Stratus (not the S) that I'd like to trade for a GDL 39. Anyone interested? I would also consider selling the Stratus 2 for $600ish.
  9. Good afternoon Mooneyspacers. My 20J is fresh back from the install of a Stratus ESG Transponder with the hardwired Stratus 2i to accompany (I will post a write-up on my experience with the shop later). With that, my trusty Stratus 2 is no longer needed and is up for sale. It comes with the Stratus 2, charger and Ram window mount. Price is $550.00, shipping to lower 48 included. (For the life of me, I can't figure out why these pictures are sideways. You get the drift though.)
  10. Just wanted to put it out there: If anyone is in need of avionics services in the California Central Valley or Bay Area, we would love the opportunity to earn your business! Tripp Walker Velocity Avionics FAA CRS# 2VER931C Modesto, CA. (KMOD) Toll Free: (888) 545-8399 www.VelocityAvionics.com
  11. I started this new thread because the other one degenerated into a privacy cluster. I am looking at the ESG as perfect for me for the following reasons (anybody else in this club?): I am a card-carrying member of the cheap bastards society. My panel is most likely not going to be updated much, I am keeping it "close to original". If I flew for business or had more money than cents I would install an all-glass wonderland with a Garmin kool-aid dispenser. I like the idea of pulling my NARCO AT-50A out and sliding the ESG in (minor wiring mods). The ESG will use my existing transponder antenna (bonus). The ESG comes with WAAS GPS and a GPS antenna (bonus). So, the ESG will now give me a mode-S transponder and ADS-B out. Am I done? Is that all I need to be compliant? Yes, I realize that if I want ADS-B in I'll need a separate system (Stratus 2/iPad/FF will do it). I dream of <$2K ADS-B out and here it is. Yes, I know it is 3.4 AMU, but that old NARCO AT-50A of mine is not going to last forever
  12. The last two actual IFR flights i made the stratus 2 ADS-B dropped off line. The GPS signal still worked, but the green ADS-B light went dark. Unit works fine VFR. I have it up on the glare shield and I've never had an issue with connecting to the towers when VFR. today we were IMC for the duration of our round robin flight for practice approaches. Ceilings ranged from 300 to 600 AGL and we never broke out on top. We tried resetting, moving the receiver around to different windows, different working angles for the receiver, side windows...front of glare shield. Nothing. we were in precip and out of precip...no change. I'm wondering if this is related to the weather and or precip. Has anyone else encountered this? any pireps on an external antenna? The most critical flight regime to need NEXRAD and the stratus gave me nothing. I thought maybe it was an anomaly the first time and didn't mess with it, but when it gave up the ghost on us today we decided to fiddle with positioning and resetting to figure it out but had no luck. Thoughts? I'm a little pissed right now. Mike
  13. Hello all, I am selling my Stratus 1 with the suction cup mount. There is one currently listed on eBay with one bid for $400. I'll sell it for $350 plus shipping to someone here if they want it. I'll wait a few days before posting it on eBay. Send me a PM if interested. Thanks. Jeff
  14. Hey all, Sorry for the cross posting but just wanted to let folks know I posted my Stratus 1 for sale in the other Forum here. Check it out and let me know if you're interested. Thanks. Jeff
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