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Everything posted by 201er

  1. I think some of the MSCs and other suppliers try to stock up on common parts whenever they release them!
  2. Angle of attack indicator is very helpful for avoiding this type of scenario. Instead of doing math and thinking in final to adjust for weight, you just center the indicator with pitch like you center the ball with rudder. Speed will vary each time but the AOA will be the same which is the true goal.
  3. Apparently some people think Mooneys are crammed or that only an amputee can sit in the back seat. So to put all those myths aside, I got out my tape measure and share some real world measurements! Not what the books says or other people say. Here's how my Mooney genuinely measures up inside:
  4. Because it not only provides better cooling but also faster that way. But more like 1/2".
  5. My answer is in a video
  6. You never mentioned how you got over the “dumb looking tail”?
  7. True. I think this is why it gets confusing and leads to go around crashes.
  8. Can’t they just take an ATP crash course or something?
  9. It’s pitch down. You gotta be ready to pitch down because it already pitches up on its own when you add power.
  10. Do you snowbirds keep two hangars and pay them year round? Is it empty when you’re away for extended times?
  11. What order do you clean up flaps and gear in a go around. Feel free to elaborate on your entire procedure from the moment you elect to go around until you are in a normal climb mentioning things like throttle, cowl flaps, etc.
  12. Did you declare a "minor" emergency to ATC?
  13. A little bit of flying around NYC in a Mooney 201:
  14. No wonder Cirrus is so popular! Why didn’t Mooney think of including a pinball machine!?
  15. Yeah and then there’s the opposite case where someone like @Yooper Rocketman goes from turbine to piston Mooney.
  16. I found a picture of what that looked like
  17. Congratulations and welcome to Mooney ownership. Be sure to get appropriate Mooney transition training by a qualified Mooney instructor
  18. I’m pretty sure Mike Busch is the one who doesn’t believe in Red Box concept. Here’s the skinny of it, 8GPH or less, you can be at peak or any mixture. 8-10gph you want to be progressively leaner on the LOP side from 0 at 8GPH to about 25LOP by 10gph.
  19. Perhaps a gallery with lawn chairs for a couple FAA inspectors to grade everyone's landings and operations while you're at it?
  20. I love how intact the cabin is. Other than a bend to the center tube, looks unchanged. Even the doors open.
  21. That's why I used a Prop Pastie cover to keep it out.
  22. Word on the street is he went around late, clipped a tree, got turned and crash landed down the street 2 blocks from the airport. Unconfirmed.
  23. Relatively good news, injury not fatal: MANVILLE, New Jersey (WABC) -- One person was injured when a small plane crashed in a New Jersey neighborhood early Monday afternoon. The 2006 single engine Mooney M20M originated out of Piedmont Triad International Airport in Greensboro, North Carolina. One person on board was taken to the hospital with facial injuries. https://abc7ny.com/manville-plane-crash-new-jersey-single-engine-mooney-m20m/11708821/
  24. By the looks of it, I'm hoping that @mike_elliott won't be needed here.
  25. Location and direction of travel appear to be a Runway 7 Departure. Nearby stations reporting winds light, variable, or westerly.
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