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  1. definitely a problem for us as well. Not sure I could get my wife to ride a bike on most roads. I think this would scare her beyond being willing to try unfortunately. Maybe she could ride the bike and I could do this
  2. wow that's amazing. 15 years here and felt good about that. Hope I get another 25
  3. I did my IFR training in my Mooney and 15 years later I'm so happy I didn't do my IFR in a skyhawk or any other "trainer". Just make sure you are fully transitioned into the Mooney from a VFR perspective and then go for it. It's a great IFR platform. Unfortunately, I think you'll have better luck finding a rental/share of a different model. I don't know many (any) in the southeast that fall into this category
  4. I'm still rocking my Icom A16, but I'd probably go for the PJ2+ based on your 2 decades with the other sporty's radio. Plus I never have liked the UI of the A16.
  5. Per this thread, they literally shared the "personally identifiable" information that you point out above with another person...so is the policy being misread or did they violate their own privacy policy...
  6. "The User grants Savvy a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works, communicate, publish, and distribute such information. The license continues even if the User stops using Savvy's services." Looks like they whatever they want with your data. There you go. I suspected there would be an EULA with something like this called out. In today's world this needs to be shared very widely. -K
  7. craigslist isn't exactly where I would list my plane to sell.
  8. sidewinder here too for many years. No problem going up small inclines. Some hangars have a "lip" for the door and I have to help push there just a bit. Also struggles a bit if ramp is wet. Overall very happy with it.
  9. Not an expert on 210s but iirc the 210a (and maybe the b) is more like a 182RG, so comparing to a Mooney is not quite as far off from a mission perspective as a later (4+2, or 6 place) 210. I certainly like the 210s and capabilities--the Mooney just matches me better for now. I've heard there are some critical landing gear parts that aren't (or weren't 5-6 years ago) available so in the case of mistaken or mechanical failure resulting in gear up, you have to go looking at salvage yards for them. Not trying to scare anyone from the 210s. A good friend of mine has a 210 and I really like them.
  10. I think there was a bad batch of probes back around this time from EI (at least that's what I was told for the reason my EI probes went out so much). I originally had the fast probes on my CGR and pretty much all of them went out and were replaced, then those were replaced again with the "robust" or whatever they are called. I had better luck with the 3 round though still had issues. Fwiw, I couldn't really tell any operational difference in the fast vs "robust/slow". Of course I've had all of mine removed now but that's a whole other story. -K
  11. here we go lol...
  12. at risk of starting the debate...can't imagine why one would ever want to...I sure wouldn't go back...never
  13. Weird thing is that the "belly up" that I'm referencing in ~1986, happened on departure as well...broke ground on a hot Georgia day, yanked up the gear immediately (super fast electric gear on a '69) and it settled back down on the runway...within a month the pilot owned a 231...
  14. Sad to see N9135V sitting on its belly. My dad owned this for a while in the 80s. Ironically the pilot that purchased it from him did a belly up in 1986 within just a month or two of buying it.
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