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  1. I had to change one out myself while on a trip. It took me about 9 1/2 hours, no modifications required. It’s a PITA!!
  2. I had this problem recently and solve it by going from prop to tail checking all of the alternator related connections, ie voltage regulator, battery cables, related grounds, etc. Found some that were questionable. After torquing everything down....problem solved itself. Note, this was AFTER I spent $1300 on a new alternator. The same model you have! Hope this helps!
  3. 1967 M20F....using Aspen 2500 ProMax.....No Vac pump. Installed STC electric step kit actuator also.
  4. I had this happen to my engine back in 2015. I did. complete overhaul and my shop found reconditioned case halves. Consider your self lucky you found this! I used Triad Aviation / Burlington, NC airport. They are a certified r/b shop for Lycoming and have a prop shop, H&H as well. http://www.hhtriad.com/hhpropeller
  5. Same here....i had them installed in 2012. had the water problem....replaced no charge. All still running great! i have the wingtip strobes, Suntail strobe, & PAR46 landing light. I removed by belly beacon.
  6. Have you double checked your actual fuel burn with reported fuel burn by the JPI? Perhaps the K factor may be off? just another possibility since you had an overhaul.
  7. in my engine (same as yours 1967 M20 F, IO360-A!A), I had the same issue with oil streaking out of the flange of intake tube. it turned out to be a bad valve guide. my engine only had about 300 hrs on it at the time. it was a factory defect part.
  8. There are STC kits out there. When I bought M20F, it had one installed from Southwest Texas Aviation, https://www.swta.net. I upgraded my avionics and had a new front panel cut. Attached is a current picture of my setup. My picture cut off the right side of the panel of which are circuit breakers.
  9. I found this old thread... I recently had an annual where they removed and cleaned the injector nozzles. I got a feeling the weep hole is located in a different position and thus this is why I am seeing the blue deposit in a place I didn't see it before. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/10383-leaking-fuel-injectors/ thanks again to everyone helping me understand the issue!!
  10. Thanks to all for your comments. Just as everyone thought, the blue is fuel dripping from the nozzle above. In fact...all of the nozzles have a bit of blue around them. I have noticed this over the years. This sounds a bit normal according to your comments. I'll keep an eye on it for now and check it more often to if the condition is stable or is getting worse.
  11. Mooney M20F, Lycoming IO360-A1A I ran across this on a routine oil change. See pictures. it appears the oil drain tube has a hole or is cracked on cyl#4. I am also noticing some oil on the #2 cylinder intake tube and on the side cowling panel. I am thinking the oil from #4 could be "blowing" around in the cowling and just sticking on #2 and the panel. Anyone ever seen this happen? I can't confirm until I remove the tube that this is the issue. Weird that it almost looks like fuel due to the blueish color. Any comments are welcome!!
  12. Hey guys, I had questions on this topic today and read this thread. The answer for me lies in the propeller AFMS. I have attached a copy of what mine looks like. Hope this helps!!
  13. M20F, IO360-A1A, JPI930 W/GAMI Injectors. From the Lycoming manual leaning to EGT ROP (first cylinder to peak), below 75% BHP, run at peak EGT. See page 3-7 and page 3-8 in attached manual 1. LEANING TO EXHAUST GAS TEMPERATURE GAGE A typical cruise for me is 8000 ft with ram air in clear skies, 23" MP, 2350 RPM, 9.1GPH, 150 Kts TAS. LYCOMING OPERATORS MANUAL O-HO-IO-AIO-HIO-TIO-360.pdf
  14. top notch product! I installed their carpet in my 1967 M20F a couple of years ago. I also had SCS redo my seating in leather. Shipped them the seats and they came back beautiful!!
  15. https://www.ebay.com/itm/233390264367
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