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John Pleisse

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Everything posted by John Pleisse

  1. You forgot all of the disenfranchised latino votes, that are now suddenly welcome in our political process. Ya know, Roman Catholics. Yeah, California, America's greatest liberal bastion. They really pulled through, didn't they. It's like I am hearing President Obabbba speak....comparing faith loving American's traditional values to Nazi's. Funny, I don't view gay people that way. A stunningly pitiful, jokingly poor attempt at misguided moral equivalency. And I did mean attempt. The judiciary serves at the pleasure of appointment and is a grand political prize. And the great thing about legal precedent, it is constantly challenged. Structurally sound opinions will always confront legally binding precedent. The 5th district does great work. Sexuality is not a civil right, nor does it uniquely qualify one to be a "minority". It is basic human condition, which is why gay marriage law based on race, not gender, will ultimately be challenged.
  2. You forgot the part about how they won. 59% of Californians. Only outdone by being usurped by an activist legislature and judiciary, representing a small minority of Californians. It goes back to that little part I spoke of.....you can change laws all you want, you have to win over people's hearts.
  3. No comment...Ok, you are a little short.....
  4. I am not upset....I welcome it....marry at my parish....and live a Catholic life. BHO? Sorry Buddy, he'll work on his handicap and get it down to a -2. For a player of his talents, he'll struggle like Michael Jordan did for 5-6 years (and that's giving him a lot of credit), then he'll start shooting his mouth off again. Except at that point, he will have grossly over estimated his own relevance. Kind of like Bill Clinton showing up at the last 7 state southern swing in 2014 on his own volition and democrats asking him to leave. Can ya feel it? I'm feeling it. Your defense of gays, is more gay, than most gays I know. Time for a new act.
  5. Well. I think it is time for a public wager....and don't sling your dick around....like you usually do. Our favorite charity........ 2016. Come back?
  6. Right...and the gay establishment will be screaming heretics by 2016.5. They have over stepped and didn't fill their tank enough to get them through even a four year cycle, beyond Obama. When they become malcontent again...their anger and disgrace will be in full view. You know why? They have only won by usurping judicial decisions and radical legislatures, not the will of the people and they really didn't appeal to empathy and the heart. They have everything. They have forced anyone with whom they disagree into shame (Mozilla CEO, great ex) and now, they want the basic values and virtue of other Americans to conform to theirs. When the pendulum swings the other way and it will, they can go back to bumper stickers and yelling. Where they should be.
  7. Coming from the south Oscar, KJYO or KHEF are the best for Vienna. I would love to meet you if you come to Frederick, MD. You can give an in-service on your great video techniques. I can't get a Go Pro to stick to my plane (in a way I think is dependable). Lunch is on me. John
  8. Giving you insight to how these schools think. They go out of their way to provide an alternative to public school. I know the difference between restrooms, I am well versed on the entire LBGT community and likely areas you aren't. Point being, this is what these private schools have their antennae up over. You and I both know he is gay and I know the difference. Can't have it both ways....on the one hand, trash Christianity.....and on the other, whine and cry when you don't follow their ideology, known well in advance. Sure you aren't gay? You're really passionate about this. Must have a brother or something... EDIT: You are intolerant. You believe Christianity is wrong. You want Christianity to change their policies. Why? The whole world has been overly tolerant towards the gay establishment, right? Chrsitians don't poke their nose into gay business, quite the opposite. Gay...want to join my parish? Please come...we welcome you with open arms....BUT....be a Catholic....and if you can't, that's still OK......Please still come, but be politely discrete. In the Eucharist...there is a time to hug your partner, just like anyone else....show peace and love....don't demand Catholicism change.
  9. Not even close. First of all, it was CNN who characterized and broke the "no-go" stories...then Fox went with it. Brian Williams really went out of his way to FABRICATE AND LIE MULTIPLE TIMES. Big difference between, going with the wrong story and pulling back and OVERTLY lying. The guy is the face of the entire NBC franchise, including your beloved MSNBC......don't take it so hard.
