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Everything posted by Mooneymite

  1. Awful, there you go spoilin' the fun of skewering some hapless pilot by introducing facts. Can't you just join the fun and "pile on"? Yes, I was a little suspicious of the weather descriptor "dense fog". I really like the numbers to quantify such.
  2. Uh, oh....do I sense this devolving into a re-seal/bladder thread? Oh, and someone referred to bladders as "condoms"? Gee! They go on the INSIDE of the tank. Do we need a refresher phys-ed class here?
  3. Simple....put tundra tires on the Mooney. If you still need more room, let the air out of the car tires. More room? Buy three car ramps and back the Mooney up on them. (Puleeze! I'm just kiddding)
  4. ! Beware, Earthlling.....all who enter here, enter "the Cult".
  5. I also have bladders, but the sender gaskets and short fuel connection line are just as prone to leakage since they aren't a part of the bladders per se. These parts are probably replaced when the bladders are installed, but bladders won't prevent them from developing leaks. Look around for the blue stains under the side panels. If you've had the fuel odor for awhile, the source will be fairly obvious.
  6. Actually, I thought this went away long ago. I haven't heard tower inquire about flaps in twenty years.
  7. Yes, the fuel line and senders are in the same general location. Removing the front seat makes access easier, but it isn't necessary. Before changing those gaskets, try tightening. If they have to be changed, the fuel level has to be lower than the bottom of the sender gasket.
  8. Interior seeping is often easily fixed by tightening the fuel senders, or replacing their gaskets. Occassionally, the leak is caused by the short rubber fuel line connecting the tank pick-ups. These are easily accessed under the interior side panels beside the front seats. Look for the blue stains.
  9. Thanks for taking the time to share! This sort of thing makes Mooneyspace invaluable.
  10. I'm not sure this is up to date since new boxes keep appearing, but it might be of some use if you're like me, just scratching around; there's are IN and IN/OUT sections: http://www.grtavionics.com/adsb.html
  11. Bonal, I have a certified plane and an experimental. I can tell you there's not much savings with an experimental because you'll be like a kid in the candy store buying stuff for it. 1/3 the cost, but you buy 3 times more. Sad.
  12. Abe, I'm no electrical engineer, but I do own a 12V Mooney 'C'. So without answering your questions, I would like to understand what benefits you would get from converting to a 24 volt system. In many cases, new avionics draw less than the boxes they replace, and if you go for the new LED lights, etc, the up-dated plane will not really need addtional capacity. 12 V should work very well. A second battery? If you want the cost/expense/weight of an extra battery, it seems like adding a 12 volt battery in parallel might be a much simpler way to go, but even then, I'm not sure what the advantages. Help me here. One of the things I like about my "Classic" is that it IS 12 volt, but maybe I'm missing something here?
  13. I just ordered 300 gallons for my home tank at $4.58 a gallon to be delivered Monday. My advice to everyone is to abstain from buying avgas for a day or, two. The price always drops dramatically after I fill my hangar tank.
  14. Interestingly, when I tallked to the antenna manufacturer, there was no assurance that the whole problem was with the antenna. I got the impression Garmin was still "exploring" the phenomenon. In my case, a new antenna fixed the problem, but apparently there are known "other factors" which Garmin is either unable, or unwilling to discuss with respect to losing satellite lock.
  15. Yes, I guess mine are -18's too. Course thread....
  16. Too bad he didn't miss the dirt and kill the varmints!
  17. I've heard that if the aircraft crashes where there isn't a clear view of the sky (into a forest, for example) the new 406 ELT may not be able to link to a satellite. Also, if the 406 ELT survives the crash, but your GPS source does not, there may be no position reported, just the triangulated position. Anyone know if this is true? As far as 121.5, I'd say that east of the Mississippi, there are enough airliners that monitor guard, there will be no problem having it reported. Maybe not so good in the mid-section of the country. I hate putting a lot of money into something I sincerely hope I never use!
  18. I think that's what's on my plane.... The 24, is course thread, right?
  19. When you install an ELT, remember that the cost of batteries over the years may exceed the cost of the ELT. Take a look at what the replacement batteries cost and how long they last. If they have to be replaced by a technician, go for the long life battery options. I haven't found any 406 ELT's that have the owner replaceable Duracell option.....
  20. No clue about interference from Stratus, but I had similar symptoms with my GNS 430W antenna. Check out: http://mooneyspace.com/topic/11114-garmin-430w-gps-antenna-problem/
  21. Keep us posted. Let us know after a few flights if everything is still good. I'm interested to know if the entire problem was a slipping (but undamaged belt), or if other issues are involved. I'd be somewhat suspicious.
  22. I landed at a small airport In MS where the police were investigating the theft of avgas out of several airplanes. The airport manager said it was probably due to the local stock car race track nearby. They use avgas fuel in their engines, too. Fuel in your tank when you land doesn't mean it will be there when you takeoff. Apparently fuel thieves prefer low-wing aircraft because they don't need a ladder.
  23. Let us know what you get and what time of day.
  24. If your marriage is like mine, you make it, she spends it....The credit card companies know which side their butter is on. Do you think my wife's $0.01 contribution raised a red flag?
  25. I have no first hand experience with such a request, but knowing something about ORD, I would suspect you'll get a nice tour of the west side of the Chicago metro area if you don't want to fly over the water.... Would you consider VFR sneaking along under the class B until clear of the metro area? Fltplan.com allows you to designate a "pick-up point". You could use that to begin the IFR portion.
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