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Everything posted by M20F

  1. After 6hrs of flying out fighting the winds to spend one day hunting antelopes it was nice to come home today with the wind at 200kts in 3.4hrs. http://flightaware.c...1705Z/KTOR/KBUU
  2. M20F


  3. Cheapest I have found thus far for those who are interested. http://oilstore.stores.yahoo.net/aerpisenoil.html
  4. My local distributor has stopped carrying Aeroshell 15W-50 any recommendations for online purchasing?
  5. Mine included all the probes, senders, etc. and replaces all engine instruments, vacuum gauge, OAT, Clock, etc. Also has weight and balance screen plus a bunch of other useful things. It was around $9-10K installed but that included cutting a new left side panel, moving some radios, and some other stuff to make it work.
  6. In your last picture it appears the heater box is disconnected?
  7. Don Maxwell said it was like a JPI but did an expletive so much more. I have yet to explore the more exotic features but thus far have been pleased with it. The only thing I really can't figure out are the LOP/ROP screens which sometimes pop right away, other times pop 30 mins in flight, other times never pop. It really cleans the panel up and puts things all in one place and having a TIT is nice for leaning up high (I have a RayJay in my M20F). Can't though give you a comparison to a JPI as I have not flown with one. The only annoyance is that the idiot lights which are not intelligent and can be distracting. I can't run my prop between X and Y over 24" but if I am under 24" it is ok, the idiot lights don't know that and so they flash yellow all the time (you can clear it which holds for 10 minutes for a yellow warning) that over the course of a 4hr flight makes me nuts. On take off my prop over speeds 2700 RPM a bit which leads to a red light. One day my fear is I am going to miss the oil line breaking and pressure going to zero because I am so conditioned by the red blip. The CO2 monitor addition I got with it works great, open the door while taxing it registers. Next year is long range tanks + speed brakes and I am done :-)
  8. Had one of these installed at annual and it works great except I really can't figure out how to get the LOP or ROP screens to work right. I pull back on mixture quite a bit, stop, and sometimes I wait 30 minutes or even longer for it to come up with the Peak ranges. Clearly doing something wrong. Appreciate any guidance by somebody who has one.
  9. I will try to post some pics of mine, they left the clock in (I love that clock) but also did a great job of fixing/wrapping all my PTT and Autopilot buttons. Well worth the money and they do really good work, very happy with the results.
  10. I have screens on mine but guessing by the other posts somebody put them on after the fact. Not exactly difficult to do if you so desire it.
  11. The did my yokes and very pleased with the work and the attention to small details.
  12. Quote: aerobat95 I am getting stuff for my panel upgrade and was wondering which I should get?
  13. How many hours were quoted for installation, the price seems high.
  14. 2 NAV/COM with G/S inclusive of a WAAS GPS is what I would look for. It is hard to beat a dual G430 with one or both with WAAS.
  15. Hi Craig yes it is and haven't noticed any issues with it in the year I have had the plane (the prop was part of the purchase arrangement). I can't comment though on before/after performance.
  16. New starter fixed the starter problem and the boost loss was related to the hose going from the air filter to the airbox that the turbo also feeds into. Hose was on but the clamp was not tightened at all which we didn't notice till we dropped the bottom cowling. Good to have a working airplane again!
  17. Since I got my M20F back from annual and upgrades it will only develop 3-4 inches on the Ray Jay which worked great on the trip down. We hooked a vacuum up to the exhaust today and the only leak I could find was coming from The EGT probe on the #4 cylinder which was installed along with an EI MVP-50. It wasn't a major leak but does anyone know from experience if this could cause that much loss of boost? We are having issues with the new Skytec starter (fairly certain at this point it is a dude) so couldn't see if that fixed the problem. Goes into the local MSC on Monday but interested in opinions.
  18. Quote: jetdriven Both had XM weather onboard as well.
  19. You have a W&B sheet in airplane that says X, you weigh the airplane and it says X+200. Why people argue that because the slip of paper says X they are legal/safe is beyond me. The paper doesn't matter, only the scale weight does.
  20. Quote: Lood I don't have much luck in determining which of their engine analyzers are approved as primary indicator
  21. Quote: M20Kid The one thing I like with Main Turbo Recommend they did the turbo normalizer on my M20F and did work on a C320 I fly as well.
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