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John Pleisse

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Everything posted by John Pleisse

  1. This is the LBGT's popular stance. They are obsessed with criminalization issues and often point to history. Health was an issue and is an issue and you know it. Since you are informed, please enumerate the health benefits. I've got all day.
  2. No, the rule of law, steeped in it's deep religious roots, some 50 years ago in an effort to curb a public health issue. Are these laws still relevant today? Good news is, labs and public health are now on the same page and the science is ten times better than it was even 5 years ago. Point being, stick your Johnson in the wrong place and your doctor will be the last to be notified. You'll be on a list at the county health department and a county health worker at your front door step to go over a pamphlet with you. You will also be forced into which treatment you'll get. Funny, never heard of any religious organization doing that. This may come as a surprise to you, but not every bedroom is "porn.hub.com".
  3. The previous question had been about gay priests. I thought you were taking a jab at "the brotherhood". As for your assertion above, of course they did, it was the center piece of political power and statehood, at that time. Today, sanctioned religious organizations own land and don't get taxed for it. Not much different. Why is that?
  4. Cheap shot and beneath you. Maybe something the Romans should have adopted....you know, your preoccupation with world history to prop you up when all other arguments fail?
  5. frcabot, on 05 Feb 2015 - 2:31 PM, said: Did it ever occur to you that a gay priest may love God, more than his own sexuality? Is this even comprehensible to you?
  6. Well of course he is. He doesn't have much else (you'll notice his constant preoccupation with everything 50 years or prior). He's got nothing but straws.
  7. Sorry Andy, you are considering they have your historical perspective....they don't. People don't vote on decade(s) old leaders policies...they want what they want, right now. They want to be safe, they want to work and they want to succeed. They'll figure out 4 years of Hagillary won't get it done.
  8. I actually bought into this, until I realized, they aren't getting jobs. They are now bored with Facebook, Inst, Twitter and are looking at the messiah they voted for at age 18 and finally putting two and two together. They are disillusioned because they are educated and not employed. They'll also start having kids in another 4-5 years, forever changing them and this massive population bubble (GenZ -largest since the baby boomers), will realize 8 years of public policy failures irreparably impacting their young adult lives. They want work....they want success, not hand outs and excuses. Won't be long now.
  9. It is still likely the pitch servo or computer. But you may want to consider the trim servo (obviously). If it is OK, you need to check the chain driven trim servo tension. Many times there can be tension issues and binding that send avionics tech's to all other trouble shooting options, when something so simple can create many problems, especially with the King 140 series...they are great, when they work.
  10. Glad you are getting your instrument ticket. You will be proud of yourself and be a great pilot. You will take off in controlled air space or be given a void time clearance. Your transponder will be tagged at about 1,600 msl and then you need to stay on that code unless otherwise instructed. You will follow IFR rules from the second you get a clearance or release. If you blow through a fix, cough it up and ask for help. Many times fixes are for traffic flows and you could be stumbling into oncoming traffic. If ATC figures it out first and queries you, give it up...comply..... and get back on track. They are all usually helpful and PP's themselves. My quick $.02.
  11. frcabot, on 04 Feb 2015 - 8:10 PM, said: This is so good.... I'll just keep copying it on every page of this thread. It really speaks a great deal of the exact intolerance you claim victimizes the American Gay Establishment. You have also brought up anti-sodemy laws. Now, you don't need more historical prospective do you? Let me indulge you. Once upon a time, long ago, in a world far far away, way before HIV, young men couldn't log on to "Adam-male" and order a twelve pack of Kimono's to protect themselves and contracted all kinds of little gems that were permanently sequestered to their prostates to pass on to whomever they pleased. Hetero-men who also liked to back door their wives, were equally dangerous and considered creeps and perverse. So, you see, morality and public health (at the time) went hand and hand. Still relevant today? Well of course, visit any church or in your case, any urology office. Your disdain for the Christian majority of Americans is quite open and I will contest you on this thread, as I have Andy, at every turn. I'll have you babbling your nonsense (noted above) in your sleep. I thought basic logic was a highly sought after attribute of law school candidates. No?
  12. Yes...and at that time, the majority of the world's populations were homogeneous, there was little or no world travel, no internet and sorry, no Daily Koz. So, you are making a moral based judgement....again, through a set of binoculars focused only on the present. You are also claiming basic virtue doing this.
  13. And they were wrong. Like all liberal points of view, you seem to take credit for the evolution of society, view the past by avoiding the context of 40 years of hindsight, because you don't have the wherewithal to develop opinion of current events as they are presented to us. The last four pages of this thread have been a joke. You guys have rattled on using: McCarthyism, anti-miscegenation, slavery, race......got anything pertinent to the way we live today in your wheelhouse? The biggest joke there is? Equating the struggle of the African American experience with basic sexual preference and thus, a civil right. Watching Rosie O'Donnell on TV equating the the American gay experience with that of Martin Luther King is a joke most Americans see through. Proof? Only 36, none by referendum. Oh, then there's Californna. When liberal democratic failures are so glaringly apparent, you guys revert to the old historical grab bag, claiming the past as a righteousness pulpit for your misguided present.
  14. This is a falsehood and is misrepresentative. Sure they want to repeal L v.Tx, but where you have gotten lost in your heretic point of view are bills put forth to include "reparative" therapy as an option......nothing else.
  15. Wow....we have a new leader. Daver...you can't get suckered in by these guys. I see they have tidily arrived at race relations and Christian bashing. Liberal defaults in hopes of shifting arguments to moral equivalency. I'll be right back....going to Home Depot to get you guys some tool bags.
  16. 29 of the founding fathers who signed The Declaration of Independence were deeply religious and wrote extensively on religious purpose. More than 15 were graduates of Seminary. "Suppose a nation in some distant Region should take the Bible for their only law Book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited! Every member would be obliged in conscience, to temperance, frugality, and industry; to justice, kindness, and charity towards his fellow men; and to piety, love, and reverence toward Almighty God ... What a Eutopia, what a Paradise would this region be." --Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, Vol. III, p. 9. They were wise enough to know the perils of theocracy, but also knew their conviction was absolutely, 100% faith based and had public purpose. I can do quotes all day...need a few more? Can I get you some Jefferson widdat? McCarthyism is no less misguided than to have our society stripped of these moral groundings. Funny, when it comes to Hollywood, turns out McCarthy was right.
  17. Here's the rub, it's how many people live. We have stripped prayer from schools, removed god from public places and you say religious protections are the problem? We have succeeded as a people for 150 years under the realm of basic Judean-Christian mores and values, but seem to think there is a better way. The after life? What you make of it. All three of the world's religions are steeped in the mystery of faith. What you put in, you get out. Is there a special place for us? I don't know, but the life you value more, seems to have greater purpose.
  18. I am not being adversarial or confrontational. Everybody sees life through their own set of binoculars.
  19. "You only live once"......"I'm doing it today, baby"......"we could all be gone tomorrow"....."What day is it, Piglet? Well, it's today, Pooh"....."live for the now"...... all mean nothing, without a reason.
  20. Everyone finds their path, the closer they get to "the home office". Libs more than anyone, usually scrambling around at the last minute.
  21. I'll be drained and concealed by then. 70%? I'din't gonna happen. we already are....gas, groceries, cable, phone, etc.
  22. Well...the same issues. In 1972 (Rv.W), the medical, scientific and feminist establishments said, don't worry, society will progress...everybody will get it eventually. Well, 43 years later, it remains our most divisive issue with the exact same percentages of supporters and opponents. They are now saying the same thing about gay marriage. In 2024, your blood pressure will be off the charts after 8 years of Gov Scott Walker.
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