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John Pleisse

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Everything posted by John Pleisse

  1. Update!! CNN, MSNBC and NY Times.....already dropping the word "Atheist". They are so sensitive of people's beliefs.
  2. I guess, at the national prayer breakfast, the President forgot to warn us about those crazy, dangerous Atheists running around. Did non believers even have a seat at the prayer breakfast tables? http://www.jpost.com/International/Suspected-atheist-in-police-custody-after-allegedly-killing-three-Muslims-in-US-390682
  3. The Lord hath no pity for C-172's doing B-747 patterns. Likewise, "say your active", followed by the proverbial "taking the active", fully complimented with..... "traffic advise", are also sinful, IMHO. I don't like pattern people who overtly abuse "lower", "ahead of" and "right of way". You were cut off.
  4. XXOO, Andy, Mike, Byron and Cabot. http://www.ijreview.com/2015/02/247232-msnbc-hits-decade-low-ratings-cnn-suffers-fox-dominates/ Then there's this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bH9JvZFpK08 And subsequently......this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2HvC0ARg5c Oh...and.....um.....well.....this: http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2015/02/msnbc-suffers-lowest-ratings-in-a-decade-202135.html Hope you are having a nice afternoon.
  5. Precisely my point.
  6. The context is an IFR candidate or newly minted rating. Sure, it is great to file just to stay in the system for procedural currency, but as is often typical, one may have 270 hours of one habit and only 70 hours of another, newer habit.
  7. There is a lot of discussion on this thread about being on an IFR flight plan while in good weather and the like. If you are concerned about blowing through a fix or messing up, this is exactly how to do it. You file in good weather and go, then you are lulled into VFR complacency and behaviors..... looking out the window and not following IFR rules to the letter. When I am in the soup, I usually don't make big mistakes. When I am on an IFR flight plan, but basically in VFR conditions, this is when I make big errors or do boneheaded stuff, mostly procedural.
  8. This is great...thanks for the info.... Here's some great footage from some great Bonanza guys in Paraguay. They not only have the Go-Pros on board, but used a Go Pro on a drone hovering at their, obviously, uncontrolled drome.
  9. This is correct, the ES will light up your "hockey puck" (service volume) so the Stratus will provide you ALL traffic targets. Otherwise, you'll be mooching off of other ABS-B Out equipped A/C's as they pass by, mostly airliners who zoom by pretty quick and may leave dated info behind and a false sense of security.
  10. This is my point about 3 and 4 point harnesses in aircraft. In a high G crash, nothing will save you, but in a survivable crash, occupants can "submarine" under the lap belt or out the shoulder belt. The new 5 points somewhat address this. In a low-G off airport landing into trees or a corn field, I want to walk away or survive. Not be a quadriplegic or dead.
  11. Well...you're right...and the first rear-end he ran into is very mitigating to any good civil liability attorney. Human life claims usually are in the $4-10mil judgements, though.
  12. Actually, there was a rear end collision in his path that had already occurred. He then plowed into both of them causing the initially rear ended car careening left into the on coming path of a Hummer which created the head on. This person in a Lexus 400 series was then killed instantly. They believe he was fast and on his cell phone. They are pulling his Escalade black box and cell data. If he was hands free, he may be off the hook. If the cell was on his ear, or a none voice text went out, he's in deep trouble and the cause of death. Lawyers follow the money trail.
  13. Demographically, CNN is too. They are desperately trying to skew younger with a breaking news/ Anthony Bourdain-Lisa Ling mix. They both attract the same "old lady bath tub", "Blue-Emu Cream", "Wounded Warrior" ad dollars, but what is most interesting is MSNBC's abysmal performance given the state of political power in America, only a third that of CNN's numbers. This cannot be explained away entirely by aging demography, but rather poor ideology. Many progressives believe there is a new world order in media, where the TV is an obsolete relic and that young people "get" their news from web sources, but this alone can't explain Fox's success. I would submit, there is nobody offering a forum of unbiased news and Fox is the closest thing. Fox also has similar success on Foxnews.com. Ideology on Fox? Sure....no doubt. Comparing Fox's ideology with NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC combined.....well you know as well as I do, that's a five on one gang bang. So then it becomes, whose lack of objectivity wins? Well, Fox.
  14. Bruce Jenner is in a world of hurt. He will be penniless if not in the pokey for a decade. Distracted driving. That's gonna put a ding in his gender reassignment budget.
  15. Again......with Fox doubling the other cable networks combined (not in conservative prime, but daily news), you are assuming you are much smarter and better versed on issues than their viewers. Fox is successful because, the other networks are biased and had an agenda for 9 years. People are smarter than you think they are. They see through the crap and want to know what's going on without getting the public middle school version.
  16. And I responded to jetdriven once on this thread. It was CNN who broke this, then Fox and others went with it. It was later, responsibly redacted. Also jetdriven tried to equate Brian Williams personal disaster to this. Big difference between a compulsive liar and a TV network that realizes they went with the wrong story and redacted. Not even close.......not even dissimilarly close. I was OK with Brian Williams indiscretions until the Katrina stuff came up. And I'll bet you everyone is digging right now. Taking a sabbatical won't make this go away.
  17. That what he has been doing with ISIS. Walking around in the woods, bugeling.
  18. Tort reform, reasonable regulation, small tax increase, fair competition by region, basic pharma reign in. This isn't hard stuff.... Oh, btw....none of which the ACA addresses. He moved the needle...time for him to go and take credit for it for the rest of his life.
  19. frcabot, on 07 Feb 2015 - 12:58 PM, said: Obamacare will always exist, primarily as a safety net for those unable to get insurance. Kind of like state run insurance funds for bad drivers. That'll be about it. Rep's will get the ACA down to 28 pages. Obama keeps his legacy, Republicans safe face and the American people will move on to healthy competition, reasonable regulation and the great coverage they once had. The Republicans will gut the ACA like the fat, sick pig it is.
  20. That's just it...there is nothing regressive about not supporting bad public policy. In fact, it's patriotic. When progressives suggest that some day everybody will "get it", they have pretty much failed. As for Obama and you being on the fence, you deserve to be. You likely weren't on the fence in 2008 and 2012, making your current state of mind, well, regressive.
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