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Everything posted by 201er

  1. I fly ROP every flight. Can’t have too much power to takeoff and climb in a 201. But at the cost of soaring gas prices, it’s just nutty to spend an extra couple gallons simply as coolant in cruise.
  2. ATC slowed me down in my 201 behind a Comanche on a victor airway. They finally asked him to do best speed and he said he already was! And that’s what? 260HP vs 200HP?
  3. It’s what you end up having to do when your friends are on BasicMed and can’t stop making up excuses like TFRs and illnesses they don’t have!
  4. Since so many of my potential safety pilots either went BasicMed or just don't like me, I just went ahead and did 6 approaches by myself. KLDJ 121915Z AUTO 19007KT 10SM CLR 22/14 A3031 KBLM 121856Z AUTO 06008KT 2SM BR OVC005 14/14 A3034
  5. Trevor Jacob, revoked with minimum one year wait to reapply. Trent Palmer, 60 day suspension pending appeal. Red Bull plane swap revoked for both pilots according to the latest. FAA is making an example of social media stunt goofballs but unfortunately the penalties are very mild considering the kind of publicity they are trading for!
  6. That was quick! It only took over half a year to revoke Trevor’s.
  7. Great... it only takes 6+ years to correct an oversight they made when bureaucrats passed it in the first place
  8. Not if the safety pilot doesn't have complex, high performance, time in make/model, etc.... plus if you don't really know each other, you might not want to give them that kind of responsibility and they may not want to take it.
  9. Ugh, can’t find someone to safety pilot who has a medical these days. Seems everyone has been going basic med. Vote if you have a medical or BasicMed and leave a comment if you fly for work. I’m curious if it’s only professional pilots getting medicals these days.
  10. I don’t think ATC has an obligation to release those to the news or public and even if they do it could take months. I’m just taking about amateur scanners that post online like liveatc.net, they wouldn’t be recording a discrete frequency that’s isn’t normally used by local ATC.
  11. I have a feeling approach talked him down on a discrete frequency that does not normally get recorded by scanners.
  12. Me too. Soloed in an L4 Cub. Before ever flying an aircraft with non-conventional landing gear.
  13. Definitely skeptical of the claim that the passenger had "zero" flight training. Perhaps someone that got 10 hours a bunch of years ago or perhaps a hoax. But, not something that goes this easily on the first try. He even understood how to punch in a squawk code on the transponder.
  14. https://flightaware.com/live/flight/N333LD/history/20220510/1515Z/MYAM/KPBI
  15. I'm going to be the first to say "it depends" how you classify it. By hours, most of my Mooney flying is for purpose and thus I voted as such in the poll. However, by flights or landings, probably mostly for practice. I can rack up 50 hours in 1-2 trips and make less than a dozen landings. But then in 10 hours of local flying and practice I can rack up 30 landings and get a ton of practice in. So it's hard to say and requires an explanation.
  16. Is most of your flying for practice or for purpose? Do you get your practice in amidst purpose flights? Or most of your flights local practice flights like patterns, maneuvers, and approaches?
  17. Lately my son has been fascinated by airplanes. Any time a jet passes overhead, he points and says "doo-goo-doo." It's his first conscious concept. He says the same sound for a jet, a Mooney, for the sound of a jet flying over the house, for a toy airplane, and in response to the word airplane. He's about 18 months now. So, it seemed like a fitting time to bring him to the airport for his 3rd flight ever. Unlike the first 2 times, he was particularly interested in all the activity at the airport. He was pointing out jets departing from Newark as well as the airplanes at the airport. Had to run to keep up with him. Did a short sightseeing flight up the Hudson and around New York City.
  18. With all the international flying I have done, not a single time has anyone ever checked for it. It’s like an umbrella, as long as you have it, it won’t rain.
  19. Hmm... in that case I'd imagine you'd wanna get your money's worth! And payback at coworkers
  20. Had a really close call with a Turkey Vulture on final to Andover Aeroflex with 2000ft runway. Had to make an urgent evasive turn. Surprised I was able to still make that landing. Then had a near miss with a Red Tailed Hawk on departure. And then a close encounter with a Bald Eagle on base. Of course @carusoam was slow with the phone to get any pictures so blame him. But we did get lunch and each got 2 points in the NJ99s Spring Challenge.
  21. Actually I'd imagine that raising flaps in ground effect would worsen climb over obstacle performance both through a momentary loss of lift during retraction and increasing the stall speed, climb speed, and Vx.
  22. Good thing they didn’t purge Anthony’s avatar or Mooneyspace might cease functioning entirely!
  23. Not to worry, I got my Mooney repainted so my avatar got an update since a decade ago. Now who I’m worried about is @carusoam, he hasn’t updated his plane or pic in more years than he can probably recall.
  24. Kneeboarding is uncomfortable, forces head down, and more likely to cause spatial disorientation. Yoke mount (either yoke) keeps your head upright and you can see attitude changes in your peripheral vision. The only good reason I can see for old kneeboard style was hand writing but that’s now obsolete.
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