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Everything posted by smccray

  1. Quote: sreid I don't know if that's it or not, but it sure sounds suspicious since everything else seemed to be working normally. I guess it could also be that the pilot's side intercom squelch got set too high and you weren't breaking it. Hopefully it's this simple, I am sure you will get the opportunity to spend $ on the airplane soon enough! Steve
  2. Quote: Mitch "on the other I'd almost rather have to spend $ than have missed this simple issue..." Please, if you do have extra Mooney money laying around, I sure could use it on my Mooney. It's ok, really, if this is all it is. You are surely not alone. Let's start a thread of these types of boo boo's. Now that would be fun.
  3. Volume- really- that's it? On one hand I really hope you're right... on the other I'd almost rather have to spend $ than have missed this simple issue... I have a bad feeling I'm going to have to find a way to delete this thread after my flight tomorrow night.
  4. There's been a change in the way my intercom/audio panel operates. When I talk into the mic without transmitting, I can't hear myself talking. When I transmit on the radio I can hear myself, and I haven't had any complaints from ATC about my radio. Any ideas? I have a Garmin 340 audio panel and thinking about it I only transmitted on com 1. I was able to receive on com 2 but I didn't think to test com 2. I haven't had anyone in the plane with me since I noticed the change, but I'm flying with an instructor tomorrow night so we'll see what happens.
  5. I can't speak from personal experience, but I've heard from others that they've had better experiences at Cibolo Creek Ranch (http://cibolocreekranch.com/) as a fly-in destination versus Lajitas. I've been told that fees at Lajitas can get expensive. We're planning a weekend at Cibolo Creek Ranch at some point.
  6. Makes sense. How are you going to run the wire to the panel? I need the power port now but my Annual isn't due until August.
  7. Quote: N601RX My JPI 830 also specifically said the common power connection should be made directly to the engine case and not the airframe to prevent what you are seeing.
  8. Quote: jetdriven I am planning to do the same thing, Scott. I am thinking on the back wall of the hat rack, as far to the LH side of the rear bulkhead on it and 4" or so from the floor of it. There might be something behind the hat rack, or that may be to far to reach, but that is my first idea. If that is too far to reach then the RH side, same spot.
  9. I'm going to add a power port to my baggage area to run a cooler based air conditioner as well as anything we might want to power back there (adsb receiver?). The only question is where should I put the power port? If you've added a power port to the baggage area, where did you put it? Do you wish it in a different location? Why?
  10. The biggest thing the SF50 has going for it is the parachute. To the non-pilot having a whole plane parachute is a significant comfort. I'll go on record saying that I'd love to have a whole plane parachute- it would be a nice to have safety item, but clearly I don't consider it a necessity . Take the parachute out of the mix and I don't see the value of the SF50. I wouldn't say the M20TN as the competitor, but buy a Piper, TBM, Pilatus and you're probably better off. However, If the flight characteristics are similar to the SR22, a high time SR22 pilot could be safer near the edge of the envelope stepping up to an SF50 than other of the options. The SR22 is a great plane, but for the price I'd rather buy a G36. We'll eventually see how the SF50 compares to its competitors. I do think that Cirrus is doing great work bringing innovation to GA though Garmin/avionics. The integration of the perspective system is impressive and the keyboard brings a usability that's a step above a standard G1000. I think the hypoxia functionality in the autopilot is a welcome addition to GA. However, not sure I'd get that excited about an integrated satellite phone.
  11. I generally sump fuel, open the caps to actually see the fuel in the tank, then pour the clean fuel back into the tank. If I were to find anything I'll take Nick's answer . On a related note- how frequently do you find things in the fuel? I've seen some small particulate matter in very small volumes, but I've never found anything when sumping the tanks that makes me concerned about contamination.
  12. Is there a trick to removing the plugs? Having difficulty removing either one from an io360 that was overhauled in~2004. I don't know if it's the original case from 1987, but the plugs are stuck pretty tight.
  13. Quote: ScubaSteve Sir, the purchase agreement has the seller taking care of all items found in the inspection or we will renegotiate the price of the plane etc... My home field N87 has AirMods, an MSC, and will maintaining this ship back at home. I would just like to get an A/P that knows Mooney's to crawl around her before my partner and I sign on the dotted line..
  14. Quote: allsmiles Ditto! I personally wish the iPad was a bit smaller. I'm waiting! I have heard that there is a new iPad to come out supposedly in a few months that is smaller. Has anyone else heard this rumor?
  15. Quote: Cruiser Locate the CHT probes and determine how the CHT is being collected. My guess is your #3 cylinder probe is different than the other three cylinders. The OEM panel CHT gage is on #3 cylinder in the J model and therefore you may be getting slightly different readings on that cylinder compared to the others due to the type or placement of the probe. Since CHT is listed in your LIMITATIONS section of the POH it is a primary piece of equipment and required for flight operations. It cannot be disconnected or removed.
  16. 4. replace the MX20 with a 796 Looks like you have room in your panel if you move a few things around.
  17. Quote: ChristianGodin I am flying with a garmin 430 in a 201. I am starting to shop around for a 252 or Encore. I see manything for sale with a Garmin 480. Anyone can tell me the difference of a 480 with my 430. Thank you
  18. Quote: jbs007 I hear the new Pipers have an automatic parallel parking function. He should totally get one of those!
  19. Quote: Mitch "All I know is that I want a set of LASAR visors, so the future buyer has at least one sale... ." Not sure if Paul is producing these lately but heck, you're right..........maybe I will buy LASAR so you can get your visors!!
  20. Quote: Shadrach What kind of work are you in? I doubt that the liabilities would transfer, the seller would settle debt at closing. All of the things you mention would factor in, but if LASAR is in the revenue range that I think it is, a buyer would more likely use EBTDA (earnings before taxes depreciation and amortization). A multiple would then be attached to EBTDA based on the value and risk attributed to future earnings, good will, market factors, compition etc... The starting point would look like EBTDA * some multiple based on the factors above
  21. John Deakin posted this slide from his APS online course over at Beech Talk a while back. It shows how the relationship between ROP and LOP affects the timing and amount of peak pressure on an engine producing the same 244 HP.
  22. Wow- didn't exepct to get your attention Stacey. Thanks! Parts Catalog lists three part numbers for a Radio Master: PN 930023-013, PN 930023-213, and PN 930023-313. I'm not sure of the difference between those two parts. I don't currently have a radio master switch in the location indicated on the panel diagrams for the pilot's panel. Instead, I have a garden variety toggle switch on the right side that is not a circuit braking switch. My serial number is 24-3026.
  23. Is it possible to buy a Radio/Avionics Master swich for the panel that's not a circuit breaking switch? Is Mooney the only source? I have an avionics master on a toggle switch on the right side of my panel that doesn't match the rest of the switches. I'd like to swap it out for a matching switch on the left side of the panel in the blank space next to the alternator master.
  24. Quote: jacobwall SMU has no school pride, I could care less. I like a lot of people at TCU, quite a few of my friends went there. I'm actually flying a friend to go see his GF @ TCU today so I'll be on campus. I'm cheating on my mustangs.
  25. Quote: jacobwall Our plane was out at F46 tied down, thankfully the FBO was nice enough to get our plane in the hangar. The wx went from fine, to hell in no time at all. The wx thankfully passed to each side of us for the most part. Here's a neat photo of my college campus during the storm. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/467507_10150650829037810_542202809_9552575_424230116_o.jpg
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