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Everything posted by Mooneymite

  1. Most of the RNAV arrivals will feed either an east, or west operation at MIA. The controller will often say "landing east", or "landing west", so arrivals don't go down the wrong transition. In most cases, we know long before by copying ATIS which way the operation is, but it is a big deal so the controllers make sure you know. Also very important if the airport has just changed from one operation to the other.
  2. This web site has some troubleshooting suggestions for the 170B: http://www.kx170b.com/
  3. Yeah...we'll probably meet in some equatorial fly-in community soon. :-)
  4. This is a very serious issue....cold starting. Happily, I have virtually no experience. My solution is not for everyone, but it has definitely worked for me (carb O-360) If the temperature in F is less than your age in years.....do not fly. My engine always starts by the second blade.
  5. If you become aware of an intake, or stack fire during start: Continue cranking. If the engine starts, let it run. If fire doesn't go out quickly: Mixture cutoff. Continue cranking. If fire still doesn't go out: Evacuate, evacuate, evacuate.
  6. This sort of thing is not uncommon at all in international ops. There are a lot of approaches that are not loaded into our FMS due to not being authorized by our op-specs, or various other reasons. When assigned an approach we don't carry, we just say, "Unable" and then tell them what approach we want, or are capable of shooting. Approach can't make you fly an approach you don't want, (but they can make life miserable if you are uncooperative). I would be somewhat suspiscious of an approach not in the current Jepp database and probably request something that was current and installed.
  7. I have a real bad taste in my mouth from L-3 factory $upport from years ago. Just hope you never need a repair.....
  8. Mysterious! Keep us posted. We can all learn a thing, or three here.
  9. Prop spinners occassionally pop up on Barnstormers....too bad you need the McCauley: USED HARTZELL 2 BLADE SPINNER • $650 • FOR SALE • Used Hartzell Chrome 2 Blade Spinner in new condition. p/n D-4797P s/n 900979 • ContactRay N. Franklin - AVIONICS SPECIALISTS LLC, Owner - located Loveland, CO USA • Telephone: 970.203.0505 . • Posted February 11, 2015 • Show all Ads posted by this Advertiser • Recommend This Ad to a Friend • Email Advertiser • Save to Watchlist • Report This Ad
  10. That's funny, but: You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day
  11. We've all done it.....or tried to do it. Passengers never had a clue they were riding behind test pilots!
  12. Great! It's your turn to bring the beer. Just be sure to leave your beer-drinking dog home. I don't like the competition.
  13. Yep. There's something else I don't have. Wow! Throttle quadrants are really primitive.
  14. Pretty easy....just hit the marker at 250 Kts, pull the throttles to idle, drop the gear, work the flaps and pray. Works well in most Boeings! Airbuses may require a whole rosary...I don't know.
  15. Ah.....one of the advantages of living in a fly-in community! One of your neighbors is always eager ride and laugh at you. However, the post flight beer can really add up.
  16. Exactly! For some reason, some pilots believe in the "set-it and forget-it" mode of operation. Unfortunately, we live in a changing world.
  17. Ha! I don't have a digital tach. That explains it.....2500 RPM is "somewhere" on my mechanical tach. :-) Note to self: an upgrade to a digital tach will entail further modifications.
  18. Different strokes for different folk..... I really like my quadrant controls. I would consider going to verniers a step backward! I'm not sure why you have trouble with precise settings. What can't you set precisely and why? For me an added benefit is that the throttle movement is the same as the larger aircraft I fly for work. If I suddenly need max power, pushing everything forward is one, easy hand sweep. But.....like Hank, I'd like to find a throttle quadrant cover.
  19. I like NORAD's "Unknown Rider" as the perfect call sign. You don't know who I am, where I am, or if I care!
  20. Interesting. I thought your airspace was more controlled than ours.
  21. Yes, that was the thrust of my post. A clearance is only required in CONTROLLED airspace.
  22. I'm just interested in pricing trends. I'd love to have a J model like yours, but the price Delta with my C model just doesn't work for me.
  23. Thanks. I didn't know about this. $1000 with no installation cost! >>>DELIVERIES TO START APPROXIMATELY MARCH 7.<<<
  24. Congratulations on a successful first annual.... Approximately $5000? Pretty typical first annual.
  25. Uh....I don't think under part 91 we are required to operate all TSO'd equipment, are we? However I think that our transponders/encoders are required to be TSO'd, so changing that requirement will help us when equipping for ADS-B. Is there a Non-TSO'd ADS-B solution available? Is it significantly cheaper?
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