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AndyFromCB last won the day on February 27 2015

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About AndyFromCB

  • Birthday 07/29/1979

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  1. Are you active on here? I own a Mooney in Omaha and need an annual done...do you have any Mooney mechanics you suggest in the area?  

  2. Clearly your fault, you didn't wipe your leading edges with Rain-X ;-) On a serious note, freezing rain shows up just fine on aircraft radar, why did the PA46 go down. If I'm flying a radar equipped aircraft (only way I deal with serious IMC these days), my OAT is +2 or below, I see anything on the screen at my level, I'm GTFOD.
  3. I spray RV Antifreeze before I leave my aircraft if I'm not going to hangar it and there is potential for frost and then spray again before flight if I'm departing same day. If staying a couple of days, then I generally pay for a heated hangar on my last day in the mountains. Clearing frost/ice on a Cessna sucks big time.
  4. Even if it made a difference, the outcome would be even worse as you'd end up with a bunch of runback ice entirely destroying the shape of the airfoil. Last thing you want is super cooled water not freezing on the leading edge and running back on the wings surface where it would promptly freeze. That's all that Rain-X would accomplish, if it actually worked. But it doesn't even actually accomplish that on a car standing still if you look at the video Jose posted. The ice still forms on the windshield, it's just makes it easier to remove. I'm also rather suspicious of the video, as there clearly is water underneath the ice, so looks to me like someone first run the defroster first. I landed my 206 with about an inch of ice on my wheel pants two weeks ago in Driggs, ID. TKS took care of the rest, but even that wasn't pleasant as the whole airframe was vibrating from the landing gear being buffeted by rough, uneven shape of the ice. Nose wheel was ice free due to prop spray.
  5. Had Global handle a hail claim for me. Great adjuster that not only cut the check, but organized the repairs with a great shop and stayed on top of everything from the start.
  6. https://www.ajg.com/industries/aviation/ They used be Nation Air, got folded into a larger organization. Still as good as ever. Had two claims over the years, both hail related, have nothing but good things to say. Annually they present me with all the options from all the carriers willing to insure me. Good people.
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning–Kruger_effect In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein people of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority derives from the metacognitive inability of low-ability persons to recognize their own ineptitude. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence.[1] As described by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the cognitive bias of illusory superiority results from an internal illusion in people of low ability and from an external misperception in people of high ability; that is, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others."[1] Hence, a corollary to the Dunning–Kruger effect is that persons of high ability tend to underestimate their relative competence and erroneously presume that tasks that are easy for them to perform are also easy for other people to perform.[1]... On the other hand, it is by learning nothing that I stay young
  8. I mean, once there, what are they going to do to you?
  9. It's 72 but results are not typical, quantity and quality may vary depending on stock availability, no rain checks, "virgins" might actually be manufacturer refurbished models.
  10. I disagree . Cruise speed does not matter one bit, 100knots, 200knots, 300knots (don't know about 400, never piloted anything faster than 300). You're just sitting there. I don't see how an Acclaim gets close to piston Lancairs? In what sense? Cruise speed? Or being a death trap? It's no more a death trap than an Ovation or an Eagle. Nothing happens any faster where it matters, being take off or landing. All 3 use the same speeds. 75knots is not much faster than a Cessna 172 on final. Lancair IV is 95knots on final aircraft. Maintenance costs will be pretty much identical and fuel flows can actually be a bit lower than Ovation for the same speed if you're willing to fly at or above 12,000. An Acclaim will happily do 180knots on 13gph at 12,000 vs 12gph in an Ovation (assuming the Ovation can actually hit that speed at 12,000 LOP). Go higher and it's actually more efficient. Maintenance costs will be fairly identical to an Ovation overall, maybe few dollars more per hour for turbo components overhaul, but if you run it LOP and cruise under 16gph, I don't see how you put any more wear on the cylinders than an Ovation.
  11. Having been in a pickle once or twice, wondering whether or not I was going to make it out alive, I assure you, is not enjoyable at all. And you're right being dead is not the worst thing that can happen. Surviving a crash with 80% third degree burns all over your body, or worse yet, your loved ones, is considerably worse. "I don't care if it rains or freezes as long as I have plastic Jesus riding on the dashboard of my car" is no way to go thru life.
  12. Yes, but that's 175 knots indicated in a long body so you're not really running into that issue unless you're descent or all out cruising at sea level. In cruise at 8000ft, you'd have to be doing over 210knots for that be an issue and I don't know of any Mooney capable of doing that even all out.
  13. He mentioned the Lancair Legacy. IIRC the Vne is somewhere around 275knots on the standard fiberglass airframe and nobody has ever found it on the carbon fiber airframe (it's been dived in excess of 350knots indicated with no ill effects). And being that M20 airframe are not exactly falling out of the sky, I don't see why that's really a consideration other head bumps. My concern with Legacy is what happens when the fan quits turning. None of the Lancairs or Glasairs ever struck me as the kind of airplane I would like to find myself in without an engine producing power. Supposedly Legacy stalls at 61knots but I think it's wishful thinking as the only one I've ever been in had the owner cross the numbers around 90knots. That's about 20knots faster than a long body M20M airframe. And those are scary numbers even in the flatlands.
  14. I don't think you'd be burning off anywhere as much as that on a 3368lb airframe. The climb to FL260 should take about 7 minutes with a PT6-135;-) Or not as it torque rolls into the ground. There is a reason why the TBM has 14ft tall tail. Meridian burns off about 26gallons to make to FL250 with decent ATC cooperation.
  15. And a 8 year old pilot at most: 900lb useful (about average for an Acclaim)- 780lb of fuel - 56lb of TKS fluid = leaves you with 64 lb for the pilot. As to the liquid cooled TSIO-550, IIRC the engine was half baked, lots and lots of coolant leaks, at least on the 414A conversion.
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