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Everything posted by Marauder

  1. Thanks Bob. Leave it to the guys at Aspen to create another solution. Be interesting to see what they put forward.
  2. More importantly, will you come do mine?
  3. Within 25 hours after buying my Mooney I experienced this first hand. I had taken off fine from an airport with a full load of passengers, luggage and fuel -- within 50 lbs. of max weight and well within the CG envelope. Experienced no problems. Flew for 2 hours to my destination, came in to land, didn't like how I was lining up and elected to do a go around. Added full power, flaps to take-off and could not climb out of ground effect. Cleared the end of the runway about wings length above the surface, nose high, stall chirping. It took every bit of my will power to push the nose over and lose about 15 feet of altitude to gain speed. After the nose was down, she accelerated rapidly and I was able to climb. After the obligatory undergarment change, I spent time with my instructor and went through the scenario. He explained the concept of being behind the power curve, the loss of wing efficiency due to the high angle of attack, that the density altitude was about 1k above field elevation, that this was my real first trip with the plane loaded and an expectation that it would perform as it always did. It didn't. That event was sobering to me and enlightened me that what we do can have a thin margin of error.
  4. Thanks for the explanation Peter. On my STEC 60-2 without vertical speed pre-select (or whatever they call that option), I hit the VS button when established in the climb and then hit the Up or Down button to adjust the rate. As I continue the climb, it requires me to adjust it periodically. Would have been nice if they built the VS in the functionality. At the present time, I have a Sonalert attached to the altitude alert feature on the Aspen and it goes off within 200 feet of my set altitude.
  5. I'm stuttering again I see...
  6. I always think of my F as the father of J
  7. Unfortunately not for the Aspen stuff! (I'm going to try it anyways...) JSUM for Mac We are excited to announce the ability to update your Garmin and Avidyne avionics data and chart databases using a Mac computer. Jeppesen Distribution Manager is the name of the new application and the interface has been completely revamped from the JSUM you use today. It has been designed in accordance with the latest user design principles in mind and we spent a great deal of time and effort working directly with customers to improve the design and workflow. Notable changes include: Web-based user interface Improved design framework, graphics and workflow New drag-and-drop capability Enhanced filtering by aircraft, avionics and data service type Many customers have requested JSUM on the Mac, and now we are ready to deliver. For more information, including supported avionics, system requirements and instructions on how to download the new application, please visit www.jeppesen.com/JDM/download. Sincerely, Jeppesen
  8. Austin - If you don't mind me asking, what was your hull coverage? The reason I am asking, is that is what the adjuster will use as the basis to determine whether it makes sense to repair or declare it a total. The repair cost can add up quickly when you're dealing with prop, engine and other hardware that needs to be dealt with.
  9. We both have IO360 engines. Let me take a look at mine today and post some information about mine. I would be concerned if I am seeing oil on the hoses themselves.
  10. I have a 1975 F with the same oil cooler configuration (up front, next to the ram inlet). I never see oil temps anywhere near what you are seeing. I flew for years in upstate New York in very cold weather and never had a problem keeping the temps in the normal range. Getting the needle off of the peg while on the ground in very cold weather was a challenge though. Once airborne, temps would always be in the normal range regardless of flight configuration (climbing, descending or level). As for oil consumption, if I start out with 7 (8 qt being the max), I will see most of that go quickly out the breather and end up on the belly (within a couple of hours). Once around 6, I will go 8 to 9 hours before needing to add a quart. You have a strange problem and I wish I could find a logical suggestion other than what others have offered already. So, how about for an illogical one. Your oil temp bothers me. If the cooler and therm valve have been replaced and assuming they are good, have you done anything with the lines? Also, can't remember for sure but is there a flow direction on your oil cooler and if there is, is it connected correctly? Here is a picture on 45 degree F day in a climb:
  11. Right after I bought my Mooney I spent a fair amount of time looking at accident reports for Mooneys and in particular my Mooney type. I came to the conclusion that if I spent the money to maintain the airplane, maintain me and did nothing stupid, the risks were manageable. Move forward 3 years, I experienced a mechanical failure, in IMC and the reality of the risks became apparent. I HAD maintained the plane, I WAS doing recurrent training on a regular basis and I HADN'T done anything stupid -- it just happened. I was fortunate that the failure wasn't catastrophic and I had MVFR below the deck. Landing/crashing a plane in north central PA in IMC was not going to have a favorable outcome. What troubles me is that I constantly run into pilots with a cavalier attitude towards flying. You know the type, haven't flown all winter, blow air in the tires, jump start the plane and off they go for a 200 mile trip.
  12. So,other than being jealous of you guys who could get away to be there, a couple of quick questions. Do you know if JPI does any sort of promotion during the show and if they do could you let me know what an 830 is going for?
  13. What cowl is that? Lo Presti?
  14. Where's Bennett when you need him to go out and buy a piece of avionics and give us a PIREP?! I would love to hear how this gizmo works in real life. The Aspen altitude alert works fine, but obviously it doesn't stop you from blowing through that altitude.
  15. I didn't know it could interface with the STEC series. It appears to be altitude pre-select only (no pre-set VS). Am I reading it right that it can use the Aspen's PFD altitude select function to set the altitude?
  16. At those prices, my Minister of Finance would had me executed... That is a lot for installation.
  17. I consider the "gear down" light and the floor indicator as the primary indicator of gear down. The gear warning horn may only be heard just before touchdown and may be confused with the stall warning. I do a "touch and point" check. Touch the gear handle to confirm down and point to the floor indicator.
  18. Is this the company: http://www.aeroshop.eu/manufacturer/dittel-avionik
  19. You have a link to their website? Google comes up with nothing.
  20. What did Cobham want to "recertify" everything? Dd they give you one price for the system or charge per module?
  21. That is good to know and hear. With the fleet aging, there is only so much that can be gotten through the salvage path.
  22. Speaking of the Mooney factory, does anyone know how much capability they still have? Are they just supplying parts from an inventory or can they still fabricate components?
  23. I actually had that indicator fail on mine. It is a piece of Lexan painted with "gear down" on it that slides in a tract. I can't recall exactly where it is attached, but I thought it was attached to a component from the nose gear (will need to look at my manuals to confirm). Mine cracked at the attachment point during retraction and indicated "gear down" even though the gear was up. I agree though it is always on my scan list when confirming gear position.
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