  10. No...pretty imposing guy...about 6-4, nice and looks much older in person. He makes a very tidy living moving the message and will likely snag a cabinet or Czar spot in 2016. He is realistic about his chances and has good humility. His son is a truck. 8th grade, 6 feet and 235. All his kids are quiet nice kids and do well.
  11. What's wrong with this?? It is a private institution. The only reason they seek civil relief for abuse, is because the school is what it is and discrimination has no standing. Likely very religious and has a moral code. You may be outraged over it, but I can assure you they have a waiting list and this publicity just bought them a new gymnasium. My kids just finished three year's at a similar, faith based, very well funded and attended Catholic school. My oldest son sat next to Rick Santorum's son and my youngest son had three classes with Judge Bourke's grandsons. Why is this an issue or even offensive? I suspect he demanded openess and was disruptive. Maybe wanted to start a gay-lesbian club or have his own restroom...this is why we have public schools. This school didn't discriminate, they were up front about their purpose. BFD.
  12. OK...were you among the jackasses equating heart attack risk with terrorism risk? Fucking lipidemea Jihad.
  13. Dude...I'll bring my new driver and show it to you. Not the 3 wood in my jeans.
  14. OK... Obama's Prayer Breakfast Speech for $1,000.....OH!! THE DAILY DOUBLE!!! This freakin' tool goes off the teleprompter and I swear, he must have had Byron or Andy writing his speech. He goes on this long, lecture type dissertation about the history of Christianity in The Crusades and Jim Crow Laws. He spewed diarrhea of the mouth for about ten minutes on this subject, in the feeblest of attempts to drum up some moral equivalency with ISIS. Fine, we know what he is and what to expect of him, but unbelievably, he didn't make the same parallel with Islam. This moron calls out 600 year old and 80 year old failures of Christianity and can not call ISIS a failure of Islam?????? Christianity.....Crusades.....Jim Crow ISIS.................Crickets, no Islam You boneheads have to be worried sick....he ain't leaving' much for Hagillary.
  15. I don't know...your girl friend would have to be hotter than my unbelievably hot wife. Like you said...four walls. Thank God I thought you were gay, I would have really unloaded on you, but alas, a gentle, very factual hand. You seemed really worked up and far too knowledgeable on sodomy........ah.........ah........the answer is no.
  16. Don't worry Cabot....it's OK with us. It really is. We welcome you. You don't have to hide in the closet. It's OK to just be you. Please know we are a tolerant board and enjoy the company of all walks. Did I say something that may have made you feel uncomfortable?
  17. Oh...I'll bet you are.....And when you adopt or conceive by other means, you'll know the distractions that will keep you from your dieting and work out routine. Andy...you have yet to have kids too, right?
  18. Well, no they aren't. I just said my boss is openly gay. I also said I don't have a problem with gay people. I disagree with gay public policy and the awful behaviors of those who advance it. Their overt attacks on Christianity and their desire to ostracize religious faith with which they disagree. As for a physical affect.........wuh??? Have you lost your mind? You are babbling about what? You're behaving like a freaking queen. No offense frcabot.
  19. Like our friend Rosa parks, lots of other candidates existed, but openly Christian business owners were singled out for the New Mexico gay cause.
  20. Cry me a river. Intolerance? How about putting Christian doctrine and value in the tenable position of choosing between faith and communti\y. Again, sexual preference has wrongly been deemed a civil right. Vicious attacks by Republicans..........please......middle school drama...... Denied service? Take that cause up in federal court with a Muslim establishment....funny, doesn't happen, does it?
  21. Sorry, I am not bullying, so go sell that somewhere else. Suicide? Yes, the CDC is obsessed with it and for good reason. But again, you haven't answered my question and likely won't. I have many gay friends who have point blank told me I don't know what I am missing, so the benefit must be deeply psychological and not medicinal. Again, you introduced this to the thread....enlighten me.
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