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Everything posted by nels

  1. I use A Zulu ANR headset and I was unhappy with it alone. It protects low frequency but not so much on the higher frequencies. Those are the ones to worry about. I started using foam ear plugs with the headset and all seemed fine. I could even understand conversations through the headset better. Ears seem to be ok now after I land and remove all the protection. With just the headset my ears would ring all day. Really worried me.
  2. What all is included in the $7995 price of the GNX375? Is it a full kit for install including tray and antenna etc.?
  3. How was the leg from KTCS to KDVT? It looks like a lot of high terrain for a direct flight. I’ve been considering a flight from Cincinnati tp Phoenix to visit friends but have been hesitant to cross the mountains so figured crossing down around El Paso is a safe choice or maybe west to Winslow and then south. Am I over concerned?
  4. Looks like you’re making lots of memories! Is that wind typical in that area?
  5. Thanks for that info. I almost just messaged you as I figured you would be the guy to respond. Thanks again.
  6. Another question on this: I see a Century III autopilot with altitude hold available on Ebay for 850. It is missing parts but has altitude hold present or at least it looks to be present. Is the Century III the same as the II with the addition of the altitude hold or is this just another pipe dream of mine?
  7. I think .07 ips is acceptiple and probably will be where the guy will call it quits.. how much do they want to balance?
  8. I see plenty of prop balance videos on YouTube but they all seem to be for fixed speed propellers. Can the balance change when you go from flat to coarse pitch? How would you get the prop to turn at 2500 rpm cruise using a coarse pitch while the plane is stationary? Maybe it will crank to that rpm in coarse as I’ve never tried it? I mention this as the balance measuring devices measure imbalalamce at cruise rpm.
  9. I’d like to get the prop on my 201 dynamically balanced. What should this cost, how much time will it take and what should the shop have available in order to do a near perfect job? Any suggestions for a shop within a reasonable flight from the Cincinnati area?
  10. Thanks, Ross. Any idea on install price?
  11. Do the advertised prices for the gps175 ($5k)and gnx375 ($8k) include tray and antenna and mounting hardware or is there another couple thousand hidden somewhere? Anybody get a quote for install on either?
  12. Is there anything on the used market that could be adapted? Did the Century auto pilot of that vintage ever offer altitude hold?
  13. Is it possible to upgrade this autopilot to altitude hold? It would be nice to have this feature but is it possible, too expensive? Anybody done it or knowledgeable on the subject?
  14. Has anyone installed a Skybeacon on a J model?
  15. I wonder if there was some runout in the pinion or mating gear? Also, maybe a bent pinion shaft or dirty or nicked mating surfaces if the pinion is mounted separate from the mating gear? Not familiar with the layout.
  16. Usualy it would require some contamination like a lose piece of iron or steel mixed in with the grease and getting wedged between the mating surfaces of the two sets of gears. I assume you had a good look at the lubricant and gear box for debris?
  17. I’d say you found the problem. Breaking off gear teeth is not an easy thing to do. I wonder what caused the failure?
  18. I’ve been considering a flight to Phoenix myself. I was thinking April, May time frame out of Cincinnati. Wanted to stop and see a friend east of Albuquerque then on to visit another friend in Apache Junction. Leary about flying over the mountains direct from Albuquerque to Phoenix. Thinking El Paso then west is the safest way to go?
  19. Yes, my 78 also has the flat wing tips. I guess I could call the manufacturer and ask but it’s a lot easier to just ask the forum.
  20. Big improvement. I guess you could say you toned it down a LOT! .....I like it! Were you happy with the contractor?
  21. I noticed Sportys is selling the Skybeacon but lists all Mooney’s up through the G model. Is the Skybeacon available for the J model? sorry if this was already discussed but too many.pages to look through.
  22. Genuinely enjoyed your videos!! I wouldn’t be surprised if I watched them again.
  23. There’s a big vintage camper rally on the lake at that time. Might be fun to check it out. We went out last year and enjoyed it. Wanted to do it again this year but couldn’t get it done.
  24. I haven’t read this entire thread but I am wondering if the jamming jack screw only occurs with a powered trim wheel and not a manually operated trim?
  25. Don, thanks for that tip! Nice to get a butt load of info on butt calls..haha
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