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Everything posted by Marauder

  1. You forgot the third adage: “Do what you want to your Mooney and you will never stop working” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  2. I have registered and if my plane doesn't sell by September will be there.
  3. Could it because it is in a 310? [emoji1787] Sorry low blow! The squelch setting is where I would look first. The touching thing could be some weird sort of grounding issue. Did the shop just play with settings or did they reseat it and look at the connections? I would also see if I could find another unit to slide in and see if it is tied to the radio. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  4. Fixed the labeling for you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  5. Comes with the day job.
  6. Haven't decided yet. Have been looking at a lot of Mooney photos. Some pretty nice planes out there. My paint is solid, but looking for a different look.
  7. Yes you did!
  8. I had twenty years of partial panel practice. Time to move into the 21st Century. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  9. It comes from spending too much off of exit 8 of the NJ turnpike. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  10. You’re just mad I took your wife for a ride. [emoji38] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  11. What happened to that stud is exactly what happened to me. Except I wasn’t the guy who overtightened it but I was the guy sitting in the plane at 8000’ over low IMC when the stud finally cracked and the piece fell off. With the stud/nut gone, it took about 2 minutes for the other nut to vibrate off and the entire riser to fall into the lower cowling. After completing an unscheduled landing, the field I landed at was able to get the remaining stud out. Hopefully you only torqued this one this much. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  12. David & I working on it. I am just waiting for David to tell me he is ready for me to fly out. Hopefully soon. Then glass, then paint. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  13. BTW - you get your plane back yet? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Pro
  14. See Mike, Well we ALL know who could use a paint job. It doesn't even qualify for a "50 foot paint job" [emoji3] Hmmm... this Or this? This? Or this?
  15. Hmmm you got me thinking....
  16. Wow! Someone has been busy while I have been working. I pity that poor fool that owns the telephone number listed. All, I can offer are reBUTTals. Stinky Pant's first kiss: She looks a little better upright. Stinky's college conquests: This one wasn't too hard to catch, right Mike? April Fools! We all know Mike's gal is much better looking. And for all of those who complain about topics not being aviation related. My understanding this babe has a nice set of aircraft servos. So quiet, you hardly know they are moving.
  17. John - maybe help the OP with a dose of financial reality. If you didn’t count in some of things you did like re-skinning to get round windows, upgrading to a turbo, etc. how much could this rebuilder expect to spend to rebuild this plane? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  18. I would have someone who knows what corrosion to look for on a Mooney assess the plane. The listed owner shows the plane was last flown last July and has been based in Florida. If you have corrosion on the steel cage and/or wing spar, it’s repairable but will be a lot of work and cost. There are two Mooney owners on this site who have done wing replacements/major repairs. They can comment on the amount of work and cost. Same goes for the steel cage. If the plane gets past that step, I would continue to build out a list of what you need to rebuild it. Sounds like you started already. I didn’t catch if you are an AP or IA, if not, since this is a certified airframe, you will need someone to sign off on any work you do. As owners, we are limited on what we can do. Someone willing to work with you that has the required credentials? I would make friends with Alan Fox and Jerry Pressley. If you need components, they have or can get access to what you may need. There is no Costco or Walmart for unique parts on vintage Mooneys. Once you have an idea what it will cost on paper, I would decide if the project is financially viable. If you are going to stick $60k in rebuilding of this aircraft, it might be better to find a plane in that price range. And oh yeah, get your medical started. Maybe you won’t pass even Basic Med. Then what you going to do? Try to beat that guy who posted pictures here of himself flying his two kids around on a student pilots certificate? I’d admire your passion. Hope you can pull it off. Unfortunately we have also seen owners get kneecapped by unexpected expenses. Good luck. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  19. It might. Need to check the size of the G5 versus the JPI 900. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  20. I have a 75 F. Where exactly does this go? I’ve never seen one before. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  21. We are already seeing it. My township owned field opened its own maintenance shop recently. They are unable to find an A&P to work with the 76 year old IA they coached out of retirement. The recent local graduating class of A&Ps are all going to airline jobs. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  22. How do you go about doing that? I’m sure the location of static ports on airplanes is part of the certification process. Is it as simple as you drilling a hole above the existing one and stick a port in? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  23. Let's just say that when a guy from Jersey meets up with a guy from Brooklyn, "whats yous sees, iz whats yous gets"
  24. That's not good. Hopefully they will get it resolved soon. Let us know when you get done, maybe we can meet up for lunch in the area.
  25. Did you get the pen? I have the first gen pen for my iPad Pro. Curious how well it works on the Mini.
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