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Everything posted by exM20K

  1. Thanks vm
  2. Bryon, I've done three of the MAPASF PPP's in the last 20 years and believe it is a very good program, albeit lacking in longbody and Acclaim-specific content. But a proficiency program is, in my mind, different from a transition training program, the latter of which should have a checklist of stuff to cover and a curriculum than can be delivered on demand by qualified instructors. Maybe promulgate a list of CFI's and their model expertise on Mooney's website, as they do with service centers. Maybe I'm overthinking this.... -dan
  3. I had two very nice models made of our 231 some 15 years ago, and I cannot recall the vendor. If anyone here could point me towards a vendor they've been satisfied with, I'd appreciate it. -dan
  4. Cirrus aircraft had a horrific safety record well into the last decade. The company and the owners' group addressed this with standardized, well-thought-out training. MU2's were lawn-darting every other flight (or something like that). FAA mandated an SFAR, a well-thought-out training program. In both cases, the results were dramatic and have unquestionably saved lives. I don't want a Cirrus because I don't want to fly a dorky, slow airplane. I don't want an MU2 because my neighbors would hate me. But I do wish for better, formalized, standardized training for the long body Mooneys. I believe Cirrus will even put buyers of used aircraft through an approved program, or at the very least, it is available to them. Nothing for Mooney. It takes effort and resources, but if Mooney International could badge up a solid checkout / transition curriculum and promulgate a list of qualified transition instructors, then there is no reason to expect outcomes any different than Cirrus or Mitsubishi pilots have experienced. Build a culture of safety, training, and excellence. -dan
  5. This scenario seems possible to me, too. There have been a number of long body. LOC takeoff crashes, though none that I’ve read of recently. Not only elevator trim-pitch trim is dramatic in these planes. Rudder is substantially deflected at takeoff rudder trim. Typical outcome would be a roll over to the left, which appears to be the case here very sad whatever the cause. -dan
  6. Registration changed as of 12/20.2019. Prior owner was corporate in KS, so could be same. Another report https://www.kmbc.com/article/small-plane-crashes-tuesday-afternoon-in-olathe/30370954
  7. Was given S turns on final, then “Mayday.” https://archive-server.liveatc.net/kfrg/KFRG-Twr1-Dec-28-2019-2100Z.mp3 Great job by the pilot. Chalk up another Aviator “save.” -dan
  8. Perry, if all you are getting is 30.1” of MP in the climb, that is way too low. As is the fuel flow, though I don’t ever fly at this setting in the climb. Full throttle climb is SOP for me. The TSIO550 has an enrichment circuit that kicks in at full throttle, which should keep things more chill. CHT also looks high Fuel flow looks steady, but remember low boos on at full power above 12,000. my climb (310HP STC) is 33x2700 and fuel flow of 38GPH (ish). Are you able 33” in the climb? I’d suggest trying a “balls-to-the-wall” climb and see if that works better. If unable 33”, then there is an induction system problem most likely. I’m in the west burbs of Chicago, so just PM me if you’d like to fly together. I hope you enjoy your new plane... there’s nothing like the Acclaim! -dan
  9. First time out in a couple of years, and I was a bit of a spaz. Took three for sure, and among our party of three we took 16. We had to hurry because Grinnell Municipal Airport just re-did the runway, but they won't get the lights installed until May. Runway NOTAM'd closed sunset-sunrise. Simply a perfect day to be outside walking around in tall grass w/ guns and dogs - sunny, not a breath of wind, high 30's. Dogs didn't overheat, and we didn't freeze. Thanks for asking :-)
  10. ...lemme try that again... Flew to Grinell, IA yesterday with a co-worker to meet with a vendor and shoot some pheasants. All of northern IL was 1000 OVC or less with good visibility. Departure just before sunrise to scud run to a nearby field to pickup co-worker was busy, to say the least. I wouldn’t try this except locally and with a current obstacle database, and stuff happens fast. on top of the overcast, and after the sun had come up a bit, we were treated to a Glory that I think photographed ok. on the night return leg, we were scratching our heads to identify a huge glowing area near Rochelle, IL. Post flight internet search identified it as a large hydroponic tomato operation, Mighty Vines. I’ve never seen something like that before, and sadly, the pictures didn’t come out at all.
