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    Whoever said money can’t buy happiness obviously never bought a Mooney.
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  1. What’s a Dynon 1100 system? I’ve never heard of that.
  2. I hope Garmin learned something about where they choose to manufacture parts in the future.
  3. This is wonderful news that I’ve been patiently waiting for. Perhaps @Baker Avionics can chime in and talk about what this would cost or labor hours needed to add to an existing Skyview system.
  4. I don’t know of any avionics shops in 2024 charging less than $120 an hour. And, while ridiculous, I would imagine there are some shops charging close to $180 an hour. Perhaps it depends on what region of the country you’re in but hourly rates have really skyrocketed these past few years.
  5. I have the Dynon system myself and I feel like the autopilot certification is imminent. I believe the last autopilot was certified in February so I just don’t see them going a year without certifying something. That’s just my opinion based on nothing. As for the Dynon system, I love it! One thing I really like is that it has soft buttons and knobs to do just about everything you can do using the touchscreen. I’d be happy to take anyone flying who’s looking at buying a Dynon system.
  6. I wish this was possible with the PMA450B.
  7. One reason I’ll never own a Cirrus is that $25,000 cost to repack the parachute. Talk about a deal breaker.
  8. Hey guys, I really appreciate all the comments on this thread 2 years ago. This little business idea still permeates my brain and as I approach retirement in the nearish future I’m considering doing something like this as I will be able to devote more time to it. I would really like to offer an hourly rate for pilots who might want to drop in and grab lunch and not have issues with taking a crew car for 2-3 hours from an FBO, if they even have one available. I would probably start this business with Brown Field in San Diego (KSDM), to test out the waters. It seems to have enough local attractions to make daily or hourly car rental worthwhile, such as Downtown SD, Petco Park, maybe you need to visit a loved one at the local prison, I don’t know. My question is, what’s the sweet spot for an hourly rate for something like a little Honda Civic or do you think a mid size car like an Accord or Camry would be more practical? I’d like to know what pilots would be willing to pay and us Mooniacs tend to be the CBs of GA so that’s likely the best people to start polling. Secondly, what type of car would you like to see available for a short time rental? Honda Civic with cost being as cheap as possible first and foremost? Midsize sedan for a little extra room but a little more cost? Ford Ranger crew cab with 4 doors for the versatility to take 4 people and throw a bunch of luggage or materials in the bed?
  9. Greg resealed my tanks in 2021. He’s a solid guy and runs a great shop with great work ethic. I would definitely recommend his services.
  10. If I can add my two cents in and having had my plane painted 2.5 years ago, I have to say that a new paint job was one of my favorite investments in my plane. I’m very happy with the design and quality of work as well as the colors. I chose an all metallic scheme with pearl white as the base with a metallic blue secondary base and black and white stripes. The blue really pops depending on how the sun is hitting it. The new paint make it look like a new plane despite being a 46 year old plane. I also redid the the panel with a whole new Dynon system in late 2021. I’ve been waiting for the AP to get STC’d for almost 3 years how. Supposedly, it’s next up for Dynon so it should be “any day now.” That being said, all my flying has to be done by hand, it certainly makes you a better pilot especially if you’re flying IFR. So, perhaps the AP can wait. That’s a decision only you can make.
  11. That’s absolutely beautiful. I was kinda hoping for an Airventure announcement regarding certification of the autopilot STC for our beloved Mooneys but I guess not.
  12. I use FltPlan Go to file all of my IFR flights. Within 5 to 15 minutes I get an email that my flight plan has been filed. I then use WingX to navigate. FltPlan Go is a decent back up.
  13. WingXpro offers a free subscription for CFIs. I’ve been very happy with it and it’s a very stable platform. Very easy to use as well.
  14. I agree with you. I, for one, will not be a new FlyQ EFB subscriber after being booted from my lifetime subscription like this. Unfortunately, I use SA for my Dynon databases so I can’t divest myself from them completely. I wonder how many customers they will lose by doing this. And guess how many of those lost customers will recommend FlyQ to other pilots. Probably close to ZERO.
  15. The same thought crossed my mind. However, while I think this is a BS move on their part (I have a FlyQ EFB lifetime subscription myself), I wouldn’t necessarily suggest litigation be the first and only course of action. While I think this is a bad business move that leaves a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths, I wouldn’t want to make it that a lawsuit could possibly bankrupt a company and maybe cause them to go out of business, thereby decreasing the amount of competition out there. I rarely used FlyQ EFB because it used to be glitchy and I just preferred WingXpro more. I think I got the lifetime subscription back in 2016 paying $400 or $500 for it. I guess it wasn’t a true “lifetime” subscription but with the little I used it I probably won’t miss that app too much. It’s still a BS move on Seattle’s part.
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