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Oscar Avalle

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Everything posted by Oscar Avalle

  1. Thank you. I talked to aerospace logic and they said that most likely a grounding may be off. So now need to check.
  2. Look, having lived and flown my Mooney abroad, I would say that overall it is not too difficult. As long as you accept flying without ADS B, good weather reporting, good radar coverage... etc. But on the other hand the places you can go are amazing. Guatemala for example had some very good airports and the Aeroclub of Guatemala, owned three grass strips and one nice airport. You could fly there (as you may have seen from my videos) and the infrastructure was not to bad. Would I take my Mooney to Argentina...? may be... Oscar
  3. Not my video, but found this on another mooney side on Facebook. Shows what you can do with a Mooney. oscar
  4. Wow... it did not come up in the ADS B?
  5. For the last month flying has been not so great... work, weather, family not much time to use my Mooney. So I am taking advantage of the downtime to perform some work...In particualr an ARI cowling (hopefully the CHT will go down with better airflow..). But there is one gremlin that bothers me and that I can not find the solution to the problem. I replaced my Fuel Gauges with an Aerospace Logic Fuel Gauge. Easy to install, but there is one huge problem that makes it nearly useless. So may be somebody can give me an idea what may be going on. When I turn on the master switch the fuel indications are right on mark. However, once I turn on the avionics switch the fuel indications go down by 10 gallons on both tanks... Any idea what may be going on? Grounding? connections... Help!!
  6. I used Tamiami. Nice airport, Location OK and not to expensive. Oscar
  7. They have still not found it...
  8. Sounds right to me.
  9. Gary, Congratulations!!!
  10. Happens to all of us! Don't worry... Just go up there and do several landings and everything comes back into play. No magic lotion available... only repetition.
  11. And I would buy all of them.
  12. Trek, welcome to the our forum!!! Now, we don't have to go to the other one to ask questions about our Garmins...!!!
  13. I went flying yesterday and as I started the engine the first thing that I noticed was that the stormscope was showing a lot of activity. Strange... was my first thought, considering that we are in April and that is was really a CAVOK day in the Washington DC area... But... who knows. I took off went for a 1 hour flight landed and took off in order to fly back to Gaithersburg (KGAI). About 20 minutes into the flight my ASPEN switched over to battery mode. Strange... I scanned the rest of the panel and everything looked ok. I rebooted my ASPEN and it went online again. Then I realized that the JPI was showing 12.1 Volts instead of 14... So let's see what is going on... Breakers are in, everything else looks fine... let's recycle the alternator. No news, voltage was down to 11.9. Note: I had my sister flying with me. She is a very scary flier, she had never flown in a small plane and this was her first time! She was really enjoying it! I did not want to scare her. So now let's reduce the power consumption: i) Autopilot off, ii) let's just in case turn off the Garmin 795 in case I need it later, iii) turn off second radio iv) turn off alternator field (gave me 0.1 V). I also took my handheld radio out of the bag (just in case) (yes, it was charged). As I had only 20 min of flight left I though that I could continue without any major issues. Just in case, I decided to lower my gear and flew slower with my gear down for the last 10 min of my flight. I landed without any issues, my passenger never thought that anything was wrong (she just asked me after we landed why I had switched off so many things.) Today my AI looked into the issue and it was a crimp connector that had broken. This is the second time around that this has happened to me. Last time it was about 14 years ago and I was flying into Manchester NH. So nothing major, but interesting experience. Oscar
  14. I would buy a T shirt and sweatshirt
  15. The short answer is whatever works for both, but in particular for the PIC. The problem is we don't go through CRM training. So we really don't know (normally) how to share our tasks in a cockpit. Let's not forget that CRM is a major subject in professional airline training. So normally, if I fly with somebody who I don't know well, I prefer to manage everything myself, including radios. However, if I the right seater offers to do the radios I normally agree and see how it goes. You learn a lot about the other pilot from how he handles communications.
  16. Andrew, I use GUMPS. Gas: check fuel tank (unless tank is below 1/4 I don't switch tanks). Undercarriage: I have a Green (only one light in my M20C). Mixture: rich, Prop: forward and safety (fuel pump, carb heat and lights).
  17. Great video!!! and great vacation
  18. I don't think you are to critical or tough. If you help somebody "remember" to take off the pitot tube cover, your are being helpful. I agree with you that checklists are important and their use or non use are a sign at least of the mindset of a pilot. Now having said that I believe you have to differentiate between issues of style and substance. I may not like how you communicate on the radio, but this does not necessarily make you a bad pilot, as long as everybody understands what you are saying. Would I raise that with you? Most likely not. This I would classify as style... However, if you don't use a checklist or don't do a walk around or a run up, I would ask why you are not doing it...and possibly I would prefer not fly with you...because I see this as an issue of substance. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Yes please would be very useful
  20. I am considering ARI's modification.
  21. Nicely done! Great editing, congratulations. I enjoyed watching your romantic snack/lunch.
  22. What battery do you use. I have never been able to get more than 3 hours out of a GoPro, Garmin or Contour...
  23. Yes, I should ask her to convince my wife to join me in my flights...but, please, buy her a pillow and, I agree, she is cute. You are a VERY LUCKY MAN.
  24. A slight decrease, but nothing spectacular. I was able to track some data before my engine overhaul in 2012. Interestingly the CHTs were already high. So, I believe that the issue is more related to the airflow. So now, I am working on changing the cowling to improve the airflow. But if somebody has any suggestions...
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