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Everything posted by smccray

  1. I have the 32 gb and I'd say the extra storage is nice to have but not necessary if you're only planning ot use it for aviation purposes. Before you make a decision make sure you understand how the ipad manages storage. The iPad will delete your foreflight maps if it runs out of space.
  2. There's a couple CO based people around here- I'm sure they'll be along shortly. If you want to fly down to north Texas I'd be happy to show you my J.
  3. I was recently told about MSCs and how they're not all created equal. From time to time, Mooney made a shop an MSC in order to sell a new plane. In other words, I'm interested in a new Acclaim S but there's not an MSC within 300 mi- if you make my guy an MSC then I'll buy a new plane. Hire a person/shop/reputation, not an MSC. I lucked out- I received some great advice from two mooneyspace members (thanks again Parker and Scott) and I think my purchase went okay. Time will tell given that it's only been 90 days, but Don Maxwell has been inside the plane a couple times well and he has good things to say and I feel that I've been treated well. BTW- there's 5k hours on my airframe with a gear up in 1989 and a factory wing skin replacement in 1991.
  4. Thursday moved to today. There were some good looking planes in that hangar including a 252 and a nice M20C! George- Parker said no to paying for the oil change, so please don't look too closely at your bill . There was also an acclaim S that was one of the last few planes to come off the line- all the bells and wistles. That was a nice plane.
  5. +1 on the welcome! We're lucky to have you available to answer questions. I actually have a half written email to you that came out of your webinar on owner produced parts. To the doubters- I would recommend listening to Mike's webinar on annuals. You get a better understanding of his approach and it seems very reasonable to me.
  6. I'm assuming it has a zero time engine given the TTAF matches the TSMOH, but that my be incorrect. In other words, you're looking at an average of 50 hrs per year since new. I would put a $0 value on the engine unless it's flown a lot in the last 2 years. On that basis I wouldn't call $129k a bargain. I'd rather buy this one: http://www.trade-a-plane.com/detail/Single+Engine+Piston/1989/Mooney/M20J+201/1393800.html
  7. Quote: N6719N Just tell Don to put your oil change on Parker's bill. With everything they are doing to his 252, he'll never notice.
  8. If you have an FTP upload I have some mooney manuals I can send you.
  9. I'm taking my J in for an oil change. I'll check on your planes on Thursday
  10. Quote: Cruiser +1 for the Halos. Had them about a year now. I no longer have issues hearing the first few words from ATC. Clarity is better and they are every bit as quiet at the ANR headsets. I still don't like putting the earbuds in but its not a big issue.
  11. Quote: KSMooniac FIFY.
  12. If I were buying Mooney the approach mentioned above is exactly what I would do- establish a factory service center that's capable of providing all services we need on our planes- paint, interior, avionics and engines. I would probalby outsource/ JV with a high end overhaul shop the engine work, but the factory should be able to do the rest of the work in house. I see the Kestrel Aeroworks / Beech Bonanza XTRA programs as a perfect example of what I'd be looking to do. I know for a fact (like many of you) that Mooney is being shopped. Numbers I've heard are a little crazy.
  13. Quote: Mitch Hi Scott. Based on what you are saying, and an experience I've had with an out of control MP gage, it's sounds as though you may have a leak in the MP line between the gage and the engine. If this is so, chance are your problem will re-occur in the near future. You might carefully check the integrity of the line from end to end, along the tubing and at each connector. Gently wiggle and pull the line and at each fitting along the route. Let us know.
  14. Quote: Parker_Woodruff Scott, Unless there is something different with your gear warning setup on a 205, your gear horn should be activated by the throttle moving within about 1/4 inch of idle cutoff, not based on a MP readout. It can also be activated by an airspeed of about 55 KIAS.
  15. I flew to Houston yesterday and had an interesting problem when during an approach to landing at KTME. I transitioned from cruise to the approach and the manafold pressure gauge started reading nearly off the gauage low clearly giving a bad indication. The gear warning beep also didn't work when it got below 12 in. We confirmed that the engine was still making power and the rest of the gauages all read normal, so we quickly decided it was a MP gauage issue. When departing KTME, we did a normal runup and we didn't have any issues on the next two flights of the day. The gear warning also worked on the next flight. Any ideas what happened?
  16. Don- I'll look for you at RBD. My plane has only been in one hangar at RBD, so as far as I know it's still there. Good to know who my neighbor is . Hopefully I'll see you in Kerrville. Have a safe flight today.
  17. So... I'd like to make a day trip from the DFW area down to Kerrville on Saturday but I need a little help. Life and a maintenance problem has made it difficult to get insurance hourse completed prior to this weekend, but I'd really like to get down to the MAPA homecoming for the day on Saturday. Is anyone flying out of or through DFW and planning a day trip? I'll help with the fuel bill. Any Mooney CFIs interested in going down for the day? Must meet my insurance minimums and be the PIC for insurance purposes. I'm thinking wheels up out of RBD at ~8 and back in DFW by ~6:30.
  18. Quote: Becca That was me. Forum logged me in incorrectly.
  19. Quote: M016576 I would love to ride right seat with someone and assist with navigation and whatever else is needed of a copilot during one fo these races. These look like a lot of fun, but I'm not ready to fly left seat yet during the race. Anyone want a copilot?
  20. Quote: Mazerbase No PM was sent to me.
  21. Quote: N1026F I'm not sure if you've solved your problem or are still looking for suggestions but I had the same issue with my wingtip incandescents melting the polycarbonate. My solution was replace the bulb with a much brighter but cool 10-30v 15led tower. The first thing to do is pull the reflector out, remove the bulb mount and replace it with a "mini bayonette" mount from Radio Shack. I soldered the lines together, put liquid electrical tape around the union and the back side of the reflector, let it dry then coverered it with waterproof electrical tape, then inserted the 15led unit. They work well enough for me to taxi without the landing lights or taxi lights and they draw imperceptable power. by doing this and changing your strobe only, you'll get the best of both worlds; the gas strobe can't be matched for intensity by an LED.....yet. My A/P assisted with the alignment and the paperwork. You can see a copy of the marine grade lamp here: http://www.ecovantageenergy.com/catalog/items/item1146.htm and in my wingtip as attached.
  22. You might consider contacting the mooney service centers in your area. I know that sometimes the A&P/IAs hear about planes going up for sale before they hit the market. Where are you located?
  23. Quote: Parker_Woodruff scott mccray is one just a bit older than me...chalk up #7. At least 1/1000th of the owners of the operating Mooney fleet are under 50 and reported so far, right on this board!
  24. Quote: danb35 What tax benefits do you see in a Delaware corp?
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