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John Pleisse

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Everything posted by John Pleisse

  1. Well, it is a religious sacrament to some, an institution to others and a highly sought after prize of the LBGT community. No matter who you are, it is the one thing people do, whether religious or not, in front of their maker and anybody that means anything to them. And when people do it, it is their greatest hope. Why be so jaded? You're a good boy for marrying Catholic.
  2. The LBGT community wants three-way (and more) partners in marriage to be legal and accepted. This is the next quest. "Well, I am "bi"....I love Dan and Bob, Bob has bi tendencies and we all love each other, so.....let's ........... order up a child".
  3. I didn't have the wherewithal then...I do now. I'll tell you something, Mike. I was 32, just married and didn't have kids yet. A good friend and female elder (a feminist) asked why we didn't have children. My reply was, "well, I am just getting going in my career......we want to travel......I can provide better for children if I am more accomplished, etc." She said, "John, you have it all wrong. Raising children to be loving, caring, successful and purposeful people, requires energy, youth and vigor". She went on to explain that this is the basis of divorce rates, troubled kids and the likely decline of feminism. I had kids at 34.....damned if she wasn't right. My wife and I want more....but it is too late, for this reason alone.
  4. And this will be a ski lift ticket to the slickest slope one could imagine. Chipping away....chipping away............
  5. They just can't help themselves. http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/threeparent-babies-on-the-way-say-ivf-experts-2270078.html
  6. I have read most crusade versus Ottoman Empire crap. All the Italy invading Lybia in 1910 drool, which people explained away as the fall of world balance, instigating WWI...blah, blah, blah. I have also heard liberals speak of post mid evil, post Spanish Caliphate, Cordoba, when all three religions lived together peacefully exchanging intellectual and artistic thought....blah, blah, blah. You are wrong above. These people have been at this, not for 600 years, but ONE THOUSAND six hundred years. Like I said once before. The Moroccan's, the Berbers and the Ottomans are welcoming themselves back. Go give them a hug. Offer to bring some steaks over for the grill.
  7. They are so successful, it is a function of venue size. Because AOPA is local, FAA is local and there is a large GA base, the DC area seems to be a hot bed. There was an FAA seminar for an uncontrolled airport opening a class D tower. 500 people, standing room only in a massive hotel ball room. Good to see.
  8. And to a couple that is trying to get pregnant for 6 years, you say? If a mother is murdered in most states, that blob is 2 counts of murder (even before 3 mos)...you say? These are the very foundations for which we later, respect and value life. I won't discuss this further.
  9. How? Recently radicalized, online rants. Nobody knows for sure what made him crack, but something took him to the action of doing it. Explain to me what you think it was?
  10. Conception is life. It is absolute and not arguable. Everything after that, is a liberal slide ruler.
  11. Look, I'd bet if the anti-vaccine lobby offered stats, one would find the most agnostic bunch of any political lobby their is. In fact, these people are likely atheist, over educated, delusional and/ or paranoid. They want answers for their problems and they seek them in some level of science. Bunch a f$^king Subaru drivers. If this lobby twisted and contorted religious based statutes, THEY are misguided. In many states, the word used is "philosophical". As for Hobby Lobby...they don't want to pay for abortion pills and they don't want a mandate that forces them to provide it or their employees to use it. Now, reasonable people see the ACA for what it is and Hobby for what they are, a successful business run by people with conviction, that is willing to allow 27 other types of birth control, but morally abstain from offering abortion pills. That's all Andy, don't work for them if you disagree.
  12. AOPA holds safe instrument flying seminars at their office and at local hotels....so does the FAA Safer Skies Instrument programs. They are usually packed houses. I just noticed on the IMC Club website, there is a "brown jacket" award and other seemingly rote, lollipop type of incentives. However, I would never want to miss a great opportunity and would never undermine it. Likewise, if this is just frivolous and is more a revenue generator for a few publishers and the like, sorry, not interested.
  13. Re: Workers: Can I get you guys a tissue? Re: Vaccinations, these people are well funded and moronic. They have the right to not vaccinate their kids, but where they have won the battle is having their kid's admitted to public institutions-schools. In Maryland....just sign on the dotted line for "phylisophical" reasons. This is critical. When outbreaks happen, they will cite vaccinated kid's becoming infected anyway, as their defense. This will be hashed out as a civil matter. The anti-vaccination lobby will get crushed civilly, when kid's start dying. The civil liability for this will be stunning. The lobby won't have enough cash to buy a pro bono attorney a freakin' tuna sandwich for lunch. http://www.antivaccinebodycount.com/Anti-Vaccine_Body_Count/Home.html You think Jenny McCarthy will be french kissing Donny Wahlberg on New Years Eve this year? She's a hole with bad ideas.
  14. Could a few members on this board offer some feedback about IMCclub.org? Seems like a lot of reward-benefit driven rehash of the great work the FAA Safer Skies/Wings and AOPA already do, many of whose events and memberships I enjoy. As one of the many benefits of membership, you get a free subscription to IFR Magazine. Is this another revenue arm of Balfour or are they only related by the subscription offered? Do a lot of you enjoy membership to this organization? No doubt there is benefit and their purpose is righteous, but membership seems a little heavy and, of course, their website is adorned with many ads, clearly making money. Are they a non profit with a track record? Or a non-profit that meets the minimal standard? Or did they just obtain a dot-org URL? Thanks, John
  15. We'd have a 4 seat Culver Cadet. Already bought a little honey. 1955 Bo. 2300TT. Those who said Comanche...good call. How is it they fly and handle nicer than an Arrow?
  16. Whoops. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/02/01/obama-flubs-george-washington-lived-in-the-white-house/
  17. 1500/5 years on my 201. I ran mine until it leaked, 800/10. Careful, the OH is easy. Competent A&P talent is a must. Pre J's have a firewall plate that is removable, giving your guy lots of room for R&R. 201's there is no room. Another helpful caution, some gov's have muti small screw attach points on the control arm. The are screwed directly into areas of higher oil pressure. Most OH shops don't seal these requiring your guy to rubber washer and seal them. If they don't do it, you'll have oil on your FW. Also, be sure to check oil pressure line flanges...they crack easy from vibration. The blades and front should be easy-peezy.
  18. Hey Chris...at least you can get some actual down there....you know Maryland, well. Good on ya.
  19. I have a great PAC chart I can send you....total money, hands off flying, centered around 2400 rpm. M20J.
  20. You missed the entire point.... Walgreens, CVS and about a hundred others ARE. I need you right here, Andy.
  21. No, QE has propped up Wall Street buying and selling from the Treasury. So....a big fat rebate....right? Oh, the party is ending? I've done great.
  22. So, you didn't find it in the law? Too busy this afternoon? Strikes me as a win-win.......It must be a design of the ACA, right?
  23. I explained Maryland law and how it relates to the ACA, not once, but twice. My 401k??? The United States Treasury. So, in effect, a tax cut? Right?
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