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    Hayward CA
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    Keep 'em Flying! Safe procedures for operations, proficiency, and maintenance. (28 years of flying M20 C, E, F, J, in N. America, Mexico, Central Europe)
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  1. Go with Aeromotor, Quick service, good results. Aeroman M20E
  2. Looking for sender for 1965 M20E, Right wing sender PN 5641991. New rebuilt or overhaul service. Any experience with Air Parts of Lock Haven?? aeroman
  3. KX125==Working condition? Does it come with tray and connectors? aeromancfi
  4. I'd like the Gyro for my N5916Q 1965 E aeromancfi
  5. Guess I missed the thread, and the parts went to Wisconsin. Thanks for the reply. /s/ Aeromancfi
  6. Ned: What is condition of both the Shafts and the yokes? I have S/N 823 M20E, that has had the AD complied with a few years ago. Coming due in another 50 hours. Existing shafts have 2800 hrs, and show some wear on the chrome, also slop in the round socket in the panel, but that is normal. However, The AD is for cracks in the shaft that is covered up by the yokes, held in place by a taper pin, and also a set screw. I am experiencing some slight movement between the pilot yoke and the tube so I may have a problem. To my knowledge, the yoke is aluminum ( likely cast, unlikely forged or milled) and could also have corrosion. Soon to find out. The pilot yoke not only has the PC button on the left horn, but also an integral clock in the center. The yokes both have bonded enamel in good condition. Yours> Thanks for posting and for a reply /s/ aeromancfi
  7. Negative, this is aft-most fuselage belly cover for access to tail control rod linkages and flap linkage. I note fabric "rat socks"?? are installed on landing gear actuator rods up front, but they cover up a small 2 or 3 square inch opening. The opening I am looking at is maybe 6 in by 8 in on each side. aeromancfi.( Not a mechanic, but Mooney flyer for 28 years)
  8. Just completing annual on 1965 M20E and need to replace dust covers under (actually above) rear belly band. Flap torque tube extends left and right from this area and penetrates the dust cover. Existing cover(s) is fabric taped in place with aluminum foil tape, duct tape and gaffers tape: A mess! Wing leveler vacuum tubes also protrude. I have no part numbers and don't know if this is official part or previous owner addition. Anyone have a solution? I have noticed that the existing covers are blown inward on both sides indicating air pressure from exterior. This makes sense because with flaps deployed, airflow at the root would be deflected in this direction. I am thinking of making up covers with flexible poly plastic sheeting, leather, or fabric and cementing in place plus Velcro around hoses and flap torque tubes. aeromancfi
  9. 14th Looks Good to me Aeromancfi
  10. Item 6 ::All gages working when removed? Why full scale on oil temp gage? Right tank gage not on 'empty "Also what is your AC serial number? M20e S/N 823. I saw your nice plane at Pismo (2016?) and at AOPA Camarillo 2017. Looks like mine, but mine is all stock aeromancfi
  11. Need 2 sets for my 65E model: Shaw 431 Size 3. Address for check? Thanks, dancfi@sbcglobal.net
  12. I had a high oil temp (1965 E Model), that was finally traced to old wires and corroded connections on the wires connecting probe to the instrument forward of the firewall. Simple replacement of the wire and connectors solve the problem. aeromancfi
  13. Check your tachometer with a strobe and find out what the real RPM is, and go from there with all these recommendations. My tach reads low by 50 rpm, so 650 rpm at idle is actually 700 rpm and works fine for smooth operation. Aeroman.
  14. Go with Dawley, they have the jigs to make accurate repairs and re-builds. Did my whole system on a M20E 13 years ago with no problems since. aeromancfi
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