  11. segway ninebot is pretty cheap now: $379.99. Still has the scary battery issue, but maybe segway is reputable enough to relieve those concerns... Product Dimensions: 21.6 x 10.2 x 23.4 inches ; 28 pounds Not sure if that will fit through the baggage door, but maybe if the knee riser comes off?
  12. Oops. Reading is fundamental. My bad. Carry on.
  13. Not at night....
  14. Minnis Aviation LLC 209 River Laurel Way, Woodstock, GA 30188. 678-494-0797
  15. Agreed. And for @RobertE - you have to decide if you must exercise your emergency authority in an unforeseen circumstance. I don't remember ever disagreeing with @kortopates, but in this case, I do. DA42: turbo plane with a service ceiling of 18,000. I only infrequently am above 17.5, though with different geography do deal with here in the Midwest, and I don't find this "ceiling" to limit my flying. There's a whole lot of usable sky between 12-18,000 that you will enjoy with a turbo if unable to get the Class III. -dan
  16. You’d have to talk to bob about that. I don’t remember the particulars. the whole tach thing is quite silly. Garmin won’t update the software to allow 2700 RPM to show as green, not red.
  17. Bob Minnis, who owns the Acclaim STC, wrote an approval for the JPI Slim line tach. https://www.jpinstruments.com/shop/slim-line-tach/ very unobtrusive and fits nicely above the throttle at the bottom of the panel. -dan
  18. Old listings on a zombie blog.
  19. The delta between the TSIO550G and TSIO360 SB/MB is not that much. Invoice for a rebuilt 550 is about $85,000 with all accessories including exhaust system. TSIO360 MB or SB is about $65000 - dunno if that has all the accessories. TSIO is 30% more expensive. However, the TBO on the TSIO550 is 2200 hours vs 1800 on the TSIO360 if I recall correctly. Let's pretend both make TBO. The price difference shrinks to ~$6000 (65000/1800*2200).
  20. Just to be clear... My bill was $4060, and it included a fair bit of touch-up where the factory "paint job" (lolz) had lifted from poor prep. I'm not sure a good-quality, complex paint job can be had for $12,000 any more in North America - maybe still in the DR... In any event, preserving and enhancing the existing paint at a fraction of the cost of a new job while saving all the downtime and potential mishaps of a full strip and paint made sense to me. -dan
  21. Obviously it's an airframe-specific issue, but this is not great: https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2019/july/01/cessna-210-accident-prompts-wing-spar-concern Also, despite the occasionally flickering lights at the Mooney factory, there is good support for the legacy fleet. -dan
  22. Budget $3-4 AMU's and you 'll be close. I had a local shop do mine 18 months ago. The factory paint on many of the 08+ aircraft is, for a PG13 forum, basically poop. Mine cost a little bit more than $4 AMU, but a lot of that was touching up the peeling, lifting, garbage factory paint job. I'd do it again and consider it money well spent. -dan
  23. Amen, brother! shorter t/o, 12-1500 fpm climb into the flight level. What's not to like? Best 4 AMU's I've ever spent. @Schllc When looking at o/h or reman, be very aware of what's included. The CMI reman includes turbo's, exhaust, and all the other accessories. field overhaul quotes probably will not. It appears to me that CMI has the better offering. And if the engine isn't making metal or consuming oil, I'd run it day/vfr for a bit and then call it good. YMMV The 310HP stc is owned by bob minnis, who is a very decent guy. He worked with the late Kevin Surrell, who I counted as a good friend and miss very much, to develop these STC's. Mooney elected to buy the 310 Ovation STC but waved off on the Acclaim version for reasons unknown. -dan
  24. Regarding air leaks, I’ve found the noisiest to be bottom corner of the door. Any old piece of paper is sufficient to stop it and significantly lower the noise level. Dan
  25. On mine, the speed brakes are behind the spar.. think monoroy tanks are similar to acclaim - outboard of stock and ahead of the spar dan